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Tripawd Tuesday: Carter’s Courage

 Today on Tripawd Tuesday we present the inspawrational story of Carter, a courageous Tripawd who beat the osteosarcoma odds from April 2011 to September 10 of this year.


Carter was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in April of 2011. At first, we brought Carter to the vet because he had a limp which was so mild that we were not able to confirm which leg it was originating from. At that time, Carter was nine years old (born January 18, 2002) and the vet sent us home with medication for arthritis. Before the medication was done, we were back at the vet asking for xrays, fearing this dreadful cancer. Our worst fears came true and we was diagnosed with bone cancer on a Friday and on Monday we were at Guelph Ontario’s veterinary hospital where he was greeted with open arms. Carter went through every test possible including bone scans, xrays, ultrasounds and more. We were given the option of the amputation, amputation with chemo, or the alternative which would never have been an option unless we had no other choice.


Carter was so active prior to the diagnosis. He walked or ran every single day, swam when he could and chased balls endlessly. A short time after his surgery and recovery, Carter was able to resume all of these activities. At times he would stumble, but he always got up right away and kept going. These moments were harder on us, than they were on him. Carter was so strong and so full of life. Carter was an inspiration to all the children in our neighborhood. They thought he was simply amazing and they were right.


After his six rounds of chemo we had decided to have him on the metronomic chemotherapy. He was on this for two years at which time our vets indicated that he needed a new set of xrays and bloodwork. Everything was clear. We thought Carter defied the odds. His liver numbers were up which were concerning as the chemo was beginning to become hard on him. We decided to take him off the medication in May 2013. In July Carter began to cough blood and he had xrays done that indicated he had a spot on his lungs that presented as typical pneumonia but we were also told with his history, this may not have been so. We put him on antibiotics and the vomiting and coughing subsided. Carter was swimming, riding on the paddleboard with me and even playing badminton with our children by catching the birdies in mid air.

Soon after, Carter’s breathing became a bit laboured. We made another trip to the vet which included xrays. His lungs were full of cancer, he had spots on his liver and possibly his spleen. We were devastated. Even at this time, his love for life fought on I am sure he fought to hide his pain from his family.


On the last Terry Fox walk our children, and some of their friends wore a sticker, saying today I am walking for Carter.

There was never a moment that we regretted the choices that we made. Our only hope is that we wish we could have done more,in order to still have him here. Unfortunately, this was not possible. Our precious Carter lost his battle to this horrid cancer on September 10, 2013. He is missed so much each and every second of every day.


How to Get Featured on Tripawd Tuesday

Each Tuesday, Tripawds from around the world can enter for a chance to be “Tripawd of the Week.” Just share your Tripawd’s story and you’re entered to win!

On every Tuesday of the week, tell us about your three-legged hero here in the Tripawds Discussion Forums or on the Tripawds Facebook page. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. In a few short sentences, describe your three-legged hero’s story.
  2. Include a photo or video.
  3. Include a link to your Trpawds Facebook page, Forum topic and/or Tripawds blog (if applicable)

All entries must be received by Saturday at 11:59 pm. One Tripawd story will be selected at random to be featured the following Tuesday.

4 thoughts on “Tripawd Tuesday: Carter’s Courage”

  1. Reading Carters story brings tears to my eyes but it also brings pride to my heart for the amazing family who had so much love to give him

  2. Ohhhh sweet dear Carter!

    The tears are flowing. Yes, from sadness but at the same time for joy for a boy who beat the odds, made his own rules and lived life to the fullest!

    What an i credible and inspirati al journey! You sre giving js all a beacon of hope! And that beacon of light you are shining on all of us can NEVER be dimmed!

    You have touched…..and are continuing to touch, lives! Imagine how you’ve inspired everyone you’ve met…especially cildren! They, and we, will never forget you! You are continuing to live a life of meaning!

    I understand they ut you in charge of watching over all the balls, birdies and paddleboards! Good choice! Rumor has it you try to eat the birdies though!

    Tha k you for sharing such a lovely tribute to a very special soul! Look at that face!! Melting hearts with just a glance!

    Surrou ding you with joyful memories and the eternal grace of Carter,

    Sally and Happy Hannah


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