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Tripawd Tuesday: Luca’s Loving Life Two Years After Amputation Surgery

We love it when a community member writes to share an update on their three-legged hero. We know today’s Tripawd Tuesday’s update about Luca (and video of her swimming) will make your day like it made ours!

Luca the German Shepherd amputee
Two years after her accident, Luca is doing great!

Nearly two years after Luca had a terrible accident that caused her leg amputation, her mama shared a very hoppy email with us, and said:

Tripawd Tuesday: Luca’s Loving Life Two Years Later

“I’d like to share a couple of photos of my Luca, who had her 2-year-a Tripod Anniversary a couple of days ago (29/7).

She’s doing so well 😍She turned 10 in March. She’s amazing 🤩 She’s still in good shape, both mentally and bodily.

Luca continues short hikes in good weather.
Luca continues short hikes in good weather.

She doesn’t like the heat, it’s been hot here in southern Spain since May, but she goes in the pool both morning and evening most days and loves it 😊

Thank you for being there for me, for us.”

Send Your Tripawd Tuesday Love Story!

Way to go Luca! Thanks for inspiring our community. Cheers to many more pawesome years on three!

Did you enjoy today’s Tripawd Tuesday update on Luca? Do you know a Tripawd needing a home? Want to share your own hero with the community?

You can share your Tripawd Tuesday love story, too! By doing it, you’ll also help pet parents seeking hope and inspiration during tough times.

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