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Titan new tripawd tomorrow
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10 August 2008 - 3:46 pm
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My vet felt some thickening in the area that was bothering him ... basically swelling or inflamation.  Cold packs are best for swelling and inflamation so that is what we have been using.  Hot packs are good for pain.  You can try both to see which seems to help him more.

Remember that in addition to the valium, Radar also got a steroid shot which may be accounting for a good deal of his improvement.  Steroids are not for every dog and your vet will be able to tell you if this is an option.  Also if your vet does give you valium you will notice that between the weak leg and the valium he may seem a bit unstable when he first wakes up.  We are keeping our more playful kids away from Radar so they don't knock him over and limiting his outdoor time to on leash potty breaks only.

Give Titan a scruffle for us.

Connie & Radar

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10 August 2008 - 3:53 pm
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Thanks. I am trying to keep him low key today. I notice at night he gets more anxious probably because he usually sleeps upstairs and I am not letting him do that. I have been using some moist heat on the area of swelling on his incision so maybe I will try to use something on his back leg

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10 August 2008 - 9:13 pm
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Not to sound overprotective but should be concerned when titan lays down he is on the right side where he is limping on the rear leg and had the front amputated? I know people said they do what is comfortable. I think the warm compress is feeling good to him on that rear leg. I tried the cold but he started panting like he was stressed out when I used that.

Heidi and Titan

On The Road

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11 August 2008 - 7:55 am
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Oh being overprotective is OK, you humans are good at that!

Glad to hear that the heat is helping his rear leg. I know that I like it too, but what I don't like is when my Mom fusses with the heat pack and tries to get it "perfect" on my leg. I say just let me lay on it and leave me be to enjoy it. Otherwise I get all antsy llike Titan.

Don't worry about which way Titan lays. He's doing what feels good. If it looks like he needs some assistance getting up from that position, it's OK to help if he takes more time than usual to get up. My pawrents try to keep an eye on me when I'm in an awkward spot. They don't want to rush to my side to help me get up everytime, because they don't want to give off vibes that they think i"m helpless, but there have been lots of times when they have come over and helped me get up (my harness is great for that). No worries, we all need a little help sometimes!

You're both learning to cope with Titan's new physique, try not to worry, it'll be second nature soon enough.



Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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11 August 2008 - 11:14 pm
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Titan is finally sleeping and resting. His panting and antsiness has stopped. I notice he wants to be left alone so I have been giving him his space. I am hoping in a few days he will be much better. I think that sprint he did caught up to him. He was full speed like a horse. I know I just have to be patient.......


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12 August 2008 - 8:36 am
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Good to hear that Titan is resting now.  That's what he needs most and his body knows it.  The fact that he is no longer shivering and antsy is good sign.  That means he is relaxing and the muscles/tendons can start to heal.  As he starts to feel better his old personality will return and he will come to you and let you know (Radar did).

hugs and scruffles

Connie & Radar

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12 August 2008 - 12:05 pm
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Hi Titan...sorry I've been busy playing ball lately (well actually, Mom has been overwhelmed at work so we haven't checked in for a few days)...take it easy pal - all the advice that you've gotten is great - I can't think of anything else to offer except doggie prayers and support. Tell your mom to try and not worry so much, what will be will be and one of the most important things that she can do for you right now is to be positive, upbeat and happy.

Lots of love from Mom and I.


Heather and Spirit Zeus - Our life changing journey…from the earth to the heavens…one day at a time…always together

On The Road

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12 August 2008 - 5:47 pm
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Titan said:

I know I just have to be patient…….



Glad to hear he's allowing himself to heal. Try not to worry, k? We're all rootin for the boy and sending our love your way.


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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12 August 2008 - 10:29 pm
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So here is the most recent update on Titan. Yesterday I called the vet because I noticed where his leg use to be there were 4 staples loose and oozing still going on. They told me not to worry because it was probably a sarcoma. I told them the problem was I could see in there(meaning in Titan) I don't think they understood what I said. I called back today saying I would like to email them some pics. I didn't want to post the picture on here it is kinda gross. I was told my regular vet was out today and no one had a way of checking him email. I asked if  I could send it someone's personal email I was told "oh no." I was told the covering vet could see him but I may have to bring him back tomorrow(Weds). I told them if they couldn't do anything for Titan today I am not going to stress him out and bring him there twice. They told me to use warm compresses. Well as soon as I did that the flood gate opened. It had burst. I went through almost 2 hand towels and 1/2 a roll of paper towels. I called them and told them I was going to bring Titan to the emergency vet to get him help TODAY!!!! They put me on hold. My vet picked up and said he had stopped by and wanted to know what was going on. I know I can act like a hypercondriact(sp?) when it comes to Titan but I obviously know when fluidish blood is running like a faucet that is not good. He staying the night there and they put a drain in. It ws a sarcoma. If they had listened to me at noon I could have brought him there before it burst. Also if they had told me he could spend the night I could have brought him earlier. I am so upset. The one good thing that came out is Titan has been low key for a couple of days and not wanting to really eat or get up. I figured it ws from his rear leg. When that think burst he was a whole new dog. He was wagging his tail, wasn't limping on his rear leg. So he must have been uncomfortable. After Titan is recovered I am thinking about switching vets. I also called the surgeon yesterday to let him know my concern and he never called me back. I am so disgusted how this has been handled. When my vet first told me about Titan having cancer he told me he it was very agrressive and I should probably not do anything. He led me to believe there was no hope Titan had 3-6 months. I am so frustrated with this whole system......

Titan's mom Heidi

On The Road

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12 August 2008 - 10:44 pm
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Titan said:

It was a sarcoma. 

Heidi, we think you mean "seroma," right?

Man, we are so sorry you had to go through this in such a rough way. We really wish more surgeons would let their patients know that seromas can  happen. If it makes you feel any better, my surgeon at the renowned UC Davis vet school neglected to tell us about seromas as well. They are sooooo gross, just like you described. Thank dog it's not life threatening.

You definitey weren't treated the way you should be, and I would complain about that. I can't remember....are you going to do chemo? If so, I would definitely look for another vet center, quickly. If not, then I would take a moment to ask around for referrals to other vets, so that if you do need urgent care later on down the road, someone will actually treat you with respect and call you back. I think one of the best places to ask for vet referrals is at a trusted dog boarding/daycare facility near you.

Glad to hear Titan is tail' waggin' again. Whew, what a scare. Hang in there, things will get better.



Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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12 August 2008 - 10:52 pm
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Yes I meant seroma I am so fired up about this. I am going to a different place for chemo. They are a cancer facility. I got the surgeon's name from my boss(she sold his house). I think the vet was agitated I didn't take their "normal protocol" They wanted to know how I got hooked up with the surgeon blah blah blah. They would have referred me to this surgeon anyway. Do they get a referral fee and their not because I found the surgeon on my own? I told them my boss called him for me but I told the vet secretary since this ia an aggressive form of cancer I didn't have time to wait around. I felt I had to take action. If that means not following the normal protocol than so be it.  I mean this vet made me believe there was no hope. So I did my own research to decide on my own after hysterically crying for 3 days. I decided I had to pull it together and find out everything I could to make an educated decision for Titan. I knew seromas were common but it really didn't look like one to me. His shoulder was a little swollen but it drained out to left of that where it found a hole. I thought the muscle at first was just swollen since it was a major surgery and Titan is a big dog.


On The Road

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12 August 2008 - 11:12 pm
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Oh we don't blame you at all. You are definitely taking the right actions and doing all the right things. We're glad you found a cancer center and will move on to that phase.

Hang in there k?

P.S. Just a thought, but you might want to discuss negotiating Titan's overnight hospital bill when you pick him up (if you haven't thought about this already). After all, if someone from that office had called you back and seen him today, they could've just drained that nasty seroma in the office right there, instead of making you wait and then requiring this to turn into an expensive, overnight visit. 



Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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12 August 2008 - 11:18 pm
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I am going to see what the bill is and then figure that out. The vet on the phone said the nurse was trying to get me in there for Titan to be seen. I called at noon and they told me they couldn't see us until 4pm and then we woud have to wait. But the nurse said they didn't think they could do anything today. What would you tell them without sounding ungrateful or too pissed or insulting? I just want Titan to have the best care possible. I mean if they had taken this serious yesterday it could have been dealt with yesterday when I first called. The surgeon is a traveling surgeon so he is not part of one practice. So they are probably going to tell me it's not their fault. They said it was from overactivity I told them he has barely moved since Friday. So they will probably say it was when he bolted that 25 yds Friday. I mean we paid $2250.00 for Titan's surgery not including all the tests.


On The Road

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13 August 2008 - 2:48 pm
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First of all I wouldn't let them blame Titan for overactivity. Running 25 yards one single time is not overactivity. That's bogus. And you paid a heck of a lot of money. I would bring that up, and just say "work with me here, please, this is a lot of money and I would appreciate some kind of break on the overnight stay since it wasn't our fault that he had to stay over. I did my best to call and email and you guys wouldn't help me out when we needed it."

I know, not easy to say but it's your right as a consumer. Stand your ground.

Hope Titan's feeling better today. Give him our love.


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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13 August 2008 - 3:31 pm
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So sorry to hear that you and Titan have gone through this.  Vets are supposed to be there for the animals, not for the doller signs.  Uh... do they forget that dog folks talk to each other?  Treating you that way was definitely unacceptable.

Radar and I are sending lots of pawsitive thoughts your way.  Hope Titan is home and feeling better soon.

Connie & Radar


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