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Caring for a Three Legged Dog or Cat

Tripawds is your home to learn how to care for a three legged dog or cat, with answers about dog leg amputation, and cat amputation recovery from many years of member experiences.


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5yr rottweiler just found out osteosarcoma
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Member Since:
25 March 2019
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25 March 2019 - 7:37 am
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Hello all

We have learnt our little boy has osteosarcoma in the lower radius of his left leg he weighs 47 kilo

We have had xrays of both legs and chest and is only visible in the are of his left leg 

Although this is the case he has never shown signs of weakness or anything to show us he is in pain or sick in anyway and after pain relief and being sedated for xrays is still trying to play although we wont let him get up unless necessary hasnt lost appitiete still gets giddy if u come through the door and untill saturday is a happy energetic dog 

We are so scared to make the wrong decisions and also want to move forward as quick as possible but are unable to see a specialist untill next week 

Just lookong for advise or if anyone has had simular stories to tell it just seems to soon to say goodbye and will it be the right thing to do to amputate for him to be miserable or weaken after surgery its so hard to believe we have to make this choice insuranve only goes so far and we only have a small amount to offer i think chemo would be out of the question wich just breaks my heart knowing i cant provide

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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25 March 2019 - 8:48 am
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bronson2013 said
Although this is the case he has never shown signs of weakness or anything to show us he is in pain or sick in anyway...

Welcome and best wishes for your pup! What's his name?

Dogs are incredibly resilient creatures, very good at hiding their pain, and there are main pain symptoms people often overlook.

Chemotherapy is always optional. You will find many success stories here and in the Tripawds blogs of Rotties Loving Life On Three Legs . Keep focusing on moderating his activity and doing your homework. Read all about what to expect, and while you wait for comments from others, use the Advanced Search above to refine your forum search results with specific phrases, and you're sure to find lots of helpful feedback. You can also search all blogs here . Or, consider downloading the Tripawds e-books for fast answers to common concerns and feel free to call the toll-free Tripawds Helpline anytime!

Please keep us posted. Your future forum posts will not require moderation. Meanwhile, start here for help finding all the helpful Tripawds resources and assistance programs.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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25 March 2019 - 9:10 am
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Okay  deep breaths!  B R E A T H E......B R E A T H E......

YOU ARE. NOT ALONE AND WE ARE WITH YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!  We understand what a kick in   the gut it is to hear this.  It is such a stressful scary time.  Yoj arr doinn an excellent  job of getting your  pup properly evaluated  to ensure he is a good candidate  for life on three.....and it sure sounds like he is!!

For  now, keep things chunked down.  You can decide on a treatment  plan later.  Some go the holistic approach,  the alternative approach, or no approach at all.  Some do chemo, some do not.  Some dogs appear to get extended quality time without chemo, some appear to get extended  quality  rime with chemo.  It's  pretty much a crap shoot.  Just push all that aside for now.

YAY for good xrays and a good check up overall!!  He certainly  has a ,lot pf spunk and that's  a great indicator that nothing will hold him back! And no worries about not getting  to a Specialist  until next week.  Many dogs are treated off and on for a "sprain", or "arthritis" for months before the actual diagnosis is made

Sure, this is majpr surgery and recovery  is no picnic for a couple weeks.  Like many of us, you'll second guess your decision  for the first week or so.  Then again, maybe not!  Every recovery  is different!

No dog had a timeframe  stamped o  their butt and they don't  count says on the calendar!  The most important  thing is to make every mome t count and live in the moment, in the NOW!  Your dog is!  And once you see ks sparkle  come back you will be soooo happy you made the RIGHT decision out of love!!!

Now go give that boy a hug and KNOW that any decision  out of love is always the right decision!

STAY CONNECTED  and ask us anything anytime! We also have a helpline. 1 844  TRIPAWD


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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