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Another Tripawd Shows The World What We Can Do

This is Bill, my buddy from Illinois. He just had surgery five days ago, and doesn’t he look great? He’s already playing fetch around the yard, and trying to take on a very big apartment staircase, all by himself. But, his parents are freaked out about the stairs and playing too hard, just like mine were after I had my … Read more.

Jerry Loves Kool Dog Kafe Treats!

Back when we were staying at Whistler Gulch Campground in Deadwood, my people received a package with their recent mail. This included a bunch of goodies for me from the Kool Dog Kafe. I won their Kool Dog Photo Contest last month so they sent me a bunch of yummy gourmet dog treats. Just look this movie to see how … Read more.

The Badlands Ain’t so Bad

This is supposedly one of my distant ancestors. Looks like a stiff to me. But not bad for being 37 Million years old! My people took this picture of Hesperocyon Gregarius at the Badlands Visitor’s Center. From the heat outside, I don’t think I missed much. I stayed in the trailer which remained pretty cool while they were gone. They … Read more.

New movies online!

As promised, we’ve posted some new movies to my three-legged dog videos page. You can see me swim at Keyhole Wyoming State Park and catch frisbees at Devil’s Tower, WY. We’ve had some time to do this catching up while staying at Whistler Gulch Campground in Deadwood, SD while on our full-time RVing sabbatical. My people have spent the past … Read more.

One Tired Dawg

We’ve just updated my photo gallery with a few new pictures from my full-time RVing adventure but I’ve been having far too much fun to do much more. New movies of me swimming at Keyhole Reservoir and playing Frisbee at Devil’s Tower will be coming soon, I promise. Did you know it was originally called Bear’s Lodge by the Native … Read more.

Don’t Feel Sorry for Me!

I just love this full-time RVing roadtrip I’m on with my people! I enjoy traveling and meeting all the new folks and dogs everywhere we stop. I just wish strangers wouldn’t feel so sorry for me when they see me. I get along just fine on three legs thank you. I have one more than most people after all. Just … Read more.

Finally, Weather Fit for Civilized Dawgs

I’m cool, and I’m loving it! Finally, we found some real forest and got out of that sandy desert scene. Here I am in camping outside of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, where the weather was a cool 70-something all week. I played, I hiked, I swam. And when I was done, I got to relax on this lovely piece of “lawn” … Read more.

Jerry Visits Doc Holliday’s Grave

We’re finally heading North, trying to beat the heat, but it is still hot. And my people still insist on taking me on crazy hikes. This one wasn’t so bad, just half a mile up from the highway in Glenwood Springs, CO. It just seemed like straight up. I’m not sure what the big deal was about this walk. I … Read more.

I can’t wait to meet Buzz!

I just got an email from my cousin Buzz Lightyear. He looks cool, and that aunt Helen is pretty cute too! I can’t wait to visit them. My people plan to spend some time at their home when we pass through Troy, NY on our full-time RVing adventure later this year. Check out our road trip map to see how … Read more.

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