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Anniversaries of Pups Who Have Passed
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On The Road

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24 September 2009
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3 August 2017 - 4:06 pm
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Can it really be the third of the month already? The number 3 means so much around here. Today marks eight years, eight months since Jerry got his wings. We can picture him in the heavens, playing in perfect green fields with his dear lady friend, Heidi. They were quite the pair.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
16 October 2012
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3 August 2017 - 6:48 pm
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Wow, Jerry I am honoring you today.  We think about you a lot around here with you, your mom & dad there wouldn't be a Tripawds.  Thank you for teaching all of us


Michelle & Angel Sassy


Sassy is a proud member of the Winter Warriors. Live long, & strong Winter Warriors.
07/26/2006 - Sassy earned her wings 08/20/2013

05/04/2006 -  Bosch, Sassy's pal, earned his wings 03/29/19  fought cancer for 4 months.

"You aren't doing it TO her, you are doing it FOR her. Give her a chance at life."

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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3 October 2017 - 9:39 am
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heart NINE YEARS ago today we set Jerry free from his broken body...

Hoppy Angelversary Jerry G Dawg

JerryImage Enlarger

Jerry G. Dawg
Tripawds Founder & Chief Fun Officer

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Green Bay, WI
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18 May 2014
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3 October 2017 - 11:45 am
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Hoppy Angelversary Jerry....your mom and dad have a great way to think about today...."9 years ago today we set Jerry free from his broken body"

In time, I hope to have this same view for free boys!

Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

Nitro 11 1/2  yr old Doberman; right front amp June 2014. Had 6 doses carboplatin, followed by metronomic therapy. Rocked it on 3 legs for over 3 years! My Warrior beat cancer, but couldn't beat old age. He crossed the Bridge peacefully on July 25, 2017, with dignity and on his terms.  Follow his blog entitled "Doberman's journey"

"Be good, mama loves you" free my beautiful Warrior


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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3 October 2017 - 4:19 pm
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Screenshot_2015-11-17-20-17-51-1.jpgImage Enlarger

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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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22 February 2013
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3 October 2017 - 4:36 pm
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Screenshot_2015-12-06-20-29-17.jpgImage Enlarger

So Jerry, what is "boondocking" and is it something you still do at the Bridge???


Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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3 October 2017 - 10:40 pm
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Paula, I can just see those boys now, running healthy, happy and joyful, with no pain and all the energy of their puppy years. Nitro, of course is leading the way! Keep the happy visions of him close to your heart and in time they will outshine the sadness. It will come, really.

And Sally thank youfor sharing these good times! You picked some of our favorite photos of our life together. That last picture says it all: live it up everypawdy and don't let anything stop you from living your dream.

"Boondocking" is a term used by folks like us who live in dog houses on wheels. It's what you do when it's just you and nature out there on the open range, camping and not being plugged into those fancy things like water, electricity and sewer. Totally self-contained and free, just the way this pack likes it.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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10 October 2018 - 7:01 pm
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This year was the 10 year anniversary of the day Jerry got his wings. Here is the tribute video and blog post we made for the occasion:

Celebrating Our Tripawd of the Decade (and a Lifetime)

Tripawd of the decade Jerry angelversaryImage Enlarger


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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3 May 2019 - 7:37 pm
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Today is May 3rd. 10 years and seven months to the day our Jerry G. Dawg got his beautiful set of wings. Not that anyone's counting.

The number three, the third of the month, is always a special symbol to us. It's the day of the month that Jerry became eternal, but three is also the magic number in so many ways as you know.

Today, and all weekend, we are keeping an extra candle lit for Jerry, and all his Tripawd hero pals. That's because on Sunday Admin Guy and I are running our first marathon. And when the going gets tough during those miles, as they inevitably will, we know that what we experience won't be nearly as tough as what our Jerry and all our Tripawd heroes have ever been through when losing a leg. Their courage will inspire us all the way to the finish line.

We love you dawg.

aftermath_02.jpgImage Enlarger

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
16 October 2012
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3 May 2019 - 7:51 pm
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Thinking of you both as you do this marathon.  I know Jerry and all of our Angels will be with you and watching over you as you run this.  Sending hugs

Michelle & Angels Sassy & Bosch


Sassy is a proud member of the Winter Warriors. Live long, & strong Winter Warriors.
07/26/2006 - Sassy earned her wings 08/20/2013

05/04/2006 -  Bosch, Sassy's pal, earned his wings 03/29/19  fought cancer for 4 months.

"You aren't doing it TO her, you are doing it FOR her. Give her a chance at life."

Green Bay, WI
Member Since:
18 May 2014
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3 May 2019 - 8:02 pm
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Indeed the tripawd angels will be at your side, cheering you on! Good luck, congrats for scratching this off your bucket list.

Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

P.S. Will you run it together or will one of you pull ahead? You should've trained with Wyatt in the stroller - he would've loved being along for the time smiley2

Nitro 11 1/2  yr old Doberman; right front amp June 2014. Had 6 doses carboplatin, followed by metronomic therapy. Rocked it on 3 legs for over 3 years! My Warrior beat cancer, but couldn't beat old age. He crossed the Bridge peacefully on July 25, 2017, with dignity and on his terms.  Follow his blog entitled "Doberman's journey"

"Be good, mama loves you" free my beautiful Warrior

Member Since:
1 October 2017
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4 May 2019 - 7:03 am
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If you hear thunder while running your marathon it is probably all of our Angels running above you to keep up and cheer you on! Good luck, I have no doubt you will rock it like you rock everything else!

And get pictures! Thoughts will be with you this weekendsp_hearticon2

Sending lots of hugs and much love,

Jackie and Huckleberry sp_hearticon2


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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4 May 2019 - 9:20 am
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Look at the happy boy all wrapped up in "stuff" he loves to shred!  So much joy and pur glee in those eyes. Such a great way to always remember  the happy life he had with you 😎

So excited  to hear you two will be doing the marathon!😁   Kudos to you for stepping  up and taking on the challenge!😎   And you absolutely  will be having your entire Tripawds Family and all the Angel's(lead by Jerry)  cheering for you!!

And as an additional  incentive for the Admin Guy, perhaps we could put a "lure stick" out in  front of him.  And attached to that lure stick would be the Almighty  Google Logo that he could smash to smithereens  when he catches it🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Can't  wait for the uodate! 


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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4 May 2019 - 1:41 pm
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Hahaha thanks ladies! Your optimism and cheerleading is felt from across the miles, we need all we can get 😉 I love the vision of thunder happening when we run, because here in Colorado in spring, that is entirely possible!

And nope, Admin Guy is waaaaaaayyyy faster than me so he will definitely finish first if all goes as planned.

We will keep you posted.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Southwestern Ontario, Canada
Member Since:
22 November 2012
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8 May 2019 - 6:58 pm
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Absolutely LOVED that 10 year anniversary video!!  Loved him playing ball and digging in the snow!!!  lol

when he started howling.. Annie ran in the room and put her paws on my lap staring at the screen.. I turned up the volume and she looked at me.. lol

Hopefully you guys had a good marathon!!  I'm sure Jerry beat you to the finish line!!!!  lol

Christine... with Franklin, Maggie & Diesel in her heart sp_hearticon2

Franklin, he was the Happiest Dog on Three Legs! Diagnosed 09/26/2012 with Osteosarcoma, amputated 12/4/2012.  Had a wonderful 5 1/2 months painfree until he ran for the Bridge on 5/15/2013.  Always in my heart, and always a guardian angel of my pack...   You can follow his Tripawd Adventures, before and after, in my blog, Frank'n'Farter!

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