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Jerry Featured on PBS: Why We Love Cats And Dogs

Update: The NATURE episode of “Why We Love Cats and Dogs” can now be viewed online. You can watch the entire episode, or jump to Parts 2 and 5 for Jerry’s story.

Finally!!! We’ve been keeping this secret ever since last March, when I had my first Santa Fe veterinary oncology appointment

Jerry PBS Nature Why We Love Cats and DogsWe are excited to announce the upcoming premiere of NATURE’s WHY WE LOVE CATS AND DOGS airing nationally on PBS Sunday, February 15th at 8PM (check local listings) NATURE is produced by THIRTEEN in association with WNET.ORG for PBS.

We were met at Dr. Mullins’ office by the show’s wonderful producer and camera crew. They followed us around for a couple days to capture the incredible bond I shared with my people. Then when they heard I was getting sick on the ranch, they visited us again for some more quality time together on camera.

Filming Jerry for PBS Nature Series Show Why We Love Cats and DogsThe program gets personal with animal behavior experts and pet owners to find out why people are so attached to their four legged friends.

Or in my case, three legged!

There should be a great deal of info as the airdate gets closer, and we’ll be sure to keep you posted as we hear more. Tell your friends and mark your calendars!

My people are off to the TV Critics Conference in Los Angeles tomorrow where they’ll be sitting on a panel when NATURE announces and previews the show. Stay tuned for more details or download the Nature Press Release PDF.

This is truly exciting for my people, but bittersweet without me. We owe it all to Luke at 2 Dogs 2000 Miles who told the NATURE producer about us. Puppy up my friend!

21 thoughts on “Jerry Featured on PBS: Why We Love Cats And Dogs”

  1. This is fantastic news…We can’t wait to see you on our big screen! I’ll take out all of my Barneys for the occasion – I am still chewing on my new one that your pawrents brought me a few weeks ago! We love you Yerry!

  2. This is awesome! We are so proud to be a part of Jerry’s tripawd family! Jerry Dawg you are wagging and smiling down on us from above…
    Love you,
    Kim & Buster

  3. Woohoo!! Next it’ll be “Jerry G: The Movie.” You rock boyfriend! Move over Marley, you don’t have a patch on my guy! I’ll be there with nose to the TV on 2/15. Cant wait!!!!

    Big Love,
    Codie Rae

  4. It is sooooo about time!! We’ve been waiting for this so we don’t have to keep it a ‘secret’ any more! Can’t wait…just wish the J dog could be on couch watching it too eating his favorite popcorn and drooling. Cool deal about sitting on the panel…should be an AMAZING opportunity to keep spreading the word. Please put up a post about how many additional hits above the average you’ll be getting once the night is done and then after the broadcast. It should blow the doors off!

  5. RATS!!! That is when we will be up in the Yukon. I will have to get someone to record it for me! How cool, and how appropriate to be right around Valentine’s Day.

  6. Congratulations Jerry! You are always so uplifting and always making people feel so much happier. I will make sure to write this date down and check our local listing so that we don’t miss this special show. I hate that I have been gone so long but my Mowmy is still having a hard time missing me. Needless to say my 2 brothers do a great job to keep her busy and distracted but sometimes she just feels sad and cries but one thing that helped her a lot was that she was brave enough to go and watch Marley and Me. If you have not seen the movie my pawrents truly recommend you do. It is funny, sad but most of all a beautiful story about relationships and the bond that exist between us and our human person. So don’t miss it! I hope that everyone is doing well and I wish all of you a great 2009!!!! Love you all, Kellie


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