Is My Tripawd Cat or Dog in Pain?
Is your Tripawd cat or dog in pain? These illustrated charts and questions to ask yourself can help you describe what you are seeing to your veterinary team.
Is your Tripawd cat or dog in pain? These illustrated charts and questions to ask yourself can help you describe what you are seeing to your veterinary team.
Pain in Tripawd dogs and cats doesn’t always look like what we think it does, but here’s how you can help your amputee pet feel better.
If you suspect your amputee cat is in pain, the Feline Grimace Scale shows what pain in cats looks like, for vets and pet parents alike.
Pet pain signs are tricky to decipher, but a free education program by teaches pet parents how to recognize pain in dogs and cats.
Learning how to spot the signs of pain in pets takes practice, but these tips for Animal Pain Awareness Month makes their aches easier to recognize.
Is your Tripawd in pain after amputation surgery, or just having a medication side effect? Dr. Robin Downing explains how to tell the difference.
If your Tripawd is limping, that means pain. Learn the 10 ways dogs show pain and what you can do about it during #AnimalPainAwarenessMonth.
Cats are far superior to dogs when it comes to hiding that they hurt. That’s why we’re kicking off Animal Pain Awareness Month with a close up look at symptoms of pain in cats and what to do about it.