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Anniversaries of Pups Who Have Passed
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22 February 2013
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5 September 2015 - 11:04 pm
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Ya' know Jerry, that picture of you...that beautiful picture of you standing in front of the cool pristine blue waters...the sun reflecting off of your golden fur...the summer flowers by your side...surely this is a glimpse into what a day at the Rainbow Bridge looks like. No wonder you decided to head on over to that magical Paradise!

Every single person here on this journey was blessed with more time with our dogs and cats because of you. The life lessons, the soul's growth, the compassion and love and empathy we've developed for complete "strangers" as a result a result of your mission is astounding! Did you ever think you would have that type of impact during your earth time here?? Actually, of course you did. That's why you came.

Thank you Jerry G. Dawg. Without you,I would not have had an additional 420 days and nights to love my Happy Hannah. Without you, I would have missed out on her slobbering kisses, her wagging tail non stop, her happy smile, her Roo Roooooo greeting whether I was gone five seconds or five hours, her friendship and companionship and, most of all, her love...I would have missed out on her love and the non stop fun of spoiling her every second of those 420 days YOU gave us!!

From my heart,

Sally and My Chunky Spiritual Being Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Westminster, MD
Member Since:
31 August 2013
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6 September 2015 - 10:40 am
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What everyone else said........ Thank you Jerry, your amazing spirit lives within us all here...... 🙂


Bonnie, Angel Polly, Pearl, and Zuzu

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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3 December 2015 - 10:31 pm
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Today is 86 months since we said goodbye to Tripawds Founder and Chief Fun Officer Jerry G. Dawg...not that anypawdy is counting.

Long may you run dawg.

Image Enlarger

Jerry 10/1998 - 10/03/2008

Who is Jerry?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Southwestern Ontario, Canada
Member Since:
22 November 2012
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4 December 2015 - 9:07 am
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They are forever in our hearts... that's why we count!!   big-grin

Today would have the Franklin's 3rd ampuversary!!    As I sit here I can remember getting the phone call from the vet and them telling me that he was okay.. and snoozing... and.....I can still feel the wave of relief in my heart and the tears on my cheek....

Christine... with Franklin & Maggie in her heart♥

Franklin, he was the Happiest Dog on Three Legs! Diagnosed 09/26/2012 with Osteosarcoma, amputated 12/4/2012.  Had a wonderful 5 1/2 months painfree until he ran for the Bridge on 5/15/2013.  Always in my heart, and always a guardian angel of my pack...   You can follow his Tripawd Adventures, before and after, in my blog, Frank'n'Farter!

Member Since:
12 March 2013
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4 December 2015 - 9:34 am
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And Franklin's banner was at the top of the page when I opened it.

Murphy is a five year old Lab/Chessie cross. He was hit by a car on 10/29/12 and became a Tripawd on 11/24/12. On 2/5/13, he had a total hip replacement on his remaining back leg. He has absolutely no idea that he has only three legs!

UPDATE: Murphy lived his life to the fullest, right up until an aggressive bone lesion took him across the Rainbow Bridge on April 9, 2015 and he gained his membership in the April Angels. Run free, my love. You deserve it!


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22 February 2013
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4 December 2015 - 10:33 am
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Franklin will always remembered here...always! Such a happy boy! He, and Maggie too, touched us all!

And our beloved Jerry, always so alive with every word printed on this site. And we always get to relkve your joy with every delightful picture that chronicles your carefree life of adventure and so much love!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Tolland, CT
Member Since:
7 March 2013
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4 December 2015 - 10:28 pm
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As always, I'm a little late.  But I echo these thoughts and feelings; we hold them-and each other-close in our hearts always.  They-and you-are the best part of the journey we are all on.  Blessings and peace to all. - Liz and Angel Princess Rooooooooooooooooooooo

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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5 December 2015 - 10:11 am
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Liz, you are too sweet, thank you. Hugs to you and the pack now & always, hoppy howlidays!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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3 March 2016 - 10:22 am
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Hard to believe it's been 7 YEARS AND 5 MONTHS since we set Jerry free from his broken body, not that anyone is counting... way-cool

This is why we celebrate his life on the third of every month! We miss you dawg, your legacy shall live on.

How I chose my time to go.

Life Lessons on Spirit Jerry’s Day of Remembrance

Jerry's Story & How Tripawds Came To Be

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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22 February 2013
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3 March 2016 - 10:55 am
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For the past 6 minutes and 28 seconds I've been watching this with that choked up feeling in my throat. The sounds of a bit of a cry stayed there though and never surfaced.

The "knowing" that Jerry lived his life exactly as he came here ro do, and had a blast doing it, filled my heart with joy instead of tears.

Jerry was a nature boy and clearly enjoyed being out in it moreso than any other long as he was with his beloved Jim and beloved Rene. I always like the videos of him in the truck as his head pokes out the window breathing in all the scents of the outdoors he so dearly loved. He knows his humans are driving him to his next jaunt in nature, filled with an extensive supply of big sticks!

Thank for sharing these treasured glimpses into Jerry's life. Of course, he's our hero, of course he continues to have an impact on lives, of course he has helped us all here jave extended quality time for loving and spoiling with our dogs and cats, and, of course, he has given us the gift of enlightenment to those who are open. Yep, he's done all these things! Jerry's family album always reminds us that, while teaching us all these life lessons, he took it all in stride and had a spectacularly exhilarating life of so much joy just "being dog"! What a priceless gift to us allsuperstar

With love and appreciation always!

Sally and My Eternal Light Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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3 March 2016 - 2:17 pm
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Ohhh Sally, you have such a way with words, thank you from all of us. We had teary-eyes here too, looking back at Jerry's life with us with so many good times. The song is a real tear-jerker too, it's one of our faves.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Schofield, WI
Member Since:
13 August 2015
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3 March 2016 - 2:39 pm
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Without Jerry there would have been no Tripawds.  He had a mission in life that was entrusted to him and yourselves too Jim & Rene.  Thank you Jerry for sharing your pawrents with us all and helping them to go on with the legacy of love that you left them with.  Precious Jerry memories in that video.  He was sure one ultra special Dawg!

Linda, Ollie, Riley & Spirit Mighty Max

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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3 March 2016 - 3:44 pm
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Thank you so much Linda, Ollie, Riley & Spirit Mighty Max. We are gonna keep blubbering here, you are so sweet.

We take a lot of comfort envisioning Jerry and ALL our Tripawd angels in the heavens, watching out for our earthbound heroes. They're all helping current Tripawds show the world that animals are way more resilient than we ever imagined. It's so neat to picture this big party!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
16 October 2012
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3 March 2016 - 4:09 pm
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I too got teary eyed and welled up watching this.  I know without him and you both that I may not have given my girl a chance to fight the way she did and love her even longer.  Meeting all the great people on this community has been and is a blessing.  I know you continue what Jerry was sent here to do as I continue to pass on Sassy's legacy by helping others. 

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  <3 <3 <3  

Happy Tripawd Day Jerry.


Michelle & Angel Sassy


Sassy is a proud member of the Winter Warriors. Live long, & strong Winter Warriors.
07/26/2006 - Sassy earned her wings 08/20/2013

05/04/2006 -  Bosch, Sassy's pal, earned his wings 03/29/19  fought cancer for 4 months.

"You aren't doing it TO her, you are doing it FOR her. Give her a chance at life."

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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3 March 2016 - 4:18 pm
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Aww right back at ya Michelle! You have been such a big part of this community, we are a zillion times stronger and better because of your and Sassy's love. THANK YOU!

Now, time to go buy more tissues...

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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