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Benign Tumor or Perianal Carcinoma? Wyatt Waits for Diagnosis

Life takes some crazy turns when you least expect it to. Less than two weeks after speaking about coping with dog cancer at Greyhounds Rock, and almost six years to the exact date I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, my pack is doing their best to follow their own advice while steering their doghouse on wheels and Tripawds Spokesdog Wyatt Ray’ from Atlanta, Georgia, to Texas A&M Veterinary Teaching Hosital for a diagnosis.

What Is That?

Possible Anal Sac AdenocarcinomaLast Thursday night, November 16 a large, golf ball-sized lump suddenly appeared on Wyatt’s rump, near his tail. My pawrents knew it was a recent development, because just a few days earlier, Wyatt had a bath, and they certainly would have seen it then. While they wracked their brains about all of the potential things it could be; fatty tumor, impacted anal sac, ingrown hair follicle, they noticed that the bump wasn’t bothering Wyatt at all.

But by the next morning, there was no denying it; the lump was bigger, so a vet visit was in order. On Friday morning, November 17, my people located an excellent AAHA-accredited veterinary clinic near their RV park in Atlanta, and were lucky enough to be seen by Cumming Veterinary Clinic at 8:30 am.

TIP: When you’re on the road with your pet and need a vet, always use an AAHA-accredited veterinary clinic; these practices continuously meet rigorous standards for hospital protocols, surgical tactics and more.

Abnormal Cells Detected

The word “cancer” wasn’t even on their mind, but after some poking and prodding by the excellent Dr. Heather Harkins-Barroso, a fine needle aspirate brought some scary news: possible perianal or anal sac tumor.

As just 3.5 years old, it seems impossible that Wyatt might be in for the fight of his life, but as you probably already know, cancer doesn’t always play by the rules, and even dogs as young as 18 months have been diagnosed with cruel canine cancers that typically only hit older dogs, like osteosarcoma.

We learned from Doctors Demian Dressler and Susan Ettinger, authors of the Dog Cancer Survival Guide, that a best case scenario is that the anal sac tumor is non-cancerous and minimally invasive, making it easy to surgically remove. Worst case, it’s the appearance of perianal carcinoma, a challenging dog cancer that’s usually seen in older pups. They tell more about perianal and anal sac tumors in this video:

[youtube] [/youtube]

The good news is, thanks to my people’s full-time RVer lifestyle, they were able to quickly get from Atlanta to their official winter home in Texas, a RV park that’s close to Texas A&M soft tissue specialists.

Possible Anal Sac Adenocarcinoma

Their appointment isn’t until Monday the 26th, which seems like an eternity. While they wait, they can’t help but think about how eerie it is that almost six years to the day that I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, Wyatt Ray will be biopsied for cancer.

In the meantime, my people are doing their best to live up to the Tripawds motto while facing an uncertain future and all the worries that a cancer diagnosis can bring.

Be. More. Dog.

To do this, all it takes is one look into Wyatt Ray Dawg’s crazy eyes.

Tripawd GSD Wyatt Running at Vickers Upper Ranchupperranch01That’s when my people put the brakes on their pity party, and remember that Wyatt is still Wyatt; he’s living life as best as he knows how — barking at strangers, calling out to dogs and demanding accountability of anything that moves near his dog house on wheels.

They remember that Wyatt didn’t understand “perianal anal sac tumor,” he doesn’t know what we know, he doesn’t care that a golf ball-sized lump on his body is getting worse by the day. He’s living life to the fullest, and doing what all humans need to learn how to do: Be. More. Dog.


22 thoughts on “Benign Tumor or Perianal Carcinoma? Wyatt Waits for Diagnosis”

    • Hi Lisa, thanks for pointing it out. Sounds like a viable solution for cutaneous tumors. We’ve had a few members try it through the years. What about limb tumors such as osteosarcoma or chondrosarcoma? What is the efficacy for those kinds of conditions? Just curious.

  1. sending lots of belly scratches and sloppy kisses from julie and chooch.

    so glad to hear that wyatt is following the ever lasting tripawd mantra… continuing to be. more. dog. no better tribute to life than that.

    we are awfully proud to have pack leaders like you guys.

  2. I’m hoping that all is well with Wyatt. I’ve been off-line (we went camping with no internet or cell reception) so I just read this. I don’t see an update but I’m going to poke around a little.

    We’ve been through anal sac cancer with one of our dogs so we know about the various diagnoses etc. We hope that you get the very best possible news!

    It’s so odd how dates coincide like Jerry’s and Wyatt’s dates. My K died on the exact same date, 8 years later, as my previous heart dog, Acadia, died. Weird beyond words. I’ve sworn to leave that date off of my homemade calendar for coming years… so nothing bad can happen on it.

  3. Elgin wishes Wyatt a comfortable, positive visit with the vets, and hopes that the pawrents are able to absorb as much fun and love as possible in the midst of this new worry.
    Hugs all around.

  4. Life isn’t fair. We are holding onto good thoughts and hoping this is just one of those nasty “scares” life throws at us. Hang tough, Wyatt, Jim and Renee. We here on Tripawds — and all our warrior angels at the bridge — send love and support. You have always been there for us and we are here for you.
    — Beth, Spirit Smilin’ Sammy and MB Wiggly Wrigley

  5. Thank you so much everyone, we are deeply touched by your thoughts, prayers and good wishes, which we need more than ever right now. We are continuing to update about Wyatt’s status over in the Discussion Forums, so please join us there if you can. Much love coming your way.

  6. Wyatt and Family
    I know I’ve already sent my love and good lucks but I didn’t want to leave you page at Post 13 🙂

    Silly I know but your family will understand and you can just laugh at a humans weak ability to be superstitious !!!

    I’m from the Uk we are all very strange

    and I’m sure Fizzly is laughing right now at her stupid mothers behaviour 🙂

    lots of love zena and Fizzle’s xoxox

  7. To Wyatt and family
    I send you lots of pawsitive thoughts and I want you to know that we are all here for you, and wishing for a good result 🙂

    I have been on your page and your very essence shine’s through, and I know you will tackle whatever come’s your way with a serious smile and a joyful spirit.

    My Fizzly is right beside you she’s the smiliest doggy to your right, and I know she will give you the strength that she always gave me 🙂

    Keep smiling and teaching every human around you what it means to be free and courageous and we mere humans will try to keep up 🙂

    Sending you lots of love to you and your family at this awful time of Waiting !!

    love zena and Fizzly in Spirit xoxox

  8. I, too, can’t believe what I’m reading. Thinking of you and Wyatt. On the eve of Thanksgiving, we are certainly hoping for an outcome we can all be thankful for. As a former Aggie, Wyatt is certainly in good hands at TAMU. Do try to “be more dog” although I know it’s so very difficult. Sending love and hugs. Wyatt certainly has a sky full of angels looking out for him; I know it will be fine.

  9. We join with everyone else sending all good wishes as you do the Interminable Waiting Dance, not to be confused with the B9 Dance. We will do both.

    I’m sorry you’re having to deal with the stress of this, and even though Wyatt is being as Dog as he can be, you are still human. You’ve built a huge community of support, and so the whole community will send hopes, prayers, wishes and juju your way.


  10. I can’t believe I’m reading this and I’m sure you can’t believe it is happening. The 6yr coincidence is eerie. We will be hoping and praying that it is a benign tumour. It has to be.

    I love that photo of Wyatt, he looks deliciously happy.

    Many hugs

    Karen, Spirit Magnum and Ruby

  11. Grrrrrr…..

    Now on to Be.More.Dog – Wyatt has the ticket…he is still Wyatt and that is what makes going through this journey most amazing (in a pretty crummy sort of way, but amazing nonetheless).

    Bart is chanting B9! B9! B9! and welcomes another chance to bark in Wyatt’s face.

    We had the awesome fortune to meet Wyatt and Jerry’s pawrents and for anyone who doesn’t already know…they are as awesome in person as they are on You all have a whole team roo-roo-rooting you along.

    Fingers and paws crossed for good news and make sure Wyatt gets an extra special hug and maybe even a cookie or two for just being Wyatt!

    We will be wearing our special VTWDL medallion this weekend and praying for a good diagnosis!


    Darcy & Bart

  12. Oh this can’t be happening to the love of my life! We haven’t even gotten to meet yet! Wyatt stay strong and just remember I am waiting for you in California! Stay strong Wyatt’s mom and dad…love and prayers coming your way from Cali!

  13. Life is the biggest drama queen! Stirring up stuff six years later just to blow our minds. Wyatt Ray, we’re praying for you in southern Indiana. Paws crossed for the best possible outcome. Renee and Jim, I’m praying for strength and peace for the two of you.

  14. Holy Crow! With all the support you and your pawrents have given us, its time that the pay it forward comes back with loud shouts of…B9! B9!

    All of our fingers and paws are crossed for Wyatt Ray. We know Jerry that you and all the Tripawds Warriors that are with you are looking down on them giving them strength during this anxious time.

    Thoughts, prayers and more B9 vibes are being sent to you all!

    -Kori & Angel Lupe

  15. Just wanted to let you know that you’ll have alot of thoughts for strength and wisdom flowing down to you from Ohio!

    BEST of luck…looking forward to your next update Wyatt!

    p.s. if that pic of Wyatt running isn’t the epitome of Be More Dog!!!! LOVE IT!

    sending hugs! Anita, mom to Xena & Roger and my angels, Spammy & Chloe


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