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Myxosarcoma / Amputation of Left Forelimb
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27 October 2017 - 6:21 am
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Loving the new pics, Bender! You are so handsome!

🐾 Loki, Dog of Mischief 🐶

I loved life as a tripawd for over three years following right forelimb amputation due to an aggressive and recurrent hemangiopericytoma. I reclaimed my place among the gods and valkyries in Valhalla on November 11th, 2020. My parents miss me tremendously, but I know they'll keep me in their hearts forever... and don't worry, I've approved my mom's use of my Tripawds account.

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27 October 2017 - 8:50 am
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jerry said
Oh my dog thank you for sharing this terrific news! I've been behind on my blog reading so didn't see your 10/18 post with the latest changes. This is WONDERFUL! 

So what do you think was the clincher that helped him get a hoppy life back? 

Congratulations and a big pat on the back to you for not giving up. I'm sure it seemed hopeless at times, but you didn't waver and wow look at the results. WHHHHEEEEE!!!!clap  

I think it was a combination of resetting the pain cycle with the Ketamine CRI and allowing enough time for the orals to kick in. 

Additionally, I think we could have reached a pain free state faster if the incision did not reopen (because of the seroma ). As soon as the incision healed and stitches were removed, his behaviour changed immediately. 

Regarding the medication, switching from gabapentin to pregabalin seems to have helped and we are continuing the cartrophen and meloxicam to protect the other arthritic joints. 

I can honestly say this was the most difficult time of my life. I was constantly fighting thoughts of putting him to sleep because of the pain. Many times I did not think he would come home from the hospital.  I have to commend folks on this forum that have fought this battle multiple times with the same vigour and positivity


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27 October 2017 - 9:15 am
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This journey is extremely stressful and scary enough  when it's just a "normal recpvery"! . And to have all the complications Bender had and to see him in such horrivle pain a d to be unbearable. To be strong enough to stay the course and to give Bender every single chance  to overcome this took a lot of guts!   It also reflected your deep understanding of who Bender is a what a strong fighter he could be.  The "Warrior within" was released in both of you!! 🙂

The information you jave shsred will certainly be helpful tomothers on this journey when faced with similar circumstances.  Yep, that Bender is already a LIVING LEGACY around here!!  We adore this fella'!

Love and hugs

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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27 October 2017 - 10:47 am
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Bender said
I can honestly say this was the most difficult time of my life. I was constantly fighting thoughts of putting him to sleep because of the pain. Many times I did not think he would come home from the hospital.  I have to commend folks on this forum that have fought this battle multiple times with the same vigour and positivity.   

Nobody can blame you, we all would have felt the same way. We commend YOU, for staying strong, considering the different options and first and foremost, advocating for Bender when your heart was telling you he could pull through. I'm sure the vets learned from this situation too. So, a win-win for everypawdy. 

Give Bender extra smooches from all of us, we are so hoppy he's back and feeling good!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

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27 October 2017 - 10:48 am
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OH and thanks for sharing the details about the medications that helped him turn a corner. I'd like to share this with one of our favorite pain management vet experts to get his thoughts. Stay tuned...

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Livermore, CA

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18 October 2009
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27 October 2017 - 4:05 pm
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How wonderful!

You just made my day!

Karen and the Spirit Pug girls

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo

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22 November 2017 - 8:21 pm
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Bender continues to do well and is as strong as ever- his front leg really developed extra muscle fast.  We scheduled his first post amputation x-rays and blood work on Dec 13. I hate to put the guy through more tests but it is better safe than sorry. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Untill then, Bender is in the Christmas spirit early this year (he loves Christmas).

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22 November 2017 - 8:52 pm
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BENDER, YOU NEVER CEASE TO AMAZE ME!! 🙂 🙂   Seeing you so happynis a Christmas gift to is all!   Add in yiurr legendary ADORABLE CUTENESS and it makes your gift even more magical!! 🙂

Yiure srylin' yiur festive scarve with such class!!  Handsome, handsome dude! 

And you have mastered the tripawd front leg stance perfectly.....centered and strong! 🙂

Yiive made my day Mr Bender!!   You are DEFINITELY at the top of what we are grateful for around here! 🙂   Hope you get some turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy tomorrow!

We just adore you! 🙂


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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23 November 2017 - 10:34 pm
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Bender you are such a superstar! Hoppy Holidays to you mister, you're looking mighty fine in your festive gear. I'm so glad you got to be healthy and hoppy so you can celebrate with the pack. YAY!

We are sending lots of pawsitivity for a good report from the vet. Keep us posted.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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23 November 2017 - 11:36 pm
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Go, Bender, go! Loving your holiday spirit! I'll be thinking of you guys in anticipation of his follow-up. 🙂

Hugs and puppy kisses,

Brittnie and Loki

🐾 Loki, Dog of Mischief 🐶

I loved life as a tripawd for over three years following right forelimb amputation due to an aggressive and recurrent hemangiopericytoma. I reclaimed my place among the gods and valkyries in Valhalla on November 11th, 2020. My parents miss me tremendously, but I know they'll keep me in their hearts forever... and don't worry, I've approved my mom's use of my Tripawds account.

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1 October 2017
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24 November 2017 - 7:07 am
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I just finished reading your story, WOW! I am so glad that everything has finally settled down for you, thank GOODNESS! Omd, Bender is just the most handsome proud pup! I commend you for hanging in there through that nightmare. I know that took a lot of strength. Your efforts proved very fruitful in the end with your beautiful pup. He looks wonderful now! Your doctors were absolutely phenomenal tooclapso nice to finally hear about a medical team as pro-active as yours are!


Jackie,David,and Huckleberry heart


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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13 December 2017 - 3:32 pm
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Bender had his first post amputation staging today and they found no evidence of mets on the lungs 🙂

The cancer on his liver has not grown and is stable. 

We have decided against another operation given the hard time he had. 

For now he is happy, loving life and patiently waiting for Christmas.

Also, any tips for walking tripawds in the freezing cold + snow ? Given his shape, boots never worked well. With the amputation he can't walk with them on at all. 

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13 December 2017 - 5:03 pm
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I am so hoppy for you! You guys have been through so much, I'm so glad thatpoopicon_png C  is still under control. That is just the BEST Christmas news 🎅🎅🎄🎅🎅!  I cannot help you with the walks but I am sure the tri puppy people will check in soon to give you advice!



Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog


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14 December 2017 - 8:28 am
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SOOOO HAPPY TO HEAR EVERYTHING IS HOLDING STEADY AND LOOKING GOOD!!!! 🙂   THIS NEWS MAKES US ALL SO HAPPY!! 🙂  Such a great Christmas present!!     Although I have no doubt you make every day Christmas Day for that boy!!

No help in the snow either.  Where do you live?  I know some tripawd owners use a snow blower just to make paths in their yard for them.  Yeah, you have your ha ds full if you fet deep snow for this axoravle chunk of a Tripawd!  And I use the term "chunk" endearingly and affectionately! 🙂 🙂

Always loooooove seeiw pictures of this fella!!  HINT!!!  HINT!!!  He really is a ROCK STAR around here! 🙂


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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14 December 2017 - 8:58 am
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We live in Northern Ontario, Canada. We do get a lot of snow and it was hard for him before the amputation.

Not sure how we will make it work this year but I may have to carry him haha

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