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Tripawd Tuesday: Shadow 3 – Hemangiosarcoma – 0!

Well take THAT, hemangiosarcoma! Today’s Tripawd Tuesday Shadow update shows that even with a grim prognosis, there is HOPE!

A big 3-paws up to his mom Linda for sharing her pawesome Triday 2024 update!

It’s a Tripawd Tuesday of Hope: Shadow, Living his best life every day!

Corgi Shadow's Hemangiosarcoma Ampuversary 2024
Hoppy 3-year Ampuversary, Shadow!

Shadow was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma in early 2021 and given a horrible prognosis of only a few months, even with amputation and chemo. He was only 2 1/2 years old!  

We proceeded with amputation and chemo to give him his best shot at life. Shadow was a trooper through the whole process…nothing could steal his zest for life. Nor his zest for eating, which has been a constant from the moment we got him as a puppy. 

 Fast forward 3 years…Shadow is going strong!

His 3rd Ampuversary is on March 19 of this year!!  😍. We are thrilled, as our his vets.  We so enjoy watching his goofy corgi antics and having his loving companionship every day. Shadow is happy, hoppy…and (always) hungry! Here’s to years and years of snacks for Shadow. 💗

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2 thoughts on “Tripawd Tuesday: Shadow 3 – Hemangiosarcoma – 0!”

  1. I’m worried my dog had her right hind amputated 2 weeks ago she has a red lump that started about a little over a week ago on the inside bottom part of her leg… maybe abcess?


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