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¡Pascua Feliz!

I took my first long distance trip this past week. Traveled over 1,000 miles to see friends and family for Easter, and I knocked all of their socks off with my excellent health! In fact, when I was taking a break on the road, the manager of a Taco Bell ran out to meet me! She was so impressed, and … Read more.

Way to go Chloe!

Chloe RecuperatingI got some great news this week. My friend Chloe in Illinois, is doing much better after her amputation surgery three weeks ago. She had a rough go of it, but now I hear she even went swimming last week!

Read on for more more about Chloe and my latest adventures.

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Snow Day for Jerry

Woo hoo! We had such a blast on Horse Mountain yesterday, playing in the snow! It was freezing cold but I didn’t care. I ate so much snow, and my belly got so full of water, that later that night after I ate my dinner, I puked it up all up in the middle of the night. I gave Mom … Read more.

Back to the Beach…

My fur’s coming back, and now that the temperature outside hasn’t been as cold, my Mom says I don’t have to wear my dog coats as much. I’m really starting to feel like the rugged dog I used to be! Mom also lets me hang out in the yard by myself when I want to, she’s not as paranoid now … Read more.

Hoppy Anniversary to Me!

It’s now been over two full months since my big surgery. We’ve proven at least one prognosis wrong. The first thing my people were told is I could be expected to live 2-3 months after being diagnosed with canine osterosarcoma with or without the surgery. Well here I am feeling my best going on my third month. I haven’t dog … Read more.

Hoppy New Year Everyone!

I had the best Christmas ever. My best pal Winston came to visit all the way from Oakland, and man, did we party! Our silly humans thought it would be good for us to wear a dumb Santa hat. I’m used to it, but not Win. He got real sad when they made him put it on. I was spoiled … Read more.


I got to play with a really BIG friendly dog in Sequoia Park on Sunday! What a great day. I hiked and got muddy and got to be a dog. I even hopped over a log all by myself. Life on three legs ain’t so bad. But now I’m dog tired…

A Day in the Park

Today I went for my first offleash walk in the park. In the rain. It was great to smell the ferns and pee on the trees again. If you’ve never seen a boy dog pee on 3 legs, well, it’s really funny! Mom forgot to take the camera though, maybe next time she’ll snap a photo for you!

Ho ho ho! It’s Santa Paws!

I went on my first outing since being in the hospital. Rene and Jim took me to see Santa and all my buddies, at the Humboldt County Animal Shelter. I got to donate a bunch of the toys that I won in the local “Relay for Life” too. I know my buddies could use them. They could also use good … Read more.

Thanks for the new toys!

Hey MC, look! I’ve still got it! Here I am, destroying the package you sent, with just one paw! Thanks for the cool squeaky toys, I love ’em. But I think I had more fun tearing up the box. I just wasn’t able to grab it with both paws like I used to …

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