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Nor Cal Tripawd January Pawty, Y'all Come!!!
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Livermore CA
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24 January 2009
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5 January 2010 - 10:12 am
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I'm so excited too about Saturday!  Happy Ampuversary Caira!  And Max is coming!  Max is coming! And Bob is coming too!

Cemil's 1 year will be Jan 26.  And I may bring Radzi this time too--his 5 years birthday is Jan 10.  One more thing to celebrate. 

Cemil and mom Mary, Mujde and Radzi….appreciating and enjoying Today

Cemil's blog

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2 March 2009
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5 January 2010 - 8:19 pm
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Hi everyone!  We're planning on being there on Saturday with Montana.  We were bummed to have missed the last couple get togethers, but are very excited to see everyone.  Looking forward to Saturday:-)

East Bay, CA
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6 August 2009
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8 January 2010 - 9:30 pm
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Hey everyone! We are soooo flippin excited to come tomorrow. Adam has been working ALL evening on a special birthday hat for Cemil. Watch out when Adam gets started....Get ready for extreme cheesiness everyone! It's gonna be a Pawty to remember, that's for sure!

May 2001-Jan 21, 2010.....I'm a dog and I'm AWESOME!..... Always.

8 January 2010 - 10:30 pm
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I can't wait for tomorrow either....

and I can tell by the quality and quantity of the pug girls snoring that they are very excited as well Laugh.

See you all tomorrow.

Karen and the pug girls

East Bay, CA
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6 August 2009
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9 January 2010 - 7:02 pm
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Hey everyone.  Adam and my father-in-law are snoring away on couches. Caira Sue is at my feet stretching and every now and then I hear a satisfied sigh come from her. I think that must mean we had a successful party! It was absolutely wonderful to see everyone (and meet some new people) again. I went ahead and just posted to my blog instead of shutterfly today:

Can't wait to see what pictures other people were able to get!


May 2001-Jan 21, 2010.....I'm a dog and I'm AWESOME!..... Always.

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5 April 2009
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10 January 2010 - 6:28 pm
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Howdy, thanks to everyone who attended the pawty yesterday! We met new tripawds, made new friends, saw old friends and had a really great time!

We feel so fortunate to be a part of such an amazing bunch of people and tripawds. Thanks to Maximutt, Linda and your pawrents for coming all the way from So.Cal. to pawty with us, thanks to Montana for coming back and thanks to Caira Sue for introducing us to Sammy, the psychotic, neurotic terrier and Adams dad,"Pops."

The dogs had treats, party hats, bling and a really good time and I'll apologize again for Shelby getting more than her share of treats.

We can't wait till next month, give all your fur kids a hug a remember how lucky we are to have them in our lives.

Here's a link to the photo's we took.Big Grin

My heart lives at Rainbow Bridge
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28 November 2008
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10 January 2010 - 7:15 pm
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Loved, loved, loved all the photos.  Thanks guys for posting the links.  What happy dogs!

Shanna & Spirit Trouble ~ Trouble gained her wings 3/16/2011, a 27 1/2 month cancer survivor, tail wagging. RIP sweetheart, you are my heart and soul.  Run free at Rainbow Bridge.
The November Five - Spirits Max, Cherry, Tika, Trouble & Nova. 11/2008 - 3/2013 An era ends as Queen Nova crossed the Bridge.

Livermore CA
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24 January 2009
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10 January 2010 - 7:46 pm
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Wow, you got really good pictures of all, especially Max.  It's already fun to re-live the day.  These are high points in my month!


Cemil and mom Mary, Mujde and Radzi….appreciating and enjoying Today

Cemil's blog

Orange County, CA
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2 January 2010
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10 January 2010 - 11:22 pm
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We really enjoyed meeting everyone at the party, and it was nice to finally put faces to all the names we see here. We have our photos up on Shutterfly… I think. Try the link below:

Livermore CA
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24 January 2009
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11 January 2010 - 10:59 am
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John--Yours are great pictures too!  I'm so glad to have finally met all of you.  Thanks for sharing your pictures.  Seeing them is like being back there at the "fun-est" place.

Be safe going home


Cemil and mom Mary, Mujde and Radzi….appreciating and enjoying Today

Cemil's blog

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11 January 2010 - 9:14 pm
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Thank you for sharing the pictures!  I can't believe I forgot my camera this time.  It was so great seeing all of the tripawds run and play at the park, as well as meeting new friends and seeing old ones.  Monty has been working hard to destroy the toys in her party bag and the purple hat pictures with Cemil are precious.  We hope we will be able to join you guys at the next party:-)

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26 November 2008
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13 January 2010 - 11:58 am
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I have posted an array of twelve thumbnail photos taken at this gathering. Each thumbnail has a hyperlink to the full size original 1600x1200 pixel photo (no enhancement or rotation). Please note that depending upon settings, your browser may resize view to fit computer resolution.  However, you can save the full size photo while viewing by right mouse selecting the photo.  The full size JPG is approximately 1MB.

Sorry to be a little late with this posting of the photos, but I appear to have transitioned from the numb denial state to the terror reality state.  We did enjoy meeting this community and being able to place faces upon the cyber persona.

Spirit Cherry's Dad - Bob


On The Road

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13 January 2010 - 8:38 pm
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Great photos Bob! Thanks for sharing.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

13 January 2010 - 8:46 pm
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It was great to meet you and Emily, and thanks for posting the pictures.  I hope you will continue to join us when we get together.

I suppose its good you have transitioned- it means you are moving through your grief.  You know it will get better.

I am working on the video I took, but I have been so busy I can't spend much time on it, maybe I can post this weekend.  I have some great shots of you feeding all the dogs.  Of course I cut the head off everyone so I could get shots of the dogs. When you have pugs you learn to aim low. Laugh

Karen and the pug girls

Oakland, CA
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20 December 2008
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14 January 2010 - 10:54 pm
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Finally! My FM got some pictures from last Saturday on the web. We loved everybody else's and it was so great to meet Max and Montana and their folks and Bob and Emily. Oh! and Linda! What a great celebration of tripawd love! Hope I will see you all soon!

Travis Ray

Woohoo! Tripawds Rule!

Regulator of the Oaktown Pack, Sheriff of the Oaktown Pawsse, Founding member and President of the Tripawd Girldogs With 2 Names ROCK Club, and ... Tripawd Girldog Extraordinaire!

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