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Fighting Osteosarcoma with My K9 Immunity Clinial Trial

Metronomics and K9 ImmunityHooking up with the wonderful people at the Veterinary Cancer Care clinic has been great for my health. The clinic is very forward thinking. Not only are we treating my cancer metastasis with the Metronomic Protocol, but I am also participating in their K9 Immunity Clinical Trial.

Mom and Dad knew about K9 Immunity, but had never tried it before. It’s a supplement made from medicinal mushrooms, that’s supposed to help my immune system out. When I first got sick, they chose to focus on giving me a narrow list of supplements to keep me healthy, so that they could eventually measure the results of my supplement regime against osteosarcoma dogs who had not been on those same supplements.

But then my cancer returned, and Mom and Dad decided to take out the big guns. The Veterinary Cancer Care clinic is doing a clinical trial with K9 Immunity, and I am so happy to report that I was selected for it.

Learn More About K9 Immunity Plus at: and

What Are We Trying to Find Out?
The people who make K9 Immunity decided to sponsor this trial, because of the lack of hard evidence out there that immune-boosting supplements like K9 Immunity actually work. At the Veterinary Cancer clinic, patients with canine lymphoma, mast cell tumor, osteosarcoma and splenic hemangiosarcoma are elibigle to receive K9 Immunity at no charge if they met the criteria. Pawrents though, are responsible for follow up tests and the like. Seems like a fair deal to me!

Jerry Runs along Rio GrandeIn this study, dogs will get K9 Immunity alongside conventional chemotherapy treatment. Then, the pawrents are responsible for keeping very detailed records about my everyday life. Like, what I ate and when, what my activity level was like, and even what my poo was like!

Participants are evaluated for: Tumor remission status, disease free interval, survival time, conventional therapy side effects, and overall quality of life. The information will be compared to dogs who didn’t receive K9 Immunity. It’s a long-term study and the results won’t be published for at least a year, but I’m so happy to know that I’m helping to fight osteosarcoma.

So far I feel pretty great. I’m not experiencing any side effects from my low-dose chemo, and my energy level is the same as it was before we know about my metastasis. K9 Immunity seems to be working just great, in my book!

Next week I have a follow up appointment at the vet to see how I am doing. I’ll report back then and give you the whole scoop on how K9 Immunity is helping me out.

20 thoughts on “Fighting Osteosarcoma with My K9 Immunity Clinial Trial”

  1. Dudley – my Tripawd greyhound is about half way through his 6 weeks of chemotherapy(carboplatin) our oncologist was not keen that he took any supplements whilst having chemo. I was wondering if you knew of any dogs kaking K9 whilst having chemo and how if affected them


  2. Hi Boozerdog, thanks for writing!

    Well, it has indeed been a while since I’ve been on K9, but I haven’t written about it for a while because I’m doing great on it. My pawrents mix my seven pills into my food every night, and I don’t even notice them. I know, I’m funny that way.

    Life is good, and I’m still getting around great. Yep, I’m slower with age, and although I see that it makes my pawrents a little sad that I don’t walk quite as far or play quite as hard as I used to, they are still hoppy that I’m up there, getting outside and having fun. At my age and state of health, everything is all about quality, not quantity.

    Keep an eye on your weight loss though. Have you talked to your vet about it? You know I was losing weight fast for a while, and my pawrents fattened me up with cottage cheese mixed in my food. That worked so well they had to cut back on it a little! Try that. But do have your vet keep an eye on it OK?

    Thanks for writing. Why don’t you join us over in the Forums and tell us more about yourself?

  3. Hi Jerry, I hope that all is going well with you. The last post I see is April 12 and today is Aug. 1. How did K-9 immunity work for you? I am a flat-coated retriever 13.5 yrs with lymphoma. My mom and dad just started me on K-9 immunity and Trans. Factor yesterday but I am losing weight by the day. I still eat though and my spirit is the same! I have a longing to be able to get up and run with my two other companions (dogs) and chase squirrels but I just can’t move fast enough. I sure hope this works because my mom is especially sad to lose me. I hate taking NINE pills a day and mom can’t seem to hide them from me so I really need to know if there is a good chance this will work with my new beefy diet cause if not, I don’t wanna swallow all those pills! No chemo for me either…thanks Buddy! please let me know…

  4. Hey Girlfriends! Thank you for the good thoughts and candles. I’m doing really great, so much better than my Mom and Dad ever thought I’d do on chemo. It’s really no big deal at all. Who knew?

    You two are the BEST too! You are inspawrational gals yourselves!

    I’ll report back later this week when I visit the vet. They’re going to poke and prod me but it’s all for a good cause and reason, right? Right? 🙂

  5. Thanks everyone!

    And Kellie … FYI: Your computer may not be acting up. Unless you are a registered user of this site, and logged in, your comment won’t appear until we moderate it … which we just did, as you can see.

    Thanks again, I’ll be hangin’ in there now for quite a while …

  6. Hey Jerry hang in there pal. If I sent this note twice pls forgive me but my mom’s computer is acting up. Thanks to you my Mom ordered and started me on the K-9 Immunity supplements as soon as she read about it on your site. So far so good for me also but my real journey begins next week. I will let you know how it goes. NGU, love, prayers and lots of licks…Kellie

  7. Hey Jerry you hang in there. My prayers are with you! I am glad to hear that you are not having any side effects and that the K-9 seems to be working for you. I guess I can also do my own clinical trial on this as my Mom started me on K-9 after reading about it on your website. Thanks to you I got a headstart. Will keep you posted on how it goes next week after my surgery. Lots of licks! and like you say…NGU!!!!!

  8. Hey Jerry,

    We just tuned in here for the first time since I don’t know when. Dang it Dawg, this sucks! I am glad to hear that you are feeling fine and it sounds like Rene and Jim are coping well and just remember, you have this whole community rooting for you! I will be really interested to follow the results of the K9 Immunity Trials–I seem to have some autoimmune thing going on and my mom is looking into different methods of boosting my immune system.

    My mom will light a candle for you every night so we will remember to send you pawsitive energy every single day. Keep on keepin’ on you fabulous boydog.

    We LOVE you,
    Codie Rae


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