Three is the magic number around here, which makes today’s Tripawd Tuesday even more fantastic. Not only is it the third of October, but nine years ago today our Tripawds founder Jerry got his angel wings after nearly two years loving life on three legs.

If you’re new to the Tripawd life, you may not know Jerry’s story. He was the magical canine who inspired us to create this global community. When that boy lost his leg to osteosarcoma in 2006, we thought it was the end of our days together. But the day he hopped out of the hospital, our hoppy Tripawd led us onto a path that would not only change our life but that of thousands of people and pets all over the world.
Jerry taught us the ABCs of life
Always take time to smell the flowers.

Be More Dog and live each day to the fullest.

Create your own adventure wherever you roam.

Is this a Tripawd with Lung Mets?
In the video below, you can watch a happy Jerry swimming and having a ball. And yep, it’s an epic five minutes but that’s what we did back in the day when we all had longer attention spans!
You will also see a dog who has lung metastasis during the end stages of osteosarcoma. He’s not too hungry for his ampuversary cake. Slowly, gently he was preparing us for the inevitable. And although Jerry’s puppy energy was in the rear view mirror, he still made the most of the present. What a lesson for all of us.
For those lasts gifts of his and so much more, we are forever grateful for the dog who changed our lives. Long may you run Jerry.
Read All Tripawd Tuesday Stories
Your Pet Can Star in Tripawd Tuesday
Each Tuesday, Tripawd dogs, cats and other critters from around the world can enter for a chance to be “Tripawd of the Week.” Just share your Tripawd’s story and you’re entered to win! On every Tuesday of the week, tell us about your three-legged hero. Just follow these easy steps:
- In a short paragraph or two (or longer if you’d like!), describe your three-legged hero’s story.
- Include photos or links to videos already uploaded to YouTube.
- Include a link to your Tripawds Forum topic and/or Tripawds blog, social media handles, etc.
- Email your story and photos to us.
All entries must be received by Saturday at 11:59 pm. One Tripawd story will be selected at random to be featured the following Tuesday.
Hoppy Angelversary, Jerry boy. Although you never met us, you’ve certainly made a difference in our lives, giving us hope for more time with Zato when there was none to be found. For allowing me to reassess my narrow definition of quality of life. And for teaching me to be more dog, and to follow Zato’s lead and just enjoy every day.
BTW!!! The video really pulled at my heartstrings! Jerry is STILL so happy…..STILL being Jerry and savoring every moment with his beloved humans! And my goodness, Jerry visited some of THE most scenic spote Nature had to offer! And Nature must have felt like she was visited by some spectacular “beings of light” who knew how to appreciate her gifts!
Aww thanks Sally. We think that the scenery had a lot to do with Jerry’s longevity, he really loved being on the road.
And Rene said:
“But the day he hopped out of the hospital, our hoppy Tripawd led us onto a path that would not only change our life but that of thousands of people and pets all over the world.”
Happy Hannah and I have been one of the thousands whose lives were touched because of Jerry and his humans! Not just “touched”,but transformed.
Readiing this beautiful tribute and watching his “celebration of a great life” video, I reflected on the specific ways Jerry impacted my Happy Hannah’s life, and mine.
Bottom line:BEFORE I joined this site, I was seriously starting to think I would need to “put down” my Happy Hannah on day six after her amputation. I had ZERO preparation on what to expect; ZERO support and follow-up from her Surgeon; I didn’t know about traction. I didn’t know how really tough some recoveries could be. I was exhausted emotionally and physically; I was COMPLETELY alone and absolutely gutted because I believed I had made such a horribly cruel decision for my Happy Hannah.
Day six I joined Tripawds. Day Six Jerry’s team threw me a life line and pulled me to shore. Tripawds offered me reassurance, support, information. They brought “normalcy” to an insanely”abnormal”‘ scenario!
I found my courage through Tripawds. I wasn’t alone!!!
My Happy Hannah and I had a GLORIOUS…and I really mean that…we had a GLORIOUS fourteen months of additional bonus time for loving and spoiling and fun!
Yeah, that’s just one way Jerry impacted my life. And I know that story has been repeatedl in some form or another over the past ni e years! And Jerry’s not through yet!!! Not by a long shot!
With immense gratitude, I thank Jim and Rene for staying the course day in and day out for all these years! 24/7, holidays, mornr, noon and night, they are always here offering information, comfort support AND even technical support!! :-). Truly, two of THE most caring, kind and compassionate people I know!
From my grateful heart!
Sally and My Chunky Spiritual Being Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
Sally you made me all watery-eyed, thank you for your beautiful words, your love and friendship. And for sharing your experience with Hannah here, you summed it up so well! What a transformation you made during Hannah’s recovery and after too. How beautiful to know that Hannah is guiding YOU as you provide such compassion and care to everyone in this community. You are a gift that she and our Jerry brought to Tripawds. We are the lucky ones. Thank you for giving us the encouragement and the support to continue doing what we do here. xoxo
Hoppy Angelversay Jerry!
What a great legacy he has. He’s definitely touched many lives from the Bridge.
Thanks David. I know he and Rocky are getting along splendidly.
Hoppy 9 year Angelversary Jerry. Thank you for showing your mom & dad this journey so they could create this wonderful community in your honor. You may not realize it but you have helped thousands and thousands of people and their furry babies.
Jim & Rene thank you for doing what you do for us. Keeping this community going and helping all of us.
Thinking of you
hugs xoxoxo
Michelle & Angel Sassy
What a sweetie you are Michelle, thanks! We’re honored that you’ve been following Jerry’s lead and helping others yourself. Every day you, Angel Sassy, Bosch and the girls are there for others and help make the world a better place for people who need a shoulder to lean on. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping to carry on Jerry’s legacy through such kindness and beautiful, loving ways. xoxo