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Zeus' 6 month Ampuversary - Woof Woof
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9 October 2008
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20 October 2008 - 1:04 pm
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Happy 6 Month Ampuversary Zeus and Heather!!!  Smile  Let's celebrate with some extra spinach and fish oil pills... can't forget the chicken feet!  Wink  Mmmmm... I'm sure it's pretty yummy stuff to our "fur pals".  We are so very happy for you and your good health!  That accupressure chart and massage info looks very interesting.  Jake and I are going to have to print that out and experiment a little!

Luv Spirit Jake, Smooch, Baby Gus & Mom (Sherri)

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7 June 2008
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21 October 2008 - 4:13 pm
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Yes happy ampuversary Zeus! It is great to hear that you are doing well...I've never tried ice cubes, we will have to give it a go!

I was also planning to share a little update (I'm almost 4 1/2 months post op) but I recently developed a limp on one of my front legs (I'm a rear amp) and want to check that out first. I sort of know how you felt:

>> It amazes me how suddenly our babies can make a turn for the worse >>and I was sick to my stomach and full of fear.

Hopefully I just pulled a muscle chasing a cat in the backyard or going crazy when UPS came (or something like this), but we are going to get some xrays and make sure. I just finished up 3 months of chemo so I am very hopeful that it is not more cancer.

Lotsa Love to all from Max C



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28 May 2008
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21 October 2008 - 4:16 pm
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Hi Max - hopefully it's just a tired muscle...we will say extra prayers for you tonight when we pray for all tripawd fur friends. Please keep us sends her love.


Heather and Spirit Zeus - Our life changing journey…from the earth to the heavens…one day at a time…always together

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27 July 2008
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22 October 2008 - 3:23 pm
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Hiya Max,

Hopefully the x-rays will just show a pulled muscle, or ligament.  Please let us know what you find out.  Anytime things change, we know it can be worrisome.  We'll keep our paws crossed in prayer for you. 

Love, Blazer & Mom (Vicki)

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25 October 2008 - 11:54 am
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Well so far so good,

Our doc was out this week and we made an appt for next Tuesday, but I am doing much better now. I did have a small relapse when I stepped akwardly in a hole in the backyard a few days ago, but have since recovered nicely from that. We might even wait until our next scheduled lung xray next month and xray the leg then. I finally was able to go on a very short walk today and catch up on some much needed sniffing!

Thanks for your positive thoughts!


On The Road

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24 September 2009
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25 October 2008 - 2:10 pm
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Oh good Max, it's nice to hear from you. Sounds like a little R&R is exactly what you needed. Take it easy. Even short walks can be a doozy, so take lots of breaks. We are thinking of you.


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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25 October 2008 - 4:21 pm
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It is a fine balance between pain pills helping and making me feel "too good" so I forget I'm sore and overdo it! I was very happy today after my short little walk Smile

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25 October 2008 - 6:20 pm
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Hiya Max,

You are so right that it IS a fine balance between pain pills making you feel good so you forget and overdo it.  I'm glad to hearyou were happy with your little short walk today.  Just take 'er easy and soon you will get to go for longer and longer walks and then, one day, you'll be running.

Love, Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Mom (Vicki)

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26 October 2008 - 1:57 am
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This is great to hear, Max, and it would be nice if both xrays could be done at the same time.  You better believe we are sending you pawsitive thoughts and wishing you only the best.

Love, Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Mom (Vicki)

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1 November 2008 - 6:48 pm
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Just wanted to let everyone know that my limp has gone away and I am doing fine. Here is a picture of me with another cute puppy just before we went "trick or treating".



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On The Road

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24 September 2009
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1 November 2008 - 9:40 pm
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Lookin' good Max! Glad you're feeling better.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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3 November 2008 - 6:53 pm
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Awwwww, Max, you look so cute sitting next to that little one!  You look happy in your picture, too!  Glad to hear you got good news!

Love, Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Mom (Vicki)

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