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Titan new tripawd tomorrow
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7 August 2008 - 7:36 pm
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I was thinking for when dogs get their stitches out. I will keep looking how about LL Bean. There is also a place Kittery Trading Post near me I can check it out.


On The Road

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24 September 2009
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7 August 2008 - 7:39 pm
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You're awesome! Thanks so much! It's so helpful to have others on the lookout for cool Tripawds stuff 🙂

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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7 August 2008 - 7:50 pm
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No problem it is the least I can do. You guys have been great to Titan and I. I wonder if REI or Eastern Mountain sells anything.? Do you know of some good booties for the winter? It is hard to fin stuff for Titan because he is so big. By the way I will be putting my order for some mommy and daddy tripawd wear I LOVE IT! I will check out if the dog one is bigger enough for Titan. He has been wearing L tshirts right now. His bandage change is tomorrow. He even met my husband at the door tonight when he got home from work. I am just amazed how quickly he is picking it up. I am still trying to keep him from puching himslef too much.

Heidi and Titan

On The Road

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7 August 2008 - 10:22 pm
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Titan said:

Do you know of some good booties for the winter?

Yes! Ruffwear makes awesome booties!

[Image Can Not Be Found]

You can read about them here, and if you'd lik to order some, you can get them directly from us for $58.95 including shipping to anywhere in the U.S.

We'll be adding them to our store in the future, but for now if you'd like some, let us know and we'll order some for Titan.

So glad to hear that boy is doing well! Yep, they learn fast. So inspwarational!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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7 August 2008 - 10:38 pm
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So you just order them by the pair right? I will check them out thanks.

On The Road

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7 August 2008 - 10:50 pm
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Yep, price is per a set of four. You can also order them individually for $15 each plus shipping.


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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7 August 2008 - 10:57 pm
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Thanks. I think Jerry needs to come out with his own dogwear coats etc...

Member Since:
28 May 2008
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8 August 2008 - 10:21 am
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Hi Titan - soooooooooooo glad to hear that all is going well. We knew it would. 🙂

Lots of licks,



Heather and Spirit Zeus - Our life changing journey…from the earth to the heavens…one day at a time…always together

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8 August 2008 - 11:32 am
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Titan was up and down all night. He seems to just want things back to as normal as they can be. This morning I let him lay on our porch. I had the windows open so I could hear him. I heard him get up told him to wait and as I got outside he had got down the stairs to pee. Then he ran off. I caught him after a little while so right now he is pretty tired. Don't understimate these guys they are sneaky!!!!!!

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8 August 2008 - 12:57 pm
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We are going to the vets to get Titan's bandage off. He is also limping a little on one rear leg(the same side of his amputation) I am thinking he puleed a muscle. My husband is upset at me. I never thought he would have the strength to take off. I was trying to let him lay on the porch. Now I feel bad like I hurt my baby boy!


On The Road

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8 August 2008 - 1:52 pm
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Titan said:

Now I feel bad like I hurt my baby boy!

Oh Heidi, please don't beat yourself up. Forgive yourself...remember, live in the moment, have no regrets.

There's been lots of instances when I was set on doing something that my pawrents didn't want me to do. Stumbles, getting tired from playing too hard, scraping my nose from eating too many trees....they're all things that we dogs just have to find out on our own. Please don't feel badly OK? Titan will be fine, I know it.



Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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8 August 2008 - 7:52 pm
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The vet said he is a little concerned but it very well could be a muscle or tendon pull. They feel they really can't do anything about it with the amputation. They would have put him on the meds he is on. So pray for Titan that it isn't anything more serious. Has any one else been through this where your dog is in that I am feeling great stage and has hurt himslef.? I hope it is just a muscle pull since he was running full speed on 3 legs and he is 140 pounds. The vet said he may be sore for a few days with everything going on. He is tough to keep down and resting. He is normally a couch potatoe so this the last thing I thought would be an issue. He also hasn't been sleeping too much he is ready to go.

On The Road

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10 August 2008 - 5:00 am
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Heidi, did the vet say anything about how the pain pills might be contributing to Titan's overactivity? Just wondering, because I know that when I was on them, I tended to feel soooooo good that I forgot I was healing, and would overdo things (it was never serious though).

Maybe getting Titan off the pain pills (gradually of course) will help him to be aware that his muscles are sore and he needs to rest? Did the vet suggest doing this?

Also, just saw this from Radar's Mom. Radar is dealing with the same type of situation. See what his vet recommended. Interesting.


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
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10 August 2008 - 6:07 am
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So sorry to hear that Titan is having these issues.  Radar is going through the same thing and my vet also thinks it's a tendon pull.  She said he may have overextended the leg while trying to catch or balance himself.  Having seen him do that it's entirely possible that it's the cause. 

Please don't feel responsible for that - our guys need to adjust and learn to balance - we can't/shouldn't stop that.  Also please don't be too anxious around him as he reads your feelings and that can make him more tense.

I worried about putting Radar back on pain meds as he would then overuse the leg.  My vet is of a like mind and is handling it a bit differently with him.  Instead of pain medication the thing she feels he needs most right now is rest and relaxation  She has given him a steroid shot and then put him on a low dose of valium to keep him relaxed and resting.  We are already seeing improvements.  Other things we are doing is cold packs on the tendon pull area, massage and limiting his activity to potty breaks only. 

Remember that muscle/tendon injuries can take some time to heal.  Keep him resting and limit his activity.  I hope he improves quickly for you.  Hugs to you and Titan.

Connie & Radar

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10 August 2008 - 1:10 pm
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These are good ideas I am going to call the vet tomorrow. He felt Titan is in that mode I am feeling good. I was hoping he would give him some valium. When he ran off I still couldn't catch him so that's why I feel it is a muscle or tendon pull. Do you think cold or warm compresses will help?

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