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Every Step Counts When You Walk for Tripawds Foundation with Wooftrax

Did you know that Tripawd dogs should take shorter, more frequent walks? Rehab vets tell us that a Tripawd in top shape should walk no more than 15 or 20 minutes at a time. Taking shorter walks a few times a day is far better and safer than one or two long walks.

Spirit Jerry on a walk with Dad

And do you know what’s just as interesting?

Now you can take a walk with your pets and raise funds for the Tripawds Foundation, just by taking your smart phone along and logging into the Walk for a Dog app.

Walk for a Dog is a great tool to make sure you don’t overdo walks with your Tripawd. It tracks your distance walked, the time it takes, and generates your speed (mph) for each walk.

Walk For A Dog

The Walk for a Dog program donates money to an animal shelter, rescue, or other charitable organization of your choosing every time you walk your dog—or cat!

No matter how short of a walk, the Tripawds Foundation can receive donations via Wooftrax. The number of people walking for any given organization and the number of walks they take are the primary factors Wooftrax uses in calculating their donations. Distance is also factored in but is not as important, which is great news for our three-legged family members!

To download the free Wooftrax app,
visit the Tripawds Foundation blog.
Sharing is Caring!

4 thoughts on “Every Step Counts When You Walk for Tripawds Foundation with Wooftrax”

  1. We use Walk for a Dog! We’ll donate to tripawds foundation.

    I know what the doctor says. I know I feel better when I’m outside for 20 minutes or less….BUT I WANT A LONG WALK! And if you don’t let me go, I’ll just plant myself there and refuse to move till you let me go where I want to go.


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