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An Oncologist’s View on Treating Bone Cancer Dogs with Holistic Medicine

In this last segment of our video chats about canine bone cancer with Dr. Johnny Chretin, head of oncology at VCA Animal Hospital West Los Angeles, we asked him:

Can holistic treatments fight cancer in dogs?

Dr. Chretin is an advocate of holistic treatments and doesn’t discourage pawrents from pursuing this type of care, as long as pawrents are talking to a qualified practitioner and remain aware that holistic care cannot replace what western medicine does.

“Any good holistic practitioner is going to tell an owner what they can offer, not replace what western medicine does.”

VCA L.A. Oncology vet Patient

Holistic care is not going to replace chemotherapy, or surgery, and if parents are talking to a practitioner who says their methods can replace these things, go somewhere else. But for any parent who asks about combining holistic care with western medicine, Dr. Chretin says “I tell them ‘absolutely!’ Odds are you’re not going to hurt (the dog) and if they’re willing, I say more power to you!”

VCA Animal Hospital West L.A., Dr. Chretin works in conjunction with on-site holistic practitioners who treat his patients, which keeps the lines of communication open so both doctors know exactly how a patient is being treated. About 30 percent of Dr. Chretin’s patients are also being treated with holistic medicine.

The jury is still out as to whether or not holistic care actually improves quality of life and fights cancer, but Dr. Chretin says “I think it’s a matter of time before we have a landslide of studies that say “yeah, that is the way to go. It’s not going to be across the board . . . I don’t know where it’s going to take off to, but there is something to it.”

Watch Dr. Chretin Discuss His View on Holistic Therapy

Dr. Chretin has treated enough cases (like Reno, in the following video) to know that sometimes holistic care can make a difference, although nobody knows for sure. Still, he cautions parents to keep in mind that in his experience, probably less than half the holistic treatments available can actually do something for pets with cancer.

Dr. Chretin’s Team Helps Reno Beat the Odds

VCA L.A. Oncology vet Patient Reno

One of Dr. Chretin’s many long-term success stories is Reno, a three-year survivor of osteosarcoma who’s lived with lung mets for the last two years. Earlier this year, Reno told us about his experience with chemotherapy, metronomic protocol and mushroom therapy.

In the following video, his dad explains what the family went through when Reno was diagnosed, why he pursued amputation and chemotherapy at VCA Animal Hospital West Los Angeles Oncology Center and how Reno and the family are coping with life on three legs.

Thank You Dr. Chretin and VCA Animal Hospital! This is the last in our series of video interviews with Dr. Chretin at VCA Animal Hospital West Los Angeles. Check out more of Dr. Chretin’s informative advice about canine limb cancers, such as:

Tripwds sends sincere thanks to Dr. Chretin and his helpful staff for allowing us to bring this impawtant information to you!

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