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Tripawd Tuesday: Meet Declan the Determined
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27 February 2024 - 3:34 am
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Sit back and take a break, it's time for this week's Tripawd Tuesday! Declan the Determined is going to melt your heart! Maybe you'll even want to go out and rescue another Tripawd in need after you meet him. Here's his story as told by his mom Shanna Proudfit.

Tripawd Tuesday: Declan, a Vision of Strength and Determination

Declan is a Tripawd rescue pup from FloridaImage Enlarger
Declan is a rescue pup from Florida

On March 1, 2021, Declan was found on the streets of Miami after being victim of a hit and run. A good samaritan, who had witnessed the accident, pulled him out from the middle of the road, and immediately reached out to the community for help.

Numerous rescues were contacted, but Paw Patrol Animal Rescue and Sanctuary was the only one to respond. They rushed him to an emergency hospital and he had to have his left eye removed immediately. He was severely matted, underweight, and full of fleas and ticks. His left arm was broken and they did all they could to save it. However, when the cast came off, he still had no use of his arm. He received physical therapy, and eventually received a Neuro consult which ultimately determined that his arm needed amputation. He underwent amputation surgery on July 31, 2021. 

Three Legged Rescue DeclanImage Enlarger
What a lucky boy to find his furmily!

I had been following his story on Instagram.

And I felt this gravitational pull towards him. I just knew in my heart that he needed to come home with us. Back then, I didn’t know anything about Tripawds but I knew I had love to give and was willing to learn. I found your organization which helped me prepare tremendously to bring him home.

We finalized his adoption and got to bring him home on August 16th. 

Declan is a true vision of strength and determination.

Tripawd Declan and siblingsImage Enlarger
Declan inspires many people!

He has taught me so much and we truly couldn’t imagine our lives without him. I started Declan‘s Instagram in hopes to show people that Tripawds can still live a fulfilling and happy life. 

He has been able to inspire many. One woman was considering putting her dog down after a leg injury that couldn’t be repaired. We were able to show her that amputation is not the end. She decided to go through with the surgery and is now going to have many more years with her beloved boy. 

Most recently, Declan became a model for Chewy. Being able to spread awareness brings our family so much joy. He is such a sweet boy & the best brother to his fur siblings.

Follow Declan on Instagram, and on his YouTube Channel too!

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Member Since:
22 February 2013
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27 February 2024 - 7:27 pm
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Declan is absolutely adorable!  Soooo darn cute.....and so is the rest of the pack.

Thank you so mich for sharing this story....started out rough for this pup but now he is in the best home a pup could ever have.

I love that he is such a delightful Goodwill Ambassador for Tripawds.  This little hereo saved the life of another dog who was going to be put down and now has a full life as a tripawd. 

Such an inspiring it!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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