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Sandpiper - Front Leg Amputation from Osteosarcoma (TODAY)
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Member Since:
13 March 2019
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18 March 2019 - 4:49 pm
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First setback - thirty minutes ago...fed Sandpiper dinner (he has been doing awesome on his own food since first day after surgery).  He ate, turned and threw up.  

I called the hospital to ask what to do and awaiting a return call from a doctor.  Could it be as simple as ate too fast, not one piece of food was chewed (sort of normal).  Gabapentin and Trazodone the only two meds that stayed.

He sleeps A LOT!

Thank you Karen, I am pretty proud of his business results (lol) and appreciate you sharing about the leaking - I thought it was the medicine too as he just has little to no idea its happening.

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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18 March 2019 - 5:18 pm
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Sorry for the scare! Maybe he was trying to tell his chef he didn’t like the meal? 😉

Hmmmm yeah my guess is he ate with so much gusto that no food stayed down. Try not to panic, I’m sure your vet will have some good input. Let us know what they say.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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18 March 2019 - 6:44 pm
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Yes, those little beach Saspiders are delightful  little fellas.  Cute way to honor your other doggy pal😊

Glad you were able to have someone  check on Sandpiper during the day, as well as having a monitor, and, as well being able to do some work at home!    And it sounds like he did protest coming  back kn after potty break with his visitor.

Yes, ditto the rest.  He needs that now.  Gaba can have a little sedative  effect sometimes,  so adding Trazedone  to the mix can definitely make  him quite lethargic.  Jow long is he supposed to have the Trazedone?  Is it because the Vet is concerned he'll be too active and hyper?  Is he in Tramad  and Rimadyl too?

Try smaller meals maybe three times a day and see if that helps eliminate the puke session.

Update when you can


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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8 January 2018
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23 March 2019 - 5:08 pm
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Greetings from Australia - I'm hoping that a week on, all is well. We have a three-legged black Labrador, Emerson, now 12, and 15 months on from his amputation. We had a couple of frightening nights post-op caring from him, and Tripawds gave us both good advice and great hope. We thanked them in a post which they ran here: https://tripawd.....-labrador/

One of the best pieces of advice we read was that once physically recovered, so much of the rest is attitude. We took him back to his favourite park about three weeks afterwards, I think, and he improved rapidly thereafter, as if it was the joy of life that got him back on his (three) feet. After 15 months he's now everyone's favourite dog at the park, of course, and though he has occasional weak days, last week he was bounding about there like a puppy and when he bolted for a dead fish on the beach, I couldn't keep up with him. 

We did light chemo and were lucky to be part of a cancer vaccine trial running here in Sydney. Every single day is a bonus, as you know, and we love him so much. All our love in your journey, and I hope it may be as long as ours.

Jez, Deanna, and Emerson, Sydney

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Following Emerson's footprints to the beach WHERE HE IS NOT ALLOWED!

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On The Road

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24 September 2009
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23 March 2019 - 6:11 pm
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Jez, Deanna, and Emerson it is so nice to hear from you! And wonderful to know that life is good! Thank you for taking time to share, Emerson is an inspawration! 

Here is a post that explains adding images to the Forums. Feel free to start a new topic too that’s all about Emerson’s life as a Tripawd so we can keep the celebration 🎉 going!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
8 January 2018
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23 March 2019 - 9:11 pm
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jerry said
Jez, Deanna, and Emerson it is so nice to hear from you! And wonderful to know that life is good! Thank you for taking time to share, Emerson is an inspawration! 

Here is a post that explains adding images to the Forums. Feel free to start a new topic too that’s all about Emerson’s life as a Tripawd so we can keep the celebration 🎉 going!


Thanks Jerry and team! Have finally done a blog post here! http://emerson......019/03/24/emerson/

Member Since:
4 July 2019
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4 July 2019 - 7:55 pm
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Hi there from a fellow Sydney sider,

Thank you again for your beautiful story on Emerson.

I know this is a random ask, but I am desperate for help. My partner is having a hard time accepting the news of the amputation for his beloved rottie who also has osteosarcoma. If you or anyone you may know from Sydney who also has a tripod dog would be willing to meet at a park close to them or anywhere convenient for them so my partner can see a three legged dog coping well, it would mean the world to us. I just want to help my partner during this tough time and assure him that his baby boy is going to be okay.

Thank you so much.

4 July 2019 - 10:07 pm
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leonamarie said
Hi there from a fellow Sydney sider,

Thank you again for your beautiful story on Emerson.

I know this is a random ask, but I am desperate for help. My partner is having a hard time accepting the news of the amputation for his beloved rottie who also has osteosarcoma. If you or anyone you may know from Sydney who also has a tripod dog would be willing to meet at a park close to them or anywhere convenient for them so my partner can see a three legged dog coping well, it would mean the world to us. I just want to help my partner during this tough time and assure him that his baby boy is going to be okay.

Thank you so much.


Hi LeonaMarie - Well it's good you've found Tripawds, as it's full of supportive people and thoughts. 

Emerson has, in fact, just hit problems, his back legs are giving out, and we're not sure why, so we actually have a vet friend coming round this evening to give us guidance. Our fingers are crossed, but we know we've had a year and a half of bonus time, so if it is bad news, well we'll deal with it. If it's good news, and he perks up, we'd LOVE to meet you and your partner. Meanwhile, tell him that Emerson is the most popular dog in the park at weekends, has been gloriously happy for the last year and a half, and every time we're out, everyone wants to meet him and ask about him. But my God, I totally sympathise with your partner having a hard time, especially in the days before and after the amputation, because I cried for three weeks (happily it was the Christmas holidays). Where are you in Sydney? We go to Curl Curl and areas around, but to help out a fellow Tripawder, we'd be happy to travel further, and Emerson loves new places best. But as I said, currently, he's not setting a good example...

Very best,


On The Road

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24 September 2009
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5 July 2019 - 10:30 am
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Awwwww. I just love that you two have connected! I hope you get to meet.

As for Emerson, we are keeping our paws, fingers, toes and tails crossed for good news. Please keep us posted OK?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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