Many weeks ago, I hurt my knee somehow. Maybe I caught the frisbee one too many times, I don’t know. But now, my doctor thinks that I have a partial ACL tear, and she recommended acupuncture treatment to help me feel better. I know that I don’t like Tramadol, so I was willing to try anything, even getting pins stuck in my flesh.
Meet Dakota, Our First Tripawds Angel Exchange Donor
Dakota, a three legged Shiloh Shepherd dog, donates DoggLegg vets to other tripod dogs in need.
Try Natural Flea Relief For Your Tripawd Dog
Suggested natural flea product to help control fleas on dogs with cancer.
Announcing the Tripawds Angel Exhange
Tripawds Angel Exchange connects three legged dog owners giving away pet items, with tripod parents in need.
Two Tripawds Reach Miraculous Milestones
Two large tripod dogs outlive average life expectancy prognosis for bone cancer dogs.
Bye Bye Snow, Here Comes Summer!
Three legged dog plays and barks in the snow in Silverton Colorado mountains
Some Hoppy News About Cancer Research
Canine cancer research and news from Morris Animal Foundation.
We will miss you Lalla.
Grieving over the loss of tripod dog Lalla, from bone cancer.
Coping with Loss: Why Dogs Don’t Live As Long As People
Advice for coping with the loss of a beloved tripod and other dogs.