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Pup PhD: Colorado State Presentation on Friday 10/6 8:45 PM Eastern
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The Rainbow Bridge

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5 October 2023 - 12:30 pm
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Hi folks! 

This Friday, our friends at CSU's Orthopedic Medicine and Mobility Department are having a pawty to celebrate the departmental anniversary. As part of the event, the ortho and rehab team are doing a fun presentation focused on canine mobility. It will be streamed live on Zoom, and the crew is happy to have any Tripawds parents in attendance.

So if you'd like to join the Zoom fun (we will be there!), please message me and I'll send you a link.

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New England
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7 October 2023 - 5:01 am
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Thank you for sharing this event. It kept me up far too late, but it was very interesting. I was jealous of the in person attendees - the food sounded incredible. Im disappointed they didn't take any questions from zoom attendees, even after someone said they were monitoring for questions. 

I checked all of my supplements for the NASC seal. Approved: Zesty Paws and Glycoflex. Not approved: Welactin. 


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7 October 2023 - 8:40 am
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Thank you for sharing this event. It kept me up far too late, but it was very interesting. I was jealous of the in person attendees - the food sounded incredible. Im disappointed they didn't take any questions from zoom attendees, even after someone said they were monitoring for questions. 

@mischief - agreed on all counts. I was a bit of a zombie by the end, but it was so worth it.

@jerry - I can see an expert interview podcast on the state of science around galliprant<>gabapentin<>pregabalin in your future!

The supplement discussion definitely has me leaning toward a pure and simple NASC approved fish oil after June’s done with chemo and the burn in for the Yale vaccine. For the record, I looked at the packet of the Purina Joint Care supplement I picked up for her a while back and it is NASC approved.

@mischief - fascinating that Welactin isn’t NASC approved - Nutramax products are so broadly well regarded. I’d had that one top of the list as a post-chemo first pass at fish oil.

And that discussion about the caregiver placebo effect for dogs (maybe pets generally?) was fascinating:

Perceived benefit of a placebo:

  • vets - 40%
  • pet owners 60%

…just a good reminder to keep an eye on the latest (quality) studies! …and that the stuff I think is working maybe is, and maybe isn’t!

Natalie & Juno (aka June)

New England
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7 October 2023 - 9:30 am
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I know Zesty Paws sells salmon oil in a bottle/pump. That's what I used to give Tempest that she got flavor fatigue on. So that might be a good option for Juno, unless you think she'd prefer a capsule.

I second Natalie's podcast suggestion! 


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7 October 2023 - 10:30 am
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@mischief - Zesty Paws - looks good! It’s the new candidate on the list. The pump/squeeze bottle is nice way to ease her into it. (And I’m reminded how many of you told not so long ago that fish oil really is the best place to start.)

Natalie & Juno (aka June)

The Rainbow Bridge

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8 October 2023 - 3:00 pm
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I saw that you were there Natalie, and was hoping you were too @mischief. Wasn't that fun?

Yep I was also bummed they didn't take zoom questions. But I do know that for most people who don't regularly work online all day long, coordinating an in-person and zoom event at the same time is tough. So I'll cut 'em a little slack lol!

NASC is a great way to pick out good supplements, I'm glad they mentioned it. Interesting about Welactin/NutraMax not being on the list of NASC certified manufacturers. That's a surprise, especially since Wyatt's ortho vet recommended it many years ago. Thanks for pointing it out.

@jerry - I can see an expert interview podcast on the state of science around galliprant<>gabapentin<>pregabalin in your future!

YESSS! What a fantastic idea (hint hint lol! smiley2)!

Whenever we are back home in Colorado and Nellie needs care, I always feel so lucky to be working with such a great team. The OMM crew and CSU vets are superheroes!


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8 October 2023 - 3:59 pm
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Something I’ve discovered about the NASC certified manufacturers list is that it’s not always intuitive what some manufacturers are called. For instance, it turns out that YuMove is on the list but under the name Lintbells Ltd. So even when you try to do your homework in advance (without the chance to examine a label for a seal), it can be confusing.

The OMM/CSU crowd is an amazing bunch. I even like the backstory on not calling the Orthopedic Medicine and Mobility department “Sports Medicine” because then not everyone would think of it being applicable to their pet - when it definitely is!

Natalie & Juno (aka June)

The Rainbow Bridge

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9 October 2023 - 12:54 pm
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Good point Natalie, it really takes some digging on that list! I hope they make it easier to find actual product names.

I agree, I never would have taken our Wyatt to a sports medicine department. OMM was a good choice!

New England
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10 October 2023 - 6:21 am
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Amazon has Zesty Paws at 25-30% off today, including the salmon oil.


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10 October 2023 - 2:20 pm
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@mischief - Hey! Thanks so much for the heads up - I really appreciate it!

Though, I must admit, I soured on Amazon for pet products a few years back when they reached out with a message and a refund to tell me that the Frontline I’d been buying for Juno turned out to be counterfeit.

Sure enough, when I bought the real thing off Chewy and compared the packages they were soooo similar, but on close inspection there were slight differences (both even had a hologram seal, but the image was different). The upshot of all this was that it went some way to explaining why she’d been diagnosed with a Lyme disease infection even while on a "tick preventative” (which turned out to be some unknown, fake substance I was putting on her. 😳)

That experience instantly turned me into a solid Chewy/brick and mortar pet shop convert. I imagine if Zesty Paws is sold through Zesty Paws themselves on Amazon, it’s probably okay, but I’ll still probably go with a local shop or Chewy… 😊

Natalie & Juno (aka June)

New England
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10 October 2023 - 2:32 pm
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@Natalie - yikes! I only buy preventatives from my vet. Apparently, if your dog contracts Heartworm while on a preventative, the manufacturer of the preventative will cover the cost of treatment, but only if their product is bought from the prescribing vet clinic.

I soured on Chewy when I got a shipment notification for an auto-shipment that was actually out of stock. They never told me it was out of stock - I only figured it out when the shipment never showed up. I had to scramble to get a substitute (because the product was out of stock everywhere). Amazon gives me a heads up when my subscription items are out of stock. 


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10 October 2023 - 2:58 pm
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@mischief - interesting about the preventative + vet policy. I wonder if my vet sells them. They don’t have a full pharmacy, they’re only a dispensary so the stock is limited and costs are often higher to go through them. They’re an okay vet, but in retrospect, with June as my first dog there were so many things I didn’t know about picking a vet… (and a lot of other things too!)

Good to know about Chewy - I was totally unaware of that!!

Natalie & Juno (aka June)

New England
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10 October 2023 - 4:04 pm
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My vet doesn't have a full pharmacy, but they have some common prescriptions and preventatives in stock. Loki's Xanax I have to go to CVS for, but everything else I get at my vet's office. 

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