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Longtime 3 legger getting old having hard time getting around
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Member Since:
15 September 2018
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1 September 2022 - 9:16 pm
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Hey there, any folks with old ass 3 legged dogs out here? 

My buddy is 15.6 years old pit bull sharpei- rear leg amputee (from when she was 9 months old) and starting to have more limited mobility, more and more weak back leg. I regret not getting her into a wheelchair earlier in her life, feel like she could really use one now.... But I'm scared it's too late / it's a lot of money just to try

Has anyone put their long time amputee in a wheelchair as an old dog?  Looking for stories / advice..

Also Does anyone have an old 3 legger in the north country? I live in Duluth, MN for the past few years... Very long snowy icy winter- she loves snow but struggles getting around in it / esp with ice. Very nervous about this coming winter- feel very guilty for making her deal with wintery conditions as an old girl.... Makes me want to run away with her someplace where she can be safe and warm ..

Would love to hear how ppl with old 3 leggers deal with icy wintery shit...

I tried dog boots with ice studs but it's hard to do every time she wants to go outside, so she envetiably ends up slipping on occasion 😭 💔

Anyhow would love to have some friends who know the old 3 legged dog struggles.... It's really stressful and scary and lonesome sometimes.

And idk if this is the same website, but me n mazel got filmed when she was a pup by a tripawds filmer in slab city, CA circa 2008ish. She was utube famous lol

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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2 September 2022 - 8:15 pm
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Woaaaah! Wow it's GREAT to hear from you again! YES this is the same website and people who filmed you and Mazel!

I'm so happy that Mazel has been enjoying life with you! We could never forget your spunky gal, after all, she was one of the first Tripawds we randomly met on the road. Hard to believe so much time has passed. You have done such a great job with her! 

 I regret not getting her into a wheelchair earlier in her life, feel like she could really use one now.... But I'm scared it's too late / it's a lot of money just to try

If she is just starting to slow down now, that's amazing. Yes it's tough seeing our dogs get older. Do not beat yourself up, we all do what we can do. Mazel may or may not need wheels then or now. The best way to know is to ask a rehab therapist. One thing we highly recommend is to have a Tripawd evaluated by a canine rehabilitation therapist. These people are experts and can tell you where she needs help and what kind of assistance will make her life easier. It's never too late to find out. The Tripawds Foundation can pay for your first rehab visit too! 

Here are some examples of dogs who participated in our rehab reimbursement program:


The only thing is, I searched for rehab therapists in Duluth and to my surprise, I couldn't find any! The Duluth Veterinary Hospital offers pain management services though, and they may have a therapist at their practice. I would call them to see if they do. If they do not have a therapist on their team, consider getting an online rehab consultation done. The first visit would still be covered by our program.

And you've come to the right place for being around people who get it. Many of us here have raised 3-legged dog into the senior years. It's not for sissies as they say.

Here are some stories about senior dogs on 3 legs.


Also Does anyone have an old 3 legger in the north country?

Lots of members live in snow during winter. Here are some of their snow and ice tips.

Snow and ice is tricky for any dog but especially a senior. Have you seen Dr. Buzby's Toe Grips ? They are pretty cool and aren't a big hassle like boots. Dogs usually don't mind wearing them either.

Let us know what you think! Give Mazel a smooch from me!sf-kiss

New England
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11 January 2022
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7 September 2022 - 7:42 am
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I am in awe of your 15+ year old tripawd!  This gives me hope for the longevity of my young tri (15 months, 1 year on 3).

My quad-pawd is very sensitive to the cold and often wears boots on snow/ice.  I've never tried boots with ice spikes, but the pair she wears is a very basic set of silicone dog boots I picked up at the local Petco a couple of years ago.  She can run on ice fast enough to scare the shit out of me!  The boots I have for my tri (which I primarily use for walking on smooth surfaces) didn't do as well on snow/ice as the basic silicone ones.

These are very similar to the ones I have:

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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7 September 2022 - 11:40 am
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mischief said
I am in awe of your 15+ year old tripawd!  This gives me hope for the longevity of my young tri (15 months, 1 year on 3).

My quad-pawd is very sensitive to the cold and often wears boots on snow/ice.  I've never tried boots with ice spikes, but the pair she wears is a very basic set of silicone dog boots I picked up at the local Petco a couple of years ago.  She can run on ice fast enough to scare the shit out of me!  The boots I have for my tri (which I primarily use for walking on smooth surfaces) didn't do as well on snow/ice as the basic silicone ones.

These are very similar to the ones I have:


Aww thanks for sharing! I'm glad you found boots that work for her. We do carry some Ruffwear boots in the Tripawds Gear store, which some dogs tolerate really well and others do not. It's always a toss-up! 

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