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Cat and Dog Leg Amputation Advice from one Pet Parent to Another

The Tripawds Community birthday is coming on Monday, April 25. Every day since we started, we are amazed that this community is a constant source of support for cat and dog leg amputation advice. As our anniversary approaches, join us in celebrating and thanking the pet parents of the Tripawds community!

Life is busy. But every day here in the Tripawds Discussion Forums, someone takes the time to offer support and hope to a worried pet parent whose dog or cat is facing amputation surgery. What a gift! Thank you!

Here’s a great example of support, shared by Franklin’s dad.

From One Tripawd Parent to Another

Sheldon Pyrenees Tripawd Dog
Sheldon’s Dad is chronicling his Tripawd journey in the Forums

In early February, Sheldon was about to lose his leg to osteosarcoma. His dad Rob (@shellybelly) posted in Presentation and Diagnosis, and wrote: 

it’s actually therapeutic putting it all out there in words and I hope this is helpful to others in the same boat.

Franklin’s dad Joe saw Sheldon’s story, and offered this great advice:

My boy Franklin became A Tripawd Dec. 6, 2021. Like yourself I read a lot to prepare for our new life. I also went on YouTube and looked up every video that had to do with three legged dogs. The videos were inspirational and gave us hope that everything would work out in the end. So, after a little over 2 months post-op I can share this with you.

Franklin Tripawd Dog
Franklin’s Dad has great advice for new Tripawd parents!

My experience and that of many others is the first 2 weeks post-op will be the hardest part.

After the relief of finding out the surgery went well comes the reality. The medications, the monitoring of his wellbeing, lack of sleep, the world as we knew it turned upside down and the anxiety of not knowing how our boys will adjust. This is also the reality; this too shall pass. Again, this is my experience and yours may be different.

After the first 2 weeks the meds ran their course. I began to see the sparkle in his eyes returning. Then the little miracles started to happen.

  • Like going to the door and barking when a delivery came.
  • Climbing up onto the bed (I have dog steps which work great).
  • Taking our first real walk outside of the back yard.
  • Rolling on his back for a belly rub.
  • His appetite returning to normal.

These may seem like small things, but they are wonderful things. They let us know that our boys are healing and adjusting to their new life.

Joe’s Suggestions for Dog Amputation Recovery

If I could offer you any suggestions it would be this.

  1. Get a good dog harness. I purchased the Ruffwear Flagline harness, you can purchase a good harness right here from this site.
  2. Make sure your home is safe for your tripawd. For example, putting down area rugs with nonskid backing on slippery floors was important.
  3. A good orthopedic dog bed will make him more comfortable.
  4. I made sure I was feeding the best food for my dog that’s available. He’s now on a wholesome human grade dog food.
  5. Make an appointment with a certified dog rehabilitation therapist after a month or so into his recovery. They will help you to build up muscle and tolerance in your boy thru exercises. I think this site may even help you pay for the first appointment.

Have a good positive attitude, our dogs feed off of us as you know. And don’t treat your dog any differently than you did before, he’s still a dog that wants to do dog things.

Franklin Three Legged Dog
Franklin is a great Tripawd role model!

So, after 2 months my boy is doing great. His fur is growing back nicely. His energy has returned. He’s happy and healthy and the worst part is behind us. This is what you can look forward to.

Best Regards,

Joe, Franklin and Rosco in New Hampshire.

See Joe’s 14 month ampuversary pupdate about Franklin from February 2023!

Thank you to everypawdy who participates in the Tripawds Community

There are many reasons why the Tripawds Forums are so beneficial. Detailed support being the main benefit. You can read more about why the Tripawds Community only has a Facebook page, and why we won’t have a Facebook Group. For now, we just want to thank everyone who continues to be present and available for other new Tripawd parents taking their first steps in this journey. We are so grateful for all you do in the Forums!

2 thoughts on “Cat and Dog Leg Amputation Advice from one Pet Parent to Another”

  1. My Buster lost his back rear leg about a month and half ago. I’m struggling watching him walk. He’s happy, but slips a lot. And his left rear leg is weak. It’s difficult for him to walk. Can you offer me advice. He is my world.

    • Hi Carrie! THank you for reaching out. It sounds like Buster can really use some help with a rehabilitation therapist. Tripawds Foundation can even pay for the first consultation so please get him to see a practitioner who can help you help him with better mobility. We also have tons of other tips like putting down traction on slippery floors in your house, and keeping his weight down. Please join us in the Forums so we can help! See you there.


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