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Amazing Moose Beats the Odds Again

Oh wow, I just got word that my biggest inspiration in life, Moose, is facing a huge challenge totally separate from being a tripawd.

Moose the Three Legged Harlequein Great Dane Dog

But as you’ll see, he’s beating this new fight with all of the tripawd gusto he has, so let’s all send him our good wishes.

Moose is why my Mom and Dad decided to go forward with amputating my leg. When I was in so much pain last year, Mom and Dad looked up “tripod dog” on the web, and Mr. Moose was one of the few three legged dog superstars out there. Mom and Dad were so happy to see such a big dawg like him getting around on three legs, that they knew I would have a great quality of life if they gave the OK to have my tumor and leg removed. They were right. Here’s that video:

Moose the Three Legged Harlequein Great Dane Dog after Wobblers Syndrome Diagnosis

Moose just had his TWO YEAR post-amputation anniversary! He is an amazing dog that has far exceeded the vet’s prognosis for living with cancer. He is so incredible!

But now he is facing something called “wobblers syndrome,” which messes with his spinal cord and makes him have a hard time moving around. His Dad is going all out to get him the best treatment, and he’s responding really well to it.

Moose, please tell your Dad that he should also know about the AST Pet Support Harness. It will help you so much, and you’ll look great in it too! Look at me modeling it!

Please send Moose your good wishes and good vibes, he really is incredible. Go Moose, go! Keep up the great progress, we love you.

13 thoughts on “Amazing Moose Beats the Odds Again”

  1. Hi and thanks so much for this blog. My dane was diagnosed with bone cancer a few weeks ago, at first we were not going to amputate but if all test come out good tomorrow I am going to go through with it. Its very comforting to here that they can still have a good quality of life. I wish just to make her time left here as comfortable as possible. Thanks so much.

  2. Hi all! We are the proud owners of a tripawed ourselves. We rescued her from the pound when she was 5 months old. At 12 weeks old her previous owners through her down the stairs for peeing in the house and landed on a cement floor which shatters her back left leg. Vet emerg took her from them , fix her up and called animal control. They were charged. That was 3 1/2 years ago. She has some after effects and trauma but other than that a great girl. She does some amaizing things that you wouldn’t think she should be able to do. Most people can’t tell right off that she is missing anything. She will do pretty much whatever I ask of her. She goes up the metal stairs at the playground and goes down the slide, sometimes even pushing kids out of the way if they are taking too long. She climbs the ladder on our play equipment in the backyard, but the most amazing thing so far is this. I was climbing trees in the forest with my kids one day , and I heard my mom laughing. I looked down an saw with amazement that my three legged dog was right behind me! We were atleast 7-9 feet off the ground. I can say there is one thing I know for sure that she can’t do is swim. Front end paddles and the back end sinks. Not a good combo. I forgot to tell you that she is an Australian Kelpie(herding breed) and she can run like the wind. We love her very much and I think she would say dido!

  3. Hi Mary,

    I just wanted to let you know that Moose’s brother, River, is a Staffordshire Terrier mix. A brindle coat, a S.T. mix. Who knows what he is really, he’s a pound puppy. He’s a sweet, gentle dog, that’s for sure.

  4. Hi,
    I just found this site last night. I was feeling desperate and confused about my boy Tree, and what to do about his front right leg and possible amputation. I have found the story and videos of moose an inspiration and a great help. so thank you for that! I was worrid that Tree may be too big and heavy to handle a front leg amputation.
    I couldn’t help noticing also, that Mooses friend on both video’s is the exact image of my tree! This is unusual as tree is a cross breed from a rescue centre and i have never known what to say when people ask what breed he is? What breed is Mooses pal and could you post any pic’s of him.
    Thanks again
    I bet mooses story has and will continue to help people suffering a dilema without much information to make an informed decision.
    Mary and Tree

  5. Hi Jerry,

    Thanks so much for the words of encouragement! I am feeling better and better. The acupuncture does amazing things. I am tapering off the prednisone, and in a week will be completely off the prednisone.

    I know from reading your website that you share my love for each day. Go enjoy today with all your gusto! It is a wonderful day and we have lizard hunting and other important stuff to do.

    Thanks again for your support!

    Moose the Wonder Dog


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