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Meet Marvelous Magnus, the Most Adorable Tripawd Cat!

Many people worry that their three-legged cat or dog won’t be able to enjoy a full life after amputation surgery. Magnus is here to show everyone that’s just not true! Here is his three-legged love story as part of our ongoing 2023 Tripawd Tuesday celebration!

Three legged Magus
Is he adorable or what?

How old is your Tripawd?

  • 2

When and Why did your Tripawd lose a leg?

  • Found injured as a kitten

How did your Tripawd adapt to life on three?

  • With bandages on 3 legs, Magnus looked a bit like a hermit crab getting around. When his front limb was amputated and the other bandages came off, he was finally free to take off on 3 healthy legs!

What are your Tripawd’s favorite things to do?

  • He loves to burrow under anything, especially fresh laundry. He’s been known to burrow under the bedspread, so I give him a blanket that is “his” to satisfy his digging needs. He runs over and taps me on the knee with his one paw when he wants to play. He is also a skilled and determined hunter – no cockroach is safe!
Tripawd Cat Magnus
He still hunts and plays like any other crazy kitty!

Was there any special gear that helped your Tripawd?

  • I like to elevate his food bowl, but no special gear is required.

If you went through amputation surgery recovery with your animal, what did you think would happen after surgery? Did your worst fears happen? How did you cope?

  • I thought he might look ugly, and honestly right after surgery he looked very strange. I was surprised when he grew a long, magnificent coat and became very beautiful. Now I never think the missing arm looks strange, it’s just the way he is. I call the smooth side “the swale.”
  • Since he was a small kitten at the time of the amputation, I was worried he would break the good arm. But that fear was unfounded. He uses his one arm for everything, and nothing can stop him!

Did you adopt a Tripawd? If so, why? Tell us your pet’s Gotcha Day story.

  • I rescued Magnus from the street as a small kitten – something had attacked him and he was covered with lacerations and scrapes, including a deep cut into the muscle on his arm. I brought him to the ER. Several weeks later he was well enough for amputation surgery. After caring for him though all that, I couldn’t imagine giving him up!
Tripawd Cat Magnus after amputation recovery
Look at those eyes! How could anyone resist him?

What is the biggest lesson you learned from your Tripawd?

  • You can live a full, happy life no matter what! Magnus is the comic relief of the household, every day he surprises me with a new silly antic. So keep living your life and keep smiling!

What is your best advice to someone who is about to go through amputation with their pet, or someone who is thinking of adopting a Tripawd?

  • Make sure you can keep your pet indoors only. And prepare to be amazed as your pet adapts to their new anatomy!

See More Tripawd Tuesday Stories, and contact us to share your own too!

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