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Tripawd Tuesday: Calamity Jane Running Beautiful and Free Forever

Way back in October 2008, a beautiful retired racing Greyhound named Calamity Jane became a part of the Tripawds Nation, after she broke her weakened front leg for the second time because of osteopenia. After she recovered from amputation surgery, her mom Janie wrote in her blog, Times of Great Calamity:

“It’s a New Life”

Calamity Jane

She is so much back to being herself, barging in the pack for treats, jumping on & off the sofa & bed, and just being herself.

Yesterday, Old Fart & I took the kids out for a potty break and she found a ball. She snapped it up and went running – YES RUNNING – through the yard, past the others that might give chase to her. Teasing & taunting. Such a silly girl! Then she stops and places the ball tight at her front foot, just daring another to try to take it!

She’s happy now, I see the light back in her eyes. This is the dog I dreamed of the day I told Dr. Desch to amputate the million dollar leg and let her just be a dog once again. She is a much happier dog on 3 legs than she was on 4.

Calamity went on to thrive and love life on three legs for nearly six more years. In June, Janie wrote to tell us that at the age of 13, Calamity earned her wings and is now running at the big track in the sky:

Calamity Jane

It is with such a heavy heart that I tell everyone here (some may remember us, some won’t) that we let my sweet girl cross yesterday. . .

My heart is shattered but I know she is at peace now. I am sure she met her littermate & best friend, Morgan and I know that made her very happy. She had not been the same since he passed.GodSpeed my sweet Doodlebug, you will live in my heart forever.

Janie and family, it has been an honor to have you as a part of the community for so long. We know that somewhere in doggie heaven, Calamity is back to her racing glory days. She will be dearly missed but some day we will meet again. Until that day, run Calamity, run!

Please enjoy this video that Janie posted, showing Calamity in her prime:

I just thought I’d share one with you…..not her best race, but it shows her skills. She was always the best in the 1, 2 or 3 hole as she loved to “run the rail”, being in the 8 hole (as she is in this video) made it hard for her as she had to cross the field of runners to get to her beloved rail. You can see her figuring out what she must do as soon as she pops from the box.

I hope you enjoy watching my girl as much as I enjoy it over & over again.


To read all about Calamity’s three-legged Greyhound journey, see Janie’s blog, Times of Great Calamity and her Tripawds Forum posts.

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Each Tuesday, Tripawds from around the world can enter for a chance to be “Tripawd of the Week.” Just share your Tripawd’s story and you’re entered to win! On every Tuesday of the week, tell us about your three-legged hero here in the Tripawds Discussion Forums or on the Tripawds Facebook page. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. In a few short sentences, describe your three-legged hero’s story.
  2. Include a photo or video.
  3. Include a link to your Trpawds Facebook page, Forum topic and/or Tripawds blog (if applicable)

All entries must be received by Saturday at 11:59 pm. One Tripawd story will be selected at random to be featured the following Tuesday.

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1 thought on “Tripawd Tuesday: Calamity Jane Running Beautiful and Free Forever”

  1. What a wonderful, wonderful video of a magnificent dog LOVING LIFE!!!

    Thank you so mich for sharing CalmityJane’s glorious life! I love watching how she made her way to the rail…..nothing was going to stop her!!!

    I know your heart still aches and I know the void is HUGE!!!! I also know, just as you felt privileged to have her in your life, she was just as privileged to you in hers! Thirteen wonderful years…and I’m sure her senior tripawd years were some of the best times ever with your loving and spoiling!

    I’m pretty sure heaven has lots of rails that Morgan made sure were put up jist for her when he was there to greet her home.

    Love and hugs,

    Sally and Happy Hannah


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