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Tripawd Tuesday Salutes Barney B., a Six Year Histiocytic Cancer Survivor

Today for Tripawd Tuesday we’re extremely hoppy to report that Tripawd Barney Baldwin from Houston, Texas, has passed the six year survival mark for histiocytic cancer! Barney lost his leg in February 2008 but that didn’t slow him down. Thanks to great care by his pawrents Linda and Bob, he has kept on loving life on three legs without any major problems. Although his vet discovered a 5cm mass in his right adrenal gland earlier this year, this 11-year old pup continues showing how to make the most of life no matter what turns it takes. Talk about a hero!

Here’s what his mom Linda reported to us recently:

Six year histiocytic cancer survivor, Barney B.

Barney is doing well, all things considered. When we found out about the adrenal mass in April, we decided against surgery, but still wanting to monitor the growth of the mass and address any discomfort from the symptoms medically if it makes sense from quality of life perspective.

Late June his mass had grown but not significantly, and no impingement on the vena cava at this time. And, there were no other tumor/mass sightings in liver, spleen, or kidneys that were visible at that time either. We have no idea of the adrenal mass malignancy factor, and from all my research there’s no way to determine this without surgery, so am thankful that we haven’t seen any signs in other organs.

My boy has trained us (by barking) to assist him when he wants help up/down the step going in/out to potty – he moves around himself, but when in a hurry the Ruffwear harness that he wears all day sure comes in handy to help him get where he’s going faster. He also uses his new found powers to beckon treats his way

Because of the mobility and arthritis issues, we decided to continue with his rehab therapy once a week. He gets trigger point therapy to address pain/inflammation, walks (hops) in the water treadmill for 10 minutes or so, then his favorite thing – they slip him into the sling and he gets to sit in the warm water whirlpool. So, on rehab day, I drive to The Woodlands before work, then pick him up mid-afternoon and he usually sleeps all the way home. Dr. Richard Wall is the best at what he does and it’s worth the time/drive.”

Barney B. in 2008

Read more about Barney’s miraculous journey:

April 2009: Meet the Great Yellow Texas Lab, Barney B.
February 2011: Histiocytic Cancer Survivor Barney B. Celebrates Three Year Ampuversary
March 2012: Barney B. Parties Four Y ears AfterHistiocytic Dog Cancer Diagnosis

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2 thoughts on “Tripawd Tuesday Salutes Barney B., a Six Year Histiocytic Cancer Survivor”

  1. HANDSOME, HANDSOME BARNEY!!!! So delighted to hear, not only how well you are.doing, but how well you have trained your humans to tend to your every need!!! Splendid job! Just spendid!!

    You are a true miracle dog and quite.the beacon of hope for.anyone starting this journey!!

    Thank you so much for this upfting post today! You have the whole tripawd community cheering for you and sending you hugs!

    Perhaps you can talk your humans into s small scoop of ice cream to celebrate what a good boy you ar e!!!


    Sally and Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!


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