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New England
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11 January 2022
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10 August 2023 - 8:50 am
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I'm impressed! That's a beautiful portrait, Whitney.

Saving it and starting another or continuing to work on this one sounds like an extremely personal decision. I don't think there's a right or wrong choice here. 


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4 July 2023
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10 August 2023 - 8:58 am
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OMD!! Love. it. You did totally nail the expression. I don't think it would be precious to leave this one as it is and start another. It has such a loose freshness to it. That's just my two cents and mischief has it right - this is your call. (Maybe ask Ellie?!)


Natalie & Juno (aka June)

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15 March 2023
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10 August 2023 - 9:56 pm
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I saved the original one I did, and thank goodness because the new one started out roughhhhhhh, and I would have been heartbroken if I had done it to the first one, but there was no harm so I just kept plucking away with Ellie in my ear. I'm so incredibly in love with it I have no words, easily the hardest painting I've ever done, but damn if it doesn't capture my girl. She really is just the prettiest dog that ever dogged sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2


The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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10 August 2023 - 10:07 pm
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WOW! You nailed the essence of Ellie in so many ways. That sweet, loving look she had in her eyes is captured perfectly in this work. What a treasure!

Great job. sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2


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11 August 2023 - 2:19 pm
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Oooo la! Gorgeous! Nailed it! (...with Ellie's help.sp_hearticon2)

...thank goodness because the new one started out roughhhhhhh, and I would have been heartbroken if I had done it to the first one...

Gosh do I know that feeling.icon_rolleyes Which is why I favor moving on and making another. Because then you can fearlessly do this:

...but there was no harm so I just kept plucking away with Ellie in my ear

Brava. Brava. The result is amazing - truly a treasure, as @jerry says. Truly a gift from Ellie herself 🥲😊 + a lot of committed work from you.sp_hearticon2

Natalie & Juno (aka June)

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12 August 2023 - 11:47 am
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I finished Ellie's shadowbox today. I had dried a bunch of flowers from a couple bouquets I received in condolences (thank you Rene!). They didn't quite pan out as I had hoped, but I also had done some homegrown lavender I picked the same day and went with it. 

I did put some of her ashes in the tiny urn I got, but the rest I will be spreading at different locations over hopefully many travels over the next year.

Remembering Ellie

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4 July 2023
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12 August 2023 - 3:51 pm
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Your painting of her is so amazing!  I think you were greatly shortchanging yourself on your level of talent.  You could easily do pet portrait commissions.  

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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12 August 2023 - 11:26 pm
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Ohhh that is so beautiful, your love for her shines through so brightly. The flowers are such a nice touch. I'm honored. That big paw print of hers just made my heart melt too.

I'm so glad I got to smooch your girl, she was so special, and always will be, to everyone whoever got to meet her or just know about her story. When you travel with her ashes, more of Ellie's spirit will go out into the universe and spread that love of hers that she felt while she was alive. Her spirit will live on.sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2

And I agree, you could totally do pet portrait commissions.


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13 August 2023 - 5:03 am
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Beautiful. I echo what others have already said so well. And while I didn't get to meet your girl in person, I am honored to have come to know Ellie at least a bit through your words, videos, and paintings. sp_hearticon2

Agreed - you could definitely do pet portraits.

Natalie & Juno (aka June)

New England
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11 January 2022
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13 August 2023 - 1:16 pm
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I'm so impressed with how you've been able to channel your grief in such beautiful ways. 

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14 August 2023 - 10:39 am
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Thank you for all the kind words and compliments!  I'm blushing and getting all awkward over here, haha!

mischief said
I'm so impressed with how you've been able to channel your grief in such beautiful ways.   

Thank you for this- there has been this weight on my chest with working on this shadowbox- I usually dilly dally with the final details of things, but with this I had a drive from somewhere else to keep working on it, now that it's hung, I no longer feel that weight.  I have to wonder if there's something in finishing it that allowed me to let go a little, she'll always be there and now that it's hung I don't have to hold on so tight- which rationally we all know that, right? but emotionally it's murkier.  


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22 February 2013
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14 August 2023 - 2:15 pm
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OOOOOOMMMMMMDDDDDD!!!!   OOOOOOMMMMMDDDDD!!!   Geez, just catching up now that my tavlet is out of tavlet hospital  and had nooooo. idea what I was  missing with mu Ellie Fix!  And what an Ellie Fix this is!!!!!

I'm soooooo choked up and overcome with emotion.  Overall good emotions  though.  The portraits and the different  stages and the way each stroke of the brush captured  her in more detail..WOW!!!  Just WOW!!!!.

The way everyone has responded to this treasure speaks volumes about the loving bond you have with Ellie.....and the bond we have with you two.  They spoke from the heart and left no thought unspoken.  So I can truly say ditto and salute to Natalie,  Mischief,  Jerry for speaking so eloquently.

As always, you have expressed yourself through this treasured art and through your words of how you are processing this part pf the journey with such grace and courage.

And the shadow box so full of meaning.  I keep looking at her portraits  and can "see" her tilting her head as she's listening  to your words telling her what a good girl she ior maybe listening to you saying "cookie".  You captured  the glint in her eye so perfectly. ..Seeing   that big ole: paw print made my heart smile.  Big dog, big heart, big presence.

Thank you so mich for sharing  this incredible gift with us.  Trust me, we are all so very honored  and privileged to be "friends of Ellie and Whitney".


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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15 August 2023 - 3:16 pm
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Sally! I know I've already said it, but it's so nice to see you back from the tablet hospital, your comments were very much missed.  Thank you so much for you kind loving words sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2

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