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remembering Roane
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new hampshire
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26 June 2019
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27 January 2020 - 11:43 am
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it seems like we've had an unusually warm winter in NH this year. yesterday i got it in my head to take advantage of it and get out of the house for a walk. As i was getting ready it dawned on me that this is the first walk in 18 years that ill be taking alone. I started down the driveway trying to picture my girls beside me. it felt a bit wrong not having a leash in my hand. I made it, fighting back tears most of the way. 

It made me realize how blessed I've been to have that special level of companionship. "mom doesn't go any where unaccompanied." Roane was always there even when i didn't know i needed her. She always knew. She was there to be her big goofy self and to make me smile. She was there to show me her best manners and make mama proud. She was there to protect Gypsy and I from nasty neighbor dogs running loose. 

Its been 4 months since she earned her angel wings and i still miss her like it was yesterday. I finally reached the point where i can look at her pictures and smile so i thought id share a few.

Image Enlarger

Queen of the Mountain!

Image Enlarger

Rodent hunting in the garden. Team work, Roane was the eyes Gypsy was the nose!

Image Enlarger

A little brushing and relaxing under the apple trees. (I'm surprised i got Gypsy's face in this one. even though she was mostly blind she always knew when i was taking pictures)

Mama loves you girls. Be good, no barking and no chewing.sp_hearticon2

         Hugs ❤ Bev, nurse Moe cat, Autumn's Angel Roane & Angel dog Gypsy 🐾

My sweet soulmate Roane was diagnosed with osteo in June of 2019. Had a rear leg amp on July 2nd & crossed the rainbow bridge to be with her sister Gypsy on the first day of Autumn Sept 23 2019.


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27 January 2020 - 2:10 pm
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Awww Bev.  I got a little lump in my throat as I started reading  this.  Then when you started recalling  some of the special ways you and Roane were bonded, and Gypsy too, it brought  a smile to me heart.💖

And the pictures added to us getting to know Roane and Gypsy  even more.  I love the "team work" between the nose of Gypsy and the eyes of Roane.

Do you still have that apple tree? That would be a nice place to maybe plant some "Forget-Me-Not' flowers as a little tribute to your girls.

Thank you for posting these sweet photos today.  Our Team Leader of Autumn''s Angels will never be forgotten.💖   Roane  kmows you've  been on the site helping others and she's very proud that her legacy lives on thru uou.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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4 April 2019
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27 January 2020 - 4:41 pm
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I know it's hard bit it will get better. Looking and their pictures is a sure sign.  I had a collie mix, Daisy. I found her in a paper bag when she was about 5 weeks old. She even gave me mange. She lived till she was 13. Unfortunately her cancer started in her lungs, and by the time we knew it was too late. But not long after she passed Brownie came into my life. I have a feeling that there is a special dog out there that is going to find You!

I do believe when one door closes another one opens, and everything happens for a reason. So hang on, I have a feeling  your turn is coming!

My Beautiful Beloved Brownie was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma on February 26, 2019.  With all odds against him he lived an additional one year and eight days with amputation, love, and prayer.  I was honored to be his mom, and I have never been so proud!  He will live forever in my Heart!

Brownie Bubba Bell

04/01/2007 - 03/05/2020

"March Saint"

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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27 January 2020 - 4:55 pm
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What beautiful memories, I'm so glad you shared them with us, thank you. It's a joy to relive the happy times with Roane and Gypsy. They were an adorable team.

Even something as "simple" as a walk can be so hard when it's a reminder of all that's changed in life. I cried a LOT when we took walks without Jerry for that first year. But you did it! And you were able to honor their memory and stand on your feet, alone in that beautiful place. Did you feel them? I'm confident their spirit was by your side. You did them proud! Those girls are up there at the Bridge looking at each other going "Yep, our work there was complete. She graduated!"

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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27 January 2020 - 5:02 pm
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Had to wait til I got home to reply. They just glowed in their happiness, didn't they? My heart cries with you every time I think of how quickly she hopped over the Bridge to meet our Angels. I have no doubt they have created their own crew with the rest of the September Angels and are frolicking around having a ball doing their favorite things. 

That walk had to be hard and you were very brave to move forward to complete it. When you lose a dog it is so hard, when you lose them before their "time" it is just gut wrenching. 

There was a post on Dr. Buzby's Toe Grips recently, and I posted our success with Mitchell. That was the first time I watched the video since he passed, and I thought my heart was going to explode when I opened it up.

Your pictures are absolutely adorable. Your girls were really quite the pair sp_hearticon2 I totally love their teamwork and how happy they were. They are probably having a ball rodent hunting!

I found a place that I have wanted to share in here, but I just haven't gotten around to it, it's called Fracture. If you look them up online you can see the whole "how they do it" process. You upload a picture ( I was thinking that last picture) and they put it on/in glass. When you get it, it doesn't even need a frame. I took a chance and sent in a photo, it was the day Mitchell came home with us when we adopted him. OMD it came out just gorgeous! I have tried several times to get a photo of it with my cell phone, but it is so shiny and beautiful and I can't get a picture to do it justice. I gave it to David as a Christmas gift, he was totally awestruck. It is hanging on our wall awaiting his pawprint to be hung near it. I got a shadowbox for his print, I just need to put it together. All things happen in the time that you are able to make it happen. Some things are just harder than others.

Hang tight girl, you are doing a great job. I have a sneaky suspicion that Roane and Gypsy are going to find a way to send somepawdy your way. A special soul needs to carry out their legacy. 

Sending lots of love and ginormous hugs sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2

Jackie and Huck sp_hearticon2


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

new hampshire
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26 June 2019
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27 January 2020 - 6:03 pm
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Thank you all for helping me remember my girls ❤ its good to finally be able to smile a little when i think of them. Hopefully the next walk will be easier.

Sally i love the idea of putting forget-me-nots around the apple tree. Ive actually been thinking about planting something there for years but couldnt figure out what. Maybe that spot was just waiting for something extra special. Sounds like moe and i have a project this spring!

Rene your so right about even the simple things being a reminder of them. I do feel her with me when i least expect it. Roane had absolutly no bubble. So anytime you were on her level it was an oportunity to put her face in your face. She was always very polite and gentle about it. Like ill just sneak my head on to her shoulder and she if she notices me. There have been a few quiet moments when i felt the urge to lean my head over. like she's there putting her head over my shoulder waiting for a snuggle. 

Ive been kind of toying with the idea of when to get another dog. I knew it was going to take me sometime before i was ready. I just recently came to the same train of thought that nancy did. When the right dog comes along ill know my girls had a hand in it. This might sound a bit silly but... I had a big siamese mix cat named dozer that i was very conected with and we always joked about how if he came back he would do it as a BIG dog. In the back of my head i always felt like roane was that same soul coming back to me. 

Jackie im so glad you reminded me about fracture. Ive seen some of there work and its absolutely beautiful! I can imagine how much David must have loved his christmas present! 

I dont know what id do without all of you. Thank you so much for all the love and support.❤❤❤ and for helping me to be able to find a smile.

         Hugs ❤ Bev, nurse Moe cat, Autumn's Angel Roane & Angel dog Gypsy 🐾

My sweet soulmate Roane was diagnosed with osteo in June of 2019. Had a rear leg amp on July 2nd & crossed the rainbow bridge to be with her sister Gypsy on the first day of Autumn Sept 23 2019.

Member Since:
24 June 2019
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27 January 2020 - 6:07 pm
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Yes, it has been oddly warm this winter. I haven't been able to look at any Riot pictures yet. It hurts too much. Czar and I haven't walked, as he refuses. If getting puppies in March happens, I hope he'll want to come with us.

We all miss our babies. 18 years is a long time.

new hampshire
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26 June 2019
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27 January 2020 - 6:15 pm
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I know what you and jackie mean about the pictures and videos. You want to look but it leaves a big hole in your heart. We'll all get there in time. I still cant look at the most recent ones. I can see the tired look in her eyes and it breaks my heart.

It feels very strange not having a dog in the house after so long. Gypsy lived such a long life and she taught roane all the good things a little sister needs to know. 

Ive got my fingers crossed that you and Czar get to have puppies in march 🤞maybe Czar needs a couple of new buddys to go walking with.

         Hugs ❤ Bev, nurse Moe cat, Autumn's Angel Roane & Angel dog Gypsy 🐾

My sweet soulmate Roane was diagnosed with osteo in June of 2019. Had a rear leg amp on July 2nd & crossed the rainbow bridge to be with her sister Gypsy on the first day of Autumn Sept 23 2019.

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4 April 2019
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27 January 2020 - 6:40 pm
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Bev, you will know when you are ready! And that's going to be one lucky dog to have you as a mom! Or maybe dogs?

My Beautiful Beloved Brownie was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma on February 26, 2019.  With all odds against him he lived an additional one year and eight days with amputation, love, and prayer.  I was honored to be his mom, and I have never been so proud!  He will live forever in my Heart!

Brownie Bubba Bell

04/01/2007 - 03/05/2020

"March Saint"


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22 February 2013
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27 January 2020 - 6:57 pm
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roane226 said
.......When the right dog comes along ill know my girls had a hand in it. This might sound a bit silly but... I had a big siamese mix cat named dozer that i was very conected with and we always joked about how if he came back he would do it as a BIG dog. In the back of my head i always felt like roane was that same soul coming back to me


Nope, not silly to me.  Then again, being a bit whacky  is fun!!😜🤪

I give my own meaning to a shooting star (or falling star). When I see one, I believe it's the Soul Energy of my loved one returning.   I have no idea which type of earth clothes  they'll select.  Could be dog, cat, buzzard, vulture, deer,  human, elephant....whatever it is, I'm  open!   I know our paths will cross again though.   

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

new hampshire
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26 June 2019
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28 January 2020 - 7:03 am
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I love the shooting star theory! Souls are brought together for a reason no matter what form they take ❤

When it happens this next one is definitely going to be spoiled! Wayne was thinking 2 this time, so that they can be buddys. Im always negotiating for more dogs so 2 sounds great to me lol. He mentioned a GSD and ASD pair the other day 😁 I would love to do a rescue but most anatolian rescues require a 6ft fence at minimum. Might be some yard work in my future!

         Hugs ❤ Bev, nurse Moe cat, Autumn's Angel Roane & Angel dog Gypsy 🐾

My sweet soulmate Roane was diagnosed with osteo in June of 2019. Had a rear leg amp on July 2nd & crossed the rainbow bridge to be with her sister Gypsy on the first day of Autumn Sept 23 2019.

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1 October 2017
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28 January 2020 - 3:25 pm
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I totally agree with that theory! Before Oscar, Andy, and Huck there was Sylvester, Gazoo, and Molly. You ever hear of that saying, 'careful what you name your pet'? That was my Gazoo. How many oldies out there remember "Gazoo" from the Flinstones? Wherever there was trouble waiting to happen, Gazoo was there. I was truly lost when he passed away. Gazoo sent me Oscar. Oscar was the 5 week old feral kitten that was found on the spring suspension of my boss's car one summer day. I think if he weighed a pound he was doing something, but if you asked him, he thought he was as big as a lion, lol. He tried to eat my co-workers fingers for lunch, lol... I laughed so hard I cried (thank goodness he was wearing leather work gloves smiley2)  To this day, once in a while both my husband and myself call him Gazoo. It is usually out of nowhere, probably when he is being a pita, lol.. and it just stops you cold. Oscar needed a lot of care as a baby, he had some health issues and needed to be held and loved a lot so that he would trust people. His mama came from a long line of feral cats that had never been handled. The day I put him in a box, called my husband to come get him, and told him to put the box in the bathroom without opening it, I knew he was sent to me by my Gazoo. 

Sometimes things just click and you know. Call it a sixth sense, call it being whacky, it's what keeps us going smiley10



Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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