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Why and how dog parents should create Topic Tags in Tripawds Three Legged Dogs Discussion Forums.
Why and how dog parents should create Topic Tags in Tripawds Three Legged Dogs Discussion Forums.
Announcements, news and links from throughout the Tripawds Discussion Forums and Blogs community
Tripod dogs get together at the Longmont Dog Park in Colorado on Sunday August 16, 2009.
A three legged dog’s recuperation from femoral head osteomy on his remaining rear leg.
Tripawds Mission: To maintain a community of support for those faced with amputation for their dogs, by providing resources and a platform for discussion.
Schedule your own tripawds live chat room discussion times
Three legged dog parents help raise funds for canine amputation and bone cancer awareness website.
Web server upgrade fundraising ChipIn! campaign status report
Tripawds website supporters receive free custom art of their three legged dog and other family pets
Help support Tripawds with contributions for our server upgrade which will help keep up and running at peak performance for our growing community of three legged dogs and their people.