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My Visit to Watson’s Pet Products

Arnie demostrates the Bottom's Up LeashI don’t care much for big cities. But I was certainly glad to meet Arnie Costell – owner of Watson’s Pet Products – when we were in Los Angeles. Arnie loved his senior dog Watson so much, he developed the Bottom’s Up Leash to help him walk.

Watson was nearly 18 years old at the time and had developed a condition that seriously affected his mobility. The Bottom’s Up Leash enabled Arnie to walk Watson with ease for both of them.

I figured this could come in quite handy for rear leg amputees like my friend Sami. So we met with Arnie to learn about the leash, then hooked up with Sami to give it a try.

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Time for a Reality Check

Dr. Mazzi listens to Jerry's lungsI went to the County Line Animal Hospital in La Habra today for a refill on my heartworm medicine since we’ll be on the road and off the beaten path for at least the next six months. While we were there, the nice vet convinced my people to get some x-rays of my chest.

Jim and René have always said they would rather not know if my osteosarcoma had returned or metastasized in my lungs. They believed I would let them know if the cancer came back if and when the time came. But the doctor recommended x-rays because he believes “it is better to know than to not know” … so, they agreed and I went through with it for them.

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Costs of Caring for a Tripawd

Jerry at Myrtle Beach, SCToday we got a heartbreaking email from someone who cannot afford the amputation surgery costs for her beloved 5 year old Rottie.

I have him booked in to be put down on Friday so he does not suffer any more pain. I do not have the finances to cut his leg off.

Is there places I can find that might help me financially before I have to put Toby down? What would the cost of this be? What are the long term costs?

First of all, does anyone out there have any ideas for our parent? If you do, please post them here ASAP.

My Mom told this parent to check with a local vet teaching hospital. One other thing she wanted to mention was that if a parent can’t afford to have it done by a qualified vet, please consider not doing it at all. That hurts me to say it, but the costs of post surgery complications may be astronomical if a vet doesn’t have experience.

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