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Tripawd Rescue Forum Updates!
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Member Since:
4 July 2023
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17 November 2023 - 6:44 am
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Just making a thread for general updates about the current goings on in the rescue forum.

First off, just a quick note that at the moment I’ve decided to list all the tripups and trikitties in a particular region (usually a state, province or collection of states and provinces), so even if the feature pet is a cat or a dog, you’ll find some of each (cats and dogs) listed in every post (as long as I can find some of both!)

Also, please don’t be sheepish about posting to the forum any tripawds you find! The ones I post are mostly from and many rescues don’t list their pets there. So, if you find a tripawd in your local rescue and you can’t adopt it yourself, please let us know as someone from the community may be a good fit!

Also, feel free to post regularly in your social media about the adoptable tripawds you see here - help others get hooked on tripawds!!!

And as always, if you’re still looking for your tripawd match and haven’t found one here in the rescue forum, try this!

Natalie & Juno (aka June)


Member Since:
4 July 2023
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18 November 2023 - 10:14 am
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Quick heads up - I’ll be taking the coming week (Nov 19-25) off from posting new tripawd rescues. (Every effort needs a rest now and again to keep it sustainable!)

However, don’t fear!

  • There are many tripawds already listed for you to peruse!
  • Help the tripawds here in the forum each find a loving home by sharing them on your social media!
  • Be sure to list in the forum any tripawds you come across in your local shelters that you aren’t able to adopt yourself or aren’t a good match for you. (List a new tripawd by going to the rescue forum and clicking the “Add Topic” button, and you’re away!)
  • And if after cruising all the forum listings you’re still looking for your tripawd match, remember to try this! 

Natalie & Juno (aka June)


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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18 November 2023 - 11:30 am
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A well deserved reprieve👍
Thank you for all the links etc. You have done an extraordinarily good job at providing us lots of avenues to find these special pups who need a loving home.

Be safe and you and Juno have a happy Thanksgiving

appreciate all you do for all of us in so many ways.❤️❤️❤️

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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18 November 2023 - 4:26 pm
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Absolutely, yes, take the time you need Natalie! You are doing an incredible job here, I never imagined this area in our Forums could be so organized and fun. THANK YOU! And hoppy Thanksgiving if we don't see you around before that! I guarantee we are very thankful for YOU around here. smiley16


Member Since:
4 July 2023
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26 November 2023 - 1:37 pm
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Awww!! Thanks for all your kind word and support! I hope you all had a Hoppy Thanksgiving as well! Yes, very restful over here - much needed!

Natalie & Juno (aka June)

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