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The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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10 September 2022 - 11:45 am
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Wow welcome back, I'm so glad you decided to post. Like Sally and Karen I can relate to your struggles. We had to make that decision for our Wyatt when he reached 12 years old, and was no longer having a good quality of life. But like everyone says, those markers are different for everyone.

Have you talked to your wife about what here QoL indicators are, versus yours? Is there a place in the middle where you agree? You both have to be on the same page or this will make the day even harder.

I'd say your girl's behavior is pretty typical for a big ol' gal. You might want to consider the Penny Jar Method to decide where she's at right now, if you hold off on the euthanasia appointment. This links to an older post but it's a goodie, and still very helpful. Here are a couple of others you might want to check out:


Member Since:
15 June 2017
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12 September 2022 - 11:16 am
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Thank you three so much for the kind words and advice.  There was lots of talking with the wife and snuggling and spoiling Beast Ann.

We said our goodbyes this morning and were at her side as she went to sleep and moved on.  She gave so much for which we will forever be grateful. We were given an extra 5 years by the amazing doctors at Mizzou and I hope she loved it as much as we did. 

Thanks, Mike, Jessica, family, and our memory of sweet Beastie. 


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22 February 2013
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12 September 2022 - 4:46 pm
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So many of our beloved, truly beloved family members  have headed to the Bridge (or soon will be) the past few days.  And now how beloved, smoochable, big dog Tripawd RockStar ran free today.  She ran free on all four legs, strong and fit.  She was sent off surrounded  by love and that's  all any of us could ever want.

I have doubt doubt Beast Ann thoroughly  enjoyed all the spectra snuggling  and spoiling.   Although,  not sure how you could top all the loving and spoiling  she's had 24/7 every moment with her hoomans.

Without question  Beastie knew how muchyoy loved her.  And she knows you loved her enough mto release here from her earth clothes  that were failing her. 

It truly jas been a privilege  to get to k ow this gentle Soul.  She will always ani inspiration for any larger dog on this journey.   She created quite a legacy here that will be referenced  for many years to come.

I mentioned  to another memver that Queen Elizaveth would be at The Rainbow Bridge reuniting with all her Angel Corgis while greeting the new arrivals.  Can you imagine  thescent when Beastie tries to push the little Corgis out the way and jump in the Queen's lap?

We know you have sone rough times ahead as the sadness sinks in.  We also know yiu have so many hapoy memories  that will soon come to the forefront  and help push the sadness away.

When you can, we would love to hear more abput  the wonderful  life you shared with Beast Ann

Surrounding  you with Beastie's sloppy kisses

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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12 September 2022 - 10:21 pm
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Ohhh I'm so sorry icon_cry You made the decision together, and that meant so much to your girl to know everyone was on the same page. When there is that kind of peace within the family, a soul can move on to their next assignment, without worry for the people they left behind. Beast Ann undoubtedly knew it was the right time for her to get those gorgeous angel wings. 

She had an amazing, beautiful run, and showed the world how even supersized doggies can make happy Tripawds. She beat the odds in so many ways. What a gift to all of you, and our community as well! We are honored that you let us in on your journey. Beast Ann will be deeply missed by everyone. 

I love this video I found of her. If you feel up to it at some point, do come back and share more about her incredible life. You are always part of this family.

Member Since:
15 June 2023
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24 June 2023 - 2:57 pm
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This is a wonderful story.  I think that most people here would take 5 additional years with their dog.  I know that I would.  Although that would make her the oldest Saint Bernard on record.  I would take 12-18 months if I am being honest.  About to treat mine ELIAS and this has put some of my unease to rest.  

thank you for sharing.

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