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Spirit tripawds: photo tribute
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9 January 2010 - 9:34 am
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Around New Years, I was thinking it would be nice to have a thread where we can go to see a picture of the dogs we have come to know and love (not just my own, but him too!). I like to have a place to go to remind myself of Mac (jackiandmac - where have you been?), Yoda, Shilo, Tika and their many friends, plus the ones that passed before out time on tripawds that we'd like to meet (Wrigley were you this year; then there are the dogs that left us in earlier years). Is it okay to have a thread where we post one (at most two - I know selecting one and even two photos can be soooo hard)?

I'd like to see the mugs of dogs who have passed in earlier years, so maybe we should open this to spirit dogs from any year. Please include relevant dates of your pup's tripawdhood.

Now, I am a bit hesitant to start this thread, for I don't want to dwell on tributes to our deceased and have them dominate this website, plus it seems that many people have not been posting their good news. (So if admin or anyone think this is a bad idea, that's okay too.) But it might be nice to have one place to go and see the picture of our pups and the other pups.

Those of you with earthbound dogs, please do start posting more of your ampuversaries and good news. Those of us with spirit dawgs start to see just how important those are! They are to be treasured.

I will begin with a subsequent post.

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9 January 2010 - 9:45 am
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My beloved Tazzie: December 2000 to December 2009

      tripawd from July 15 to Dec 7, 2009

Playing at Grand Beach, Manitoba, Nov 8, 2009

Image Enlarger

Apre play: resting and watching

Image Enlarger

Wesley Chapel, FL
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13 September 2009
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9 January 2010 - 9:55 am
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I think that's a wonderful idea... I would like for the newbies to know what a great life our babies had, no matter how short... after becoming Tripawds! Smile

But I'll wait until Jerry (and Wyatt's) pawrents give the go ahead.

Angel Jake's Mom

Jake, 10yr old golden retriever (fractured his front right leg on 9/1, bone biopsy revealed osteosarcoma on 9/10, amputation on 9/17) and his family Marguerite, Jacques and Wolfie, 5yr old german shepherd and the newest addition to the family, Nala, a 7mth old Bengal mix kittie. Jake lost his battle on 11/9/2009, almost 8 weeks after his surgery. We will never forget our sweet golden angel… ….. CANCER SUCKS!

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26 November 2008
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9 January 2010 - 11:07 am
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Tazzie my man, we will ask for forgiveness rather than permission.  Small thumbnails below with links to larger photos.  Spectacular 405 days providing an eternity of memories.  Thirty two photos can be seen at Cherry's TriPawd Journey Photo.

Easter Egg Hunt – 5 months post-amp                               Month in Yellowstone – 7 months post-amp


Running in Side Yard – 10 months post-amp                      On the grooming table – 1 year post-amp


What a wonderful time it was.

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9 January 2010 - 11:15 am
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It is good for us to see the great life that most of our 3-leggers had. But we also want to  remember the ones for whom things did not work out. I often think of dogs like Boinks and Hori, Angus and Big Barney. Such wonderful dogs. I am so sorry things did not work out for them.

Once or if we get started/continue, I'll try to zap (delete) posts like this that are just text (or ask Admin to do that if I can't), so we can keep this to short sweet photo tributes.

If we continue, there will be a backlog with lots of us posting. Then it should be used much less often and mostly by people wanting to look back at their favorite faces.

Tazzie's Susan

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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9 January 2010 - 11:15 am
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Great idea! it's not about mourning their loss, but celebrating their lives. Settong a limit to no more than two photos of each dog is also smart as that will keep the topic load time manageable.

With that said, here are a just a few photos of three legged friends we will never forget, who new members may have never met. Tripawds bloggers , please feel free to include links to your dog's blog for more photos.

Jerry: October, 1998 – October, 2008

Jerry loving life at Vickers RanchImage Enlarger

Lalla: 2-year cancer survivor taken June, 2008

Lalla Dog on beach in IsraelImage Enlarger

Zeus: March, 1998 – September, 2009

Canine Cancer Hero ZeuaImage Enlarger

Moose: 2-year cancer survivor taken November, 2007

Three Legged Great Dane Moose Image Enlarger

Finnegan: Taken by cancer August, 2008

Three Legged Irish Wolfhound Hereo FinneganImage Enlarger

Titan: Taken by cancer January, 2009

three legged bullmastiff titanImage Enlarger

Sigh... I could go on, and on, and on. please forgive me if it seems like I'm playing favorites. Thanks again for starting this topic.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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9 January 2010 - 11:20 am
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Okay - now I know I promised I would not add text (but I promise also to delete this). Thanks for posting those - great photo of you Zeusy (why does everyone else forget that last syllable of your name Winker )

Please Genie and Wrigley. I want to learn more about you!

Northern CA
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23 December 2008
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9 January 2010 - 10:25 pm
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I love this idea. Thank you for the tribute.  ( Rene can you add my picture for me- I can email you one)

Wrigley March 17, 2005- March 28, 2009.  Osteosarcoma diagnosis and amputation in December 2008.

This photo is from one of our favorite trips. We took Wrigley on a road trip  to the snow the day after we found out her chemo had failed and she had lung mets. She showed us how to live each and every day to the fullest, no matter what.

three legged dog wrigley in the snowImage Enlarger

three legged dog wrigley jumps and plays in snowImage Enlarger

Seanne and Angel Wrigley

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22 August 2008
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9 January 2010 - 10:30 pm
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Our big sweet Tazzie girl!    June 2002-October 2009

Survived as a tripawd for almost 14 months. Enlarger
        We miss you Tazzie!

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19 September 2009
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9 January 2010 - 11:36 pm
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What a great idea!!!

Celebrating the life of Shilo Anne

June 2003 – November 2009

Tripawd from 9/9/09 – 11/23/2009

[Image Can Not Be Found]

[Image Can Not Be Found]

U will always be my heart girl….

Shilo diagnosed with osteosarcoma 9/4/2009, amputation 9/9/2009. ShiloAnne lost her battle 11/23/2009 where she regained her fourth leg and is patiently waiting for her parents to join her. We will always love you baby girl.

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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10 January 2010 - 1:59 pm
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Debra asked us to post a couple pictures of her beautiful, beloved Emily ...

three legged doberman emily osteosarcoma cancer dog heroImage Enlarger

  three legged doberman emily osteosarcoma cancer dog heroImage Enlarger

Emily, a five year old doberman mix, who was diagnosed with an osteosaecoma. She had a right rear leg amputation on May 19, 2009. On November 10, 2009 she earned her wings and regained her fourth leg.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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16 February 2008
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10 January 2010 - 7:54 pm
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Forever my baby, who came into my life in Feb 1996 (likely born in Sep 1995). 

She had lived 7 months 17 days as a tripawd since Oct 3, 2007.

My favorite picture of her, Flying on Snow – 6 months 3 days post-amp (Apr 6, 2008)

Looking into eternity – 2 months 3 weeks post-amp (Dec 24, 2007)

Sweet lovely face – 7 months 6 days post-amp (May 9, 2008)

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17 December 2008
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12 January 2010 - 9:55 am
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Tripawd Dog Hero Max Deppe

Max Deppe   Proud Tripawd  May 5, 2007  – May 30, 2009 

Max was with us long enough to celebrate his second birthday and to make sure we got settled with his nephew Luke. We miss you buddy! Thank you for sharing your life with us and teaching us how to live in the moment.

Paula and Spirit Max

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4 December 2008
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13 January 2010 - 5:41 pm
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I've been scolded.  I won't say who, but she's a moderator and she lives in Canada. Little Devil

Here's some of the late, the great, the amazing Nordlight's Tikaani Spirit

Image Enlarger

No, I'm not spoiled at all, why do you ask?

Image Enlarger

My babies, only MY babies.  No touch!  I am the QUEEN of snarky looks, thank you very much.

Kim and Spirit Tika

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13 January 2010 - 5:46 pm
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Tikaani said:

I've been scolded.  I won't say who, but she's a moderator and she lives in Canada. Little Devil


Not me!  Now you all know who! Laughing

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