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Buying Time on an Emotional Budget

When it comes to cancer treatment, it’s not about what things cost. It’s about maximizing quality of life and preparing for the inevitable.

Lao Tzu Prayer Flag Teaches ToleranceI have cancer.

I acknowledge the fact that it will take me someday. But this is by no means an excuse for complacency. And it is no reason to be sad. Au contraire, mon chien. It is a fact of life, and death. And it calls for celebration of every beautiful day.

As the alcoholics say, acknowledgement is the first step. But it is the most important one. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. It can wreck havoc on human emotions.

The recent discussion thread about when to say when in the Tripawd forums really got me thinking about how much people hurt when they lose their beloved furry friends.

It also showed me what great support people can have for others in need.

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You can help spread the word!

Help spread the word with free Tripawds cards!Tripawds, that is. The word, I mean.

Thanks to Tripawd Forum member Crystal Grange, we now have an easy way for you to help spread the word about canine cancer awareness and support tripawds everywhere!

Using the links below, you can download cards and fliers to print and distribute in your local area to let people know about this website.

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Happy Six Month Ampuversary, Zeke

Tripod Dog Outlives Bone Cancer DiagnosisWhen a dog is diagnosed with bone cancer, veterinarians tend to give pawrents the worst case scenario. In my situation, my doctor at UC Davis said I would be lucky to get six more months out of life. Ha! Wrong!

Now, we know that their intentions are good, but when humans learn that their beloved furry friend might only have a couple of months of good health left, it’s too easy for them to focus on that number. Sometimes, pawrents don’t want to put a dog through amputation because they think he won’t live long enough to recover from it.

But many times, that’s not what happens.

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