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Zeus' 6 month Ampuversary - Woof Woof
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17 October 2008 - 3:41 pm
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Hi Everyone - I've been wanted to write about Zeus' 6 month ampuversary since it came around on October 9th, but needless to say there was a lot of grieving happening for all and I was too upset about our beloved Jerry to feel joy or happiness with such a loss. Then Jim and Rene reminded me that we have to live one day at a time with our fur pals and I needed to channel that sadness into pawsitive energy for my tripawd...and last but not least, we all need to carry on Jerry's work. Thank you Jim, Rene and heart holds much love, gratitude and admiration for you.

Zeus has really had a wonderful six months...knock on wood. He recovered extremely well after his amputation and went through Chemo with flying colors. He only had a few minor issues during those first 3 months of surgery and chemo: 1) panting the first two weeks after surgery and once he was off the pain meds and had his stitches out, his panting stopped, 2) he was a little tired the day of chemo, but back to his spoiled and lovable self the next day and 3) a little infection during chemo that was quickly taken care of with antibiotics. What a trooper he has been for me.

Reading all the various stories from around the world, I realize that we were very fortunate that we had such a successful experience during such a difficult and traumatic time. My heart goes out to everyone who is having some issues and problems with recovery and please know that Zeus and I pray every night before we go to sleep for all fur pals and their pawrents that things work out ok.

When I took Zeus in last month for his chest xrays, we noticed that he had lost 5 pounds...he was 57. He used to be 72 pounds and then post-amputation he was 67...the doctors like him to be between 63-65 so that the remaining legs don't have to overwork themselves to compensate for additional weight...but 57 was a bit too light. I thought maybe because we just moved in with his "Step Dad" and it was a new home and environment (Zeus is very much a creature of habit)...but I thought, no...because he loves Chuck and we have recently nick-named him "Shadow" because he just hops along after Chuck no matter where he goes in the house. Maybe it was the additional exercise that he was getting? Long story short...he really dropped some more weight in like 2-3 days and I noticed that I could see most of his bones and he seemed weak and uninterested. It amazes me how suddenly our babies can make a turn for the worse and I was sick to my stomach and full of fear. We were away for the weekend and after a call into my Vet, she was pretty confident that it was not the cancer; she said weight loss is not a primary symptom of returning cancer...I still couldn't wait to get home to get him in for tests. In the meantime, I fed him chicken and rice and he seemed to perk up a bit. He ended up having hookworms which are easily treated but was surprising to us since he is on monthly interceptor/heartguard...but since he had chemo, his immume system was compromised and somehow he got the worms. My Vet called me saying that she had never been so excited to see intestinal parasites as she was with his results. We have him on medicine and I am happy beyond words that he is back to his pushy, nosy, spoiled and affectionate self.

This particular month has been full of reminders for me that I truly need to treasure each and every moment with him. There is no schedule for the inevitable and life can change on a dime as we all have experienced.

We feel so fortunate and blessed to have met so many wonderful pawrents and fur pals on Jerry's site...what would Zeus and I have done without it? Would Zeus be here had I not come across this website? I can't say "yes he would be" for certain. This website and all the incredible people that participate have literally given me the gift of Zeus' life...I am eternally grateful. I am not normally one that opens up and shares the emotion, feelings and deep thoughts that I have on here and I know it's because we all share the common love and devotion to our tripawd that I'm able to put my thoughts and feelings into words so freely.

Prayers and blessings to all our furry friends who have made the trip across the bridge...we will see you on the other day. Thoughts and healing energy to those pawrents who have helped their tripawds cross over...what a gift you gave them to free them of their pain.

Love to all who continue the fight against this horrible disease...keep on fighting as Zeus and I will.

Gratitude and Love to all,

Heather and Zeus


Heather and Spirit Zeus - Our life changing journey…from the earth to the heavens…one day at a time…always together

Manchester, UK
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17 October 2008 - 4:54 pm
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Happy 6 month ampuversary Zeus!!

Darcy – tripawd since 16th October 2007.

***Darcy would love to be your friend on Facebook - just search for Darcy Deerhound***

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17 October 2008 - 5:07 pm
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Heather & Zeus,

             Congrats on the 6 month ampuversary...  and many more to come. I'm so happy to here it was just hookworms,I remember you being concerned about Zeus's health. What a sigh of relief....

         I try to monitor Busters' weight also. Lately he has put on a few lbs and I worry about compensating for missing leg  also along with joint issues such as arthritis.... How often do you walk Zeus & how far? He is a pretty boy...enjoy the celebration.Laughing

We send some hugs.



Kim & Angel Buster

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
–Anatole France

On The Road

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17 October 2008 - 5:44 pm
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Zeus said:

...we all need to carry on Jerry’s work.

Thank you so much for the kind words and most of all, your continued support. Give Zeus a big happy hug for us, and keep on keepin' on ...

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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17 October 2008 - 6:52 pm
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Happy Ampuversary Zeus! Congratulations! 

So much to celebrate for, even the worms!   😉

Heather, you have done a fine job caring for Zeus, you should do the same for yourself as well.

One day at a time -- Do not look back and feel sorry about the past, for it is gone. Do not worry about the future for it has not yet come.  Live in the present, and make it beautiful. ~Anonymous~

Hugs to Zeusy and Heather.

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17 October 2008 - 7:47 pm
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Thank you everyone...Jessie - I love that saying, thank you for reminding me of it...and your thoughtful comments, I am learning how to take care of myself again - Zeus has been my main focus obviously for the past 6 months. It's so funny that you mentioned that because my dad and I were just chatting about that this morning - how taking care of ourselves usually comes after taking care of them!

Kim - I walk him as far as he wants to go...sometimes it is 20 minutes like last night and sometimes it's only 5 minutes like today - I let him call it. When he doesn't feel like walking and just sitting in the backyard chewing sticks, I play keep away with him and pretend to grab for the stick and he gets up and runs away from me and we keep doing that until he gets tired. When he's not exercising as much, I cut back on his food - he's usually not too happy about that, but it is important to keep them trim so when I see the pathetic "I'm starving mom!" eyes, I remember what's important here. I also put green vegetables in his food which I think helps and make sure the water is as cold as you can get it - cold water speeds up the metabolism (yes, I even put ice cubes in it!). I don't give him "cookies" anymore, mosting because he has crystals (which is like kidney stones for us) and if I don't adhere to a strict diet, they come back and they are not fun for him...he gets ice cubes for treats and he LOVES them and I'm sure the cold helps keep his metabolism going. Zeus has some arthritis too in his spine...I worry about that, but as Jessie said in her in the present.

I hope this helps!

Much love,

Heather and Zeus

Heather and Spirit Zeus - Our life changing journey…from the earth to the heavens…one day at a time…always together

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17 October 2008 - 7:56 pm
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Zeus said:

Zeus has some arthritis too in his spine…I worry about that


Heather, have you tried acupressure on Zeus?  Here is the acupressure chart you can follow. The same website also mentions the acupressure technique.

Also, try putting warm pack on his spine to get the blood circulation going, and then massage the muscles on both sides of the spine. Here is a link to various massage techniques.

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17 October 2008 - 11:47 pm
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  Hey that's a really nice chart to have handy. I've also seen some sort of video on the handicapped pets site that comes with a dvd to give your dog a great massage Smile. I've taken Buster to a doggie chiroprator once however he didn't care for being touched that way and Buster was po'd at me for the rest of the week. Heather do you give Zeus omega? I know what you mean about your starving me mom eyes. Buster gets me everytime, he is getting hefty I really need to be a stricter mom. I've always pacified my dogs with treats at least they are healthy now. FYI did you know chicken feet either raw or dhydrated are a good source of chondroitin?? He loves the dehydrated ones.... and his heated Bella pad at night....

  Hope to see some ampuversary pics real soonLaughing
Kim&Buster the possum hunter (HaHA)

Kim & Angel Buster

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
–Anatole France

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18 October 2008 - 8:36 am
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Happy Ampuversary Zues!!!!!!  Way to go.

Connie & Radar

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18 October 2008 - 9:14 am
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Thanks Jessie for that info...really, really great to have. I've heard about others using heating pads, but didn't put 2 and 2 together that it would help Zeus...:-)

Kim - he is on Omega - 6000mg of it and I also give it to my other guy too..I didn't know about chicken feet...ewwww ;-), but worth a try! I will ask my Vet if I can give those to him with the strict diet she has him on...thanks for the tip!

We took video of playing keep away, so I will load that this weekend!

Thanks everyone for caring Cool

Heather and Spirit Zeus - Our life changing journey…from the earth to the heavens…one day at a time…always together

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18 October 2008 - 1:46 pm
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Zeus we are so happy for u and your mom. I am so happy it was treatable. We are so PROUD of u and your mom

Heidi and Titan

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18 October 2008 - 9:21 pm
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Heather & Zeus, Happy 6th Month Ampuversary!  It kind of hard to add any words of advice since all those who have written before me really know their stuff, but I would be remiss if we failed to pass on the congratulations for Zeus.  It's very good to hear he is doing well.

Love, Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Mom (Vicki)

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19 October 2008 - 6:20 am
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“Open your mouth and shut your eyes and see what Zeus will send you.”
Aristophanes quotes (The greatest representative of ancient Greek comedy, 450-385 BC)

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19 October 2008 - 7:56 pm
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I love that Lalla - thank you 🙂

Hope you and Jerry had a great day are on our minds quite often.

Love and sloppy wet kisses.

Mom and Zeus

Heather and Spirit Zeus - Our life changing journey…from the earth to the heavens…one day at a time…always together

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6 October 2008
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20 October 2008 - 9:57 am
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Congratulations on Zeus' 6 mo. ampuversary!!!  I'm so glad that everything turned out okay (hookworms). 

Sherri & Dexter

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