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Tripawd Quality of Life Survey Needs You

Hey everyone, it’s Limb Loss Awareness Month and we want to get the word out about the three-legged life. It’s time for the 2020 Tripawd Quality of Life Survey for Dogs and Cats (and their people!). 

Got Two Minutes? Take the 2020 Tripawd Quality of Life Survey

Tripawd Quality of Life Survey
It’s just 10 questions and 2 minutes of your time!

Where has the time gone? It was 2013 when we did the last Tripawd Quality of Life Survey. Yikes! We think it’s time for a refresher, and we hope that you have about two minutes to help us.

Whether your Tripawd is living or not, your experience counts!

All surveys must be completed by: 
Wednesday May 6, 2020 at 12 midnight Pacific Time.

Not enough studies are done about the three legged life. We only know of two other Tripawd Quality of Life Surveys done, one in 1999 and another in 2012. The last known pet amputee survey that we know about was ours, published in 2013.

You Can Help Future Tripawd Parents

With the rapid pace of veterinary medicine developments, we think it’s so important to keep this material fresh and the Tripawds community is exactly the right place to do it. YOU have the experience and expertise to help show the world what the three-legged life is really like.

The goal of our 10 question pet amputee survey is to:

  1. Inform the veterinary community about Tripawd pet parent satisfaction rates.
  2. Comfort future Tripawds members with data that shows how how other cats and dogs lived life after amputation surgery.

Below you will find two Tripawds Quality of Life questionnaires. Cats are first, scroll down for dogs.

Three Legged Cat Parents Answer Here

(Dog parents, please scroll down)

Take the Tripawd Quality of Life Survey
Fuzz needs you to answer our 3-legged cat questionnaire.

Three Legged Dog Parents Answer Here

Tripawd Quality of Life Survey
Fern thanks you for taking our Tripawd life questionnaire!

Remember, surveys are due:
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 12 midnight Pacific Time.


Sharing is Caring!

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