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Bone Cancer Diagnosis for our Beloved Cat.....
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11 October 2017
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11 October 2017 - 12:02 pm
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Hi, I'm new here because we just got the news no pet owner wants to hear....bone cancer. Our cat Cotton is part of the family, we rescued him 12+ years ago as a kitten. I'm a wreck as you can imagine, and they are saying that the bone is so deteriorated (in the right front shoulder) that amputation is the only option at keeping him alive for any length of time. We literally just got the diagnosis an hour or so ago, and have not yet set up the surgery but it would be next week. They are doing a few more tests currently to confirm and see if it has spread.

I'd really appreciate any guidance you could give me in the choice to amputate, how long your kitties have lived after amputation, and quality of life afterwards, keeping in mind he's a cat that's 12 year old and almost 18 lbs. He has a large bone structure. I know he'll have to lose weight, but we've struggled with trying to get him to lose weight in the past with no luck.

I'd really appreciate any thoughts or just encouragement you might have.

Cotton's Mom

On The Road

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11 October 2017 - 12:24 pm
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Hi Cotton's Mom, we are so sorry about the news. Welcome to the club nopawdy wants to join. But we are so glad you're here, because you and Cotton are not alone.

Unfortunately we've had a number of kitties join us because of bone cancer. It sounds like vets think Cotton has osteosarcoma? If so, fear not. In cats it's a slow-moving cancer that usually doesn't spread. You can read about how other cats of all ages have done after being diagnosed with it, by checking out this Forum discussion, 

Osteosarcoma In Cats

How does Cotton's vet feel about amputation for him? If there's any uncertainty a second opinion from an orthopedic specialist can make all the difference. As far as excess weight, you can definitely do something about it. Usually during recovery most cats and dogs don't eat a whole lot anyways because of the pain medication side effects, so it can start as soon as that. We have tons of good weight loss tips in the Tripawds Nutrition blog so hop on over there to check them out.

It's a shock to get this kind of diagnosis, I totally understand, and many folks here do too. Take a deep breath and know that this situation doesn't have to mean Cotton is doomed. If you proceed you'll find that most animals do much better on three legs than we ever imagine, even older ones. And if you choose to go the palliative route with radiation therapy and such, that's OK too. There are no right or wrong choices when it comes to cancer as long as you make them with love in your heart.

P.S. Take a look at the Tripawds Start page for more great tips about this journey. Stay tuned, others will chime in shortly.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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11 October 2017 - 12:47 pm
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Thank you so much for your reply and encouragement. We saw an oncologist and surgeon today and it was the oncologist that recommended amputation and expressed how bad the deterioration is in the bone. They also believe it is fractured and are doing more tests now to confirm. With each new bit of news, I'm feeling that amputation is more and more realistic for him to have any chance at life. Thank you again, it makes me feel better knowing there are others out there that have been through this.

On The Road

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11 October 2017 - 2:05 pm
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You are very welcome! Be proud of yourself for gathering all the facts and talking to experts. It helps to have all that info in order to make a decision you can feel comfortable with.

Let us know how things play out, we are happy to answer any questions you have.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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11 October 2017 - 2:45 pm
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Hi Cotton & Mom
I’m sorry you have to join us & your dealing with cancer and amputation.
We just had another kitty join who is 12 years old Paka Tom he just got his stitches out . You might want to pop in that forum I think you will see how well he is doing ! I am pointing to him because he is 12 and you may feel better reading about a cat the same age as your Cotton.


As Jerry pointed out we have had a lot of kitties join with oseto. Your not alone please check out that forum.

Our cat Purrkins was 6 when diagnosed with a soft tissue sarcoma on his left front wrist. He had his amputation of his left front leg and scapula a 15 months ago. He is now 7 He does fabulous on three!

I know this is scary its not a diagnosis any of wish to get and then the word amputation is thrown in its more horrifying!

KNOW Cotton can still be a happy kitty on 3 legs and have a quality of life on 3! Cotton will be able to do all things a kitty can do on 4.

Recovery is not easy but it doesn’t last forever its 10 -14 days ours was 14 days of restricted activity and before the stitches were out.

Check out 
Purrkins youTube channel
Purrkins blog

I think your will be shocked, I could of never imagined him to do this well! I would of been happy with him hoping on he excels at hopping on! Purrkins was over weight too, It took a year to get his weight off but we did! For now, today don’t worry about the weight you can deal with that later ok!

We will keep our paws crossed all test come back clean and you can proceed. Please keep us updated & let us know if you have any questions.

Hugs to you & chin & ear scratch to Cotton
Holly & Purrkinsheart


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11 October 2017 - 3:51 pm
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Well sweet Cotton is certainly loved and adored!!  And that's all he cares avout!!  Prognosis sxhmognosis....statistics and days in a calendar don't mean swuat ro Cotton!

I can only add DITTO to all the great advice fro Jerry and Purrkins!  

While we're sorry you find yourself here, there is no better place to be for support, information and understanding!!!  And we sure do understand every single crazy emotion involved when first hearing about this piece of crap disease!

We also understand how much better Xotton will feel with that bum leg gone!!  It has to be a big OWWEE at this point!  Did the Vet give you any pain meds for Cotton?

Rexovery is no picnic for a couple of weeks, but your kitty family here are chock fullmof INVALUABLE advice on how to navigate through all the initial challenges!

As far as the weight issue, as Jerry mentioned he'll jave a headstart because he may not have much of an appetite at first.  Plis....okay....get ready....the leg weight....yeah....another headstart in his diet!  



Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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12 October 2017 - 5:23 am
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Thank you, everyone. We got the green light for surgery and his additional X-rays came back and it looks like the cancer has not spread. Cotton is scheduled for surgery Monday morning. They have prescribed him buprenorphine for pain, but he is still howling and cannot really move much. Won’t eat/drink and needs a lot of help getting in his litter. We are going to call the oncologist this morning to find out what we should do. Anyone else have any issues with that? I feel like his surgery is 4 days away and that’s a long time for him to be like this. 

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3 July 2017
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12 October 2017 - 6:30 am
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Hi Cotton's mom! I'm not too sure about the different meds for kitties, but it sounds like a call to the oncologist will be helpful to find some more options that will get Cotton through until surgery. Other cat parents might have more specific advice! In the meantime, spoil that guy and know that you are doing the best you can for your sweet cat! Good luck and I hope Cotton's on the road to recovery soon!

🐾 Loki, Dog of Mischief 🐶

I loved life as a tripawd for over three years following right forelimb amputation due to an aggressive and recurrent hemangiopericytoma. I reclaimed my place among the gods and valkyries in Valhalla on November 11th, 2020. My parents miss me tremendously, but I know they'll keep me in their hearts forever... and don't worry, I've approved my mom's use of my Tripawds account.


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12 October 2017 - 9:28 am
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Awwww, so sorrh Cotton is in such pain.  I know that's hard to watch.

Yeah, see if you can get some stronger pain meds.  Mention Gabapentin to the Vet.  Thst seems to be a pretty good pain blocker.

Glad all Cotton's work up came back all okay!  That's good news!! 


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Member Since:
27 July 2014
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12 October 2017 - 1:03 pm
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I'm sorry about Cotton's diagnosis. From what I understand osteosarcoma is painful. How often are you giving Cotton the buprenorphine? For my cat Mona the directions was 3 to 4 times a day. I went with 3 and retrospect should have done 4 times a day. Are you putting it in his cheeks or on his ear? Drugs can affect different cats differently. Mona went from flopping around like a worm to racing around the house. Mona was also on Metacam.

Four days is a long time. I hope you get what you need from the vet to help Cotton feel more comfortable. Hang in there and be sure to ask others for help to give you a break.

Kerren and Tripawd Kitty Mona


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12 October 2017 - 4:22 pm
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We hope you got some answers today or some more pain meds! Can't imagine having Cotton wait 4 days!

Ditto Sally Gabapentin can be added ! Purrkins was on both after his amp Gabapentin & Buprenorphine . We had a soft tissue sarcoma and Purrkins did not show pain like that prior to his amp. Do hope Cotton is more comfortable tonight & you got something more prescribed or increased times as Kerren said!  Amputaiton will be a relief for Cotton. I would see if you can't get his surgery bumped up even! 


Holly & Purrkins❤️

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12 October 2017 - 8:35 pm
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Hi all! We got him on Gabapentin and he’s still in lots of pain but seems less like a zombie cat. Planning to check in with the oncologist tomorrow for any additional recommendation as he’s still not able to walk too well. Not eating, drinking, or using litter box. We tried to get the surgery pushed to tomorrow with no luck. Hoping these days fly by for his sake. 


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12 October 2017 - 9:42 pm
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Ugh!  Bummer!!  

  It may take  a day or so before the Gaba really kicks in and blocks the pain.  I know that does you no good right now.

Seems to me with the bone being fractured that this would constitute as an emergency and  somehow, some way they could squeeze him in for surgery.   If you took a cat to an ER with a broken leg, rhey would operate pretty much right away!

Extra hugs

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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12 October 2017 - 10:08 pm
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Aww poor Cotton. I hope that he can get in sooner, that has GOT to hurt.

Gabapentin does make a lot of animals super sleepy. This article about Gabapentin has some information you may find helpful.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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13 October 2017 - 7:04 pm
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Got him on Gabapentin and he’s doing so much better. Thank you!! More like himself, with a leg dragging. Monday surgery scheduled and we are as ready as we can be. Will check in after surgery!

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