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Tripawd Frankie now has torn cruciate, seeking guidance
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London, UK

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18 August 2018 - 11:16 am
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Sally, this is breaking my heart. Not helpful, I realise, but it’s true. What about wheels??? Have you considered wheels? He could have front wheels with extra rear support? I know it’s been quite a journey with Meg but please please don’t let that put you off, if it is. We’re getting there. In fact, she was flying up the farm track in them this morning. And I SERIOUSLY think that as Frankie is struggling right now, the benefits of the wheels might be much more obvious to him than to Meg, for whom they are essentially preventative. At least, maybe ask the rehab vet about it? I will support you, however I can. We all will. We love you so much ❤️❤️❤️

Ruby, Staffy, born June 2022, became a Tripawd, 20 November 2023, adopted 12 January 2024.

Also Angel Tripawd Meg (aka The Megastar), who died in April 2023, aged 14, after seven glorious years on three, and Angel Staffies Pie and Bille. In the pawprints of giants...

The Amazing Adventures of Ruby Tuesday 

My Life as a Megastar

London, UK

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18 August 2018 - 11:29 am
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Ruby, Staffy, born June 2022, became a Tripawd, 20 November 2023, adopted 12 January 2024.

Also Angel Tripawd Meg (aka The Megastar), who died in April 2023, aged 14, after seven glorious years on three, and Angel Staffies Pie and Bille. In the pawprints of giants...

The Amazing Adventures of Ruby Tuesday 

My Life as a Megastar


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18 August 2018 - 11:38 am
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I will definitely ask her about wheels Clare.  Good point that Frankie may be more receptive  to something like that now.  He sure as hell isn't  receptive to me helping  him with a harness!  And no, your "journey on wheels" is not discouraging  at all.  Very inspirational!

My regular  Vet said the Ortho Vet would have to see Frankie for an evaluation,  etc, which, of course, I knew.   He apparently  did make the comment that another surgery on the same leg...with a tripawd...woild have "challenges".....DUH!!   No poopicon_png Sherlock!  Sorry....jist a little frustrated  over here!😖😖

I massage his neck and shoulders a lot!  He uses that head of his to bob up and down with gusto and that helps him navigate.  He .loves those massages!  Just so glad he's  a tough hound...he keeps me tough!  We'll figure out something  to help him continue to be Frankie (with maybe a little less Sinatra do it my way Frankie) and, hopefully, heal all his hound legs!!😁😁

I do believe  we need an update in Meg...yeah....with pictures of course...Frankie says so!!!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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18 August 2018 - 11:44 am
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Pretty sure Elsie Pie would just be looking the other way and denying to everyone  at the Bridge she knows these dogs at all!😎

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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11 July 2016
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18 August 2018 - 4:45 pm
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I like the wheels idea to protect Frankies 3 legs get one that has four wheels a cart?

The brace would only protect the one leg, right?
Brace will make one leg sturdy what about the other two legs? If the front leg is buckling? Thinking out loud.... Will any of these options relieve the pain?

I would ask Dr. Wheedle what her thoughts and experience is on the wheels, carts, 2,3,4 wheels - just by a quick glance on cart price might be in the same ballpark as the brace. 

Can the wheels be used inside Clare? Sally, can you make room in the house for the wheels to zoom thru? If that is an option? No idea all things to think on. 

I HATE you guys are going this and Frankie is in pain! Now the front leg? Team Frankie hanging on to HOPE 🙏

I need no response just adding my thoughts hoping not to make too many posts in Dr. Pam's land.

Great job Clare Meg is back in the saddle again!! 👏🏻 Meg & Frankie rolling🔮

Orrtanna Pa.
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18 August 2018 - 7:59 pm
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Sally❤️❤️! I haven’t been on here in forever. I am so sorry! So sorry for no encouragement and sorry that you are dealing with this. I like the wheels idea. Look up the site Eddies Wheels. They (I think) even have some used carts available. That may be a long shot , because of measurements and stuff, but worth looking. The new ones , you have to measure a bunch of places on your pup. I have looked for Daryl, as a preventative measure, but as of yet have not done anything. They are not cheap, but not as much as I thought they would be. Cheaper than surgery for sure. Maybe we can do a fundraiser for “ Frankie’s Wheels” You already have the ramp. Now, you just need the car, the stop sign and the traffic 👮‍♀️ 🚓 cop. I will be praying for answers for you and healing for Frankie. ❤️LORI, Ty and the crazy gang

TY GUY, Best Black Lab ever! Diagnosed  and had amp in January, 2014. Kicked MRSA's butt. Earned his angel wings on April 16, 2014. Run Free my boy and don't forget a shoe. Ty is a proud member of the " April Angels". Ty sent us Daryl, a Tripawd rescue in Sept. of 2016. Daryl is 5 +or -. We are also Pawrents to Chandler, a Border Collie mix who is 15 and 1/2, Lucy, a Corgi who is 7, 2 minis, 2 horses, and a feisty cat named Zoe. Zoe had a non skeletal Osteosarcoma removed in July 2015. No Chemo, she was at least 16. She is going strong although she is now completely blind. She is now close to 20 and her hobbies are eating and sleeping in front of her personal heater. 


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20 August 2018 - 7:50 pm
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I tell ya' what!  The most solution  oriented great minds reside here!!   Your ability to dissect every possibility and come up with pros and cons really is BRILLIANT!!!  Every point is well taken and GREATLY  APPRECIATED!❤❤

I've  emailed  Dr Wheedle  and all but begged for an appointment  asap!  Hell, he may even have torn achilles, torn everything.  Yippee skippee!

I know  actual proper multi million dollar tests have not been done for an exact diagnosis, and it may eventually  become an absolute necessity  IF real solutions  are out there, even WITH allnu9smleg issues.

.......It looks like the only "cure" is surgery???🗡✂️

........any way, any way at all, to determine  if another cruciate is about to happen, or another meniscus??       I know "statistics " point to another cruciate in the future if one has happened.   And I doubt that tripawds are in the equation .  It might make the statistics even worse!!.🤑😫.

....I recall Dr Wheedle  saying "sometimes" through manipulation (done with repeated  rehab for months) you can repair the meniscus????

.......Wheels, braces, even IF doable, do nothing to eliminate  pain or to heal.  Although, would help lessen force on the other legs???

.......crazy question...really crazy....what happens if NOTHING is done...other than pain meds, fish oils, adequan, etc. and etc.  I mean, I guess I already know.   All legs just continue  to get worse and the pain starts eating away at his personality.   But let's  pretend for a second he has FOUR legs.  Any four legger dogs with three other strong legs able to "deal with" a meniscus injury without  repair and not having to deal with arthritis, etc.  Does the pain ever lessen if scar tissue forms? Or does it ever form??

Oh, and here's  an interesting  link on customs and over the counter braces.  😎

Thanks for letting me continue to "process" OUT LOUD 🔊🔊📣  Thanks for listening👂👂  Love to all!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

PS.  Lori.....sending  extra hugs to sweet Daryl...and you too❤

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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20 August 2018 - 8:51 pm
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Process away Sally, we are all ears and have you and Frankie and Myrtle on our collective mind all day. 

.......Wheels, braces, even IF doable, do nothing to eliminate  pain or to heal.  Although, would help lessen force on the other legs???

.......crazy question...really crazy....what happens if NOTHING is done...other than pain meds, fish oils, adequan, etc. and etc.  I mean, I guess I already know.   All legs just continue  to get worse and the pain starts eating away at his personality. 

From what I understand, once the pain is well-managed, and therapy is under way, then you introduce a device like wheels to lessen the odds of more pain. So yes, lessen the force on the other legs, hips, back, neck, etc.

I haven't heard of the brace company you linked to. They do work with some reputable vet clinics, however I can't find anything about the background/qualifications of the people making the braces. Perhaps the website is just lacking, but not knowing what their background makes me nervous. Our friends at OrthoPets and PawOPedic have excellent qualifications for making braces, so I'm biased toward them if a brace in his future.

As for doing nothing but manage pain....It's hard but please don't jump ahead of yourself OK? Breathe! First get the facts, then you can decide if that is the only realistic game plan. And if it is, that is OK too. You are thinking in Frankie's best interests and what will serve him best, that is all that matters. 

Sending lots of hugs and pawsitivity your way....

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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21 August 2018 - 4:23 am
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I never even considered adequan in Frankie's situation.. maybe that would work. I have to say though, we did lumbar injections in dogs that came in about dragging their back ends and really did have good luck in a lot of cases. 

It is so tough with Frankie being so tough and hard headed. There was one "ready to fit" brace on that site that looked interesting, but it is just a little over $250.00 and that is a lot of money on a "maybe". 

I love the "coincidence" of Clare moving forward with Meg's wheels, almost just in time for all this to happen so that you can see it is a possibility, but I worry about him trying to maneuver the house in this, and wonder if it would only be a good idea for outside use. AND... Meg has been so good about Clare putting it on and adjusting it... how much will Frankie Sinatra fight you? 

The idea of more rehab and manipulation does sound hopeful, maybe paired with Adequan? Or do they make some sort of "wrap" that would steady his poor leg long enough for him to go out and do his business? 

So many variables, I wish there were an easy remedy but I agree... this is going to take heads together to find a "one size specialty fit for our Frankie hero" 

Big hugs to all of you, in my thoughts often.

Love you,



Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

Green Bay, WI
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18 May 2014
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21 August 2018 - 11:14 am
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we gave Nitro adequan injections at home - I think they helped, not totally sure. Maybe the wheel thing isnt such a bad idea?


Nitro 11 1/2  yr old Doberman; right front amp June 2014. Had 6 doses carboplatin, followed by metronomic therapy. Rocked it on 3 legs for over 3 years! My Warrior beat cancer, but couldn't beat old age. He crossed the Bridge peacefully on July 25, 2017, with dignity and on his terms.  Follow his blog entitled "Doberman's journey"

"Be good, mama loves you" free my beautiful Warrior

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25 August 2018 - 8:51 am
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Soul Sister Sally! I love that!!!

Sally, i just wanted to pop in and add more love and support for you and your darling Frankie boy! I know this is super hard on you right now, but all we can do is our best! I was told the other day that if we are only able to do what is minimal, we can do it to the very best of our ability! 

Remember that Frankie doesn’t know what ‘options’ are available to him, he only knows that he Ruvs his Mum and wants to always protect her from those nasty monsters outside! Do what you can for his pain Soul Sister and the rest will fall into place. You’re doing a fantastic job of finding out your options, now do the best you can with all of the resources that you have! I know it is easy for me to say, i feel for you my darling! But know that with all the love and support coming your way, you will be get through this!

Hugs, Love, Support and H.O.P.E coming your way...


p.s. Miss Megawheels, you are looking mighty fine these days on your Golden Chariot!!! Well done Clare! You’ve been in my thoughts!

On July 10/17 I became a Super Tripawd! You can find out more about my Pawrents Allensong but first Check out my 🎗 journey Super Stu Remember...“live in the moment!“  

London, UK

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15 December 2015
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25 August 2018 - 10:28 am
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Please keep thinking out loud, Sally. There’s a great deal to process and so many unknowns, but if we can follow your thought processes then we can chip in with ideas and experience that may or may not prove relevant but hopefullly will help you to find the best way forward for Frankie. Re the wheels, you’re right they won’t prevent pain of course, but my thinking was that they would help to support Frankie, both helping to prevent further strain on his legs (I was thinking about what you said about that front leg collapsing) and also perhaps to support him while the meniscus heals ( if that is possible, without surgery?) Wheels can be used inside certainly. They are much narrower than a stroller, for example, and go easily through doorways etc.  The only thing is the dog can’t lie down in them (or even sit, I presume, if they are front and back) so you wouldn’t want him in them all the time, and probably not when you aren’t there to keep an eye, but they would still be reducing the impact on his legs for the time he was in them, and also if he could get some exercise in the wheels, it might make him more inclined to take it easy and rest (You listening, Frankie????) when he is out of them. That was what I wondered anyway.

Please let us know when you are able to see Dr Wheedle and what is said.  We are thinking of you so much and sweet Frankie and Merry Myrtle too. 

Much love always,

Meg, Clare and Angel Pie ❤️❤️❤️

Ruby, Staffy, born June 2022, became a Tripawd, 20 November 2023, adopted 12 January 2024.

Also Angel Tripawd Meg (aka The Megastar), who died in April 2023, aged 14, after seven glorious years on three, and Angel Staffies Pie and Bille. In the pawprints of giants...

The Amazing Adventures of Ruby Tuesday 

My Life as a Megastar


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25 August 2018 - 12:56 pm
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Super Stu! said
 I was told the other day that if we are only able to do what is minimal, we can do it to the very best of our ability! 

I know we all express this thought in one way or another to our members  when struggling  with limited resources  (whether  that be financial,  physical, availability  of specialists,  etc), but this was stated so beautifully.   Brought tears to my eyes.

Forgive me if I'm  being  repetitive.  Right now Dr Wheedle  and I are trying to coordinate  an appointment.  She's  very, very busy, that's  for sure!

From that I hope to gain more insight on the condition  of ALL THREE  LEGS.  Does she observe anything beyond normal "wear and tear", any hint of cruciate ot meniscus  appearing in the other legs, any wrist issues, etc.  Some of these "issues" could be "hidden" as he tries to compensate  to continue  to remain mobile without  using "that" third leg very much.

I need to know the possibility  of healing, the consequences of that.  The consequences  of it not healing, etc.  

She did mention in her email  to me we could  talk about the possibility of braces, wheels etc.  

I'm  clearly  trying to find other options, IF available, other than surgery.  Yes, absolutely for  financial  reasons, but ALSO for the long haul of rehab and healing.   Could his other two legs withstand that even IF, IF, IF he had a "successful" surgery and flawless rehab?

IF, IF, IF, he is the most, splendid  candidate  for surgery the Universe  has ever seen, just the testing  to confirm what the actual problem is before we even get to that point is OUTRAGEOUS!  

Clare, I do want to address my thought process on wheels.  And I VERY MUCH APPRECIATE  ALL YOUR  INSIGHT and hard earned first hand knowledge  and expertise!!❤

So thinking  outloud......and keeping in mind all these thoughts are WITHOUT the knowledge  you have.  So maybe some of the "hurdles I perceive  are not necessarily  so.  

My main living  area is very small.  Add dog beds, a little bit of furniture,  and a bind  dog, it makes navigating  with wheels "seemingly" pretty difficult. There would be very, very limited space for turns, etc.  Not much of a straight path anywhere.

Obviously like you and most, I have to be gone from home for work.  Knowing that he can't  sit or lay down, his time in the wheels would be very limited.  Basically for potty.  His "yard" is a "rural country yard:. Not manicured  subdivison lawn, but more of a rougher  terrain that I cut with a big riding mower.  It has some massive very old walnut trees that would make quite a bumpy ride over the falling nuts.

Jow eould he go down the ramp without  breaking a speed record?  Do the wheels have some sort of "slow gear" for situations  like that?


Now, all that said, if it gets to the point that he's  not mobile at all and his only way to move would be the wheels, then all my "hurdles" would have to be figured out.  Being home,  his quality, pain level, etc.

I APPRECIATE  ALL THE FEEDBACK OF EVERYONE!!!   Solutions  and options are a beautiful  thing!!

I'm  DEFINITELY  going to start the Adequan injections ar uome as soon as I can make that happen.  If nothing else, that MAY help with his arthritis! 

He has thrown up a couple of times the past couple of days.  I immediately  took him off the Rimadyl, still showing  some nausea  though.  Guess I'll need to take him in and get bloodwork to make SURE there's  no damage.   Being extra cautious  since he took his overdose appetizer a couple of years ago.  

Maybe I'll switch to...what's  it called...Galiprant??? Hated to stop it, but need to find cause of tummy upset first.

Okay,  I know it's  not much of any update yet.  Still keeping  him inside as much as possible.  Have him on pain meds.  He'll go to the door and fuss and fuss at me for not letting  him go chase something!  He just howls at me and apparently  thinks he must howl louder, because  surely I can't hear him or else I would let him out!!  


Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

London, UK

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15 December 2015
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25 August 2018 - 1:45 pm
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I think in order to get a really informed view on the wheels possibility, it would be best to call Eddies Wheels and discuss your concerns with them. Just to get a properly comprehensive view, as obviously my own experience is just me and Meg, and every situation is different and every cart tailored to every individual situation. They have a toll free number 888-211-2700. For what it,s worth, in answer to your questions from my experience:

if he has front wheels only, like Meg, then he would be able to sit down but not to lie down in them. They would be taking pressure off all three legs though, in the same way as losing a leg adds extra load to all three legs.

i don.t believe you are the least mechanically inclined person on the planet. Not for one second.

the terrain I wouldn’t worry about at all. The wheels are very light and they can literally lift them up over obstacles. Meg can even do a hupsie in hers. I think it is easier to learn on a flatter surface, which is why we tend to go out on the hard farm track, but the wheels are designed to cope with very rough terrain. I don.t think walnuts etc would provide an obstacle for the wheels at all.  If you look on the Eddies Wheels website, there are dogs wheeling on mountain tracks and all sorts. The ramp would be useful to practise on, I think. Especially going up the hill, and then he could freewheel on the way down. this is Megs great joy, now we’re allowing her to do it. Will update the wheels thread shortly with a video of her doing this just the other day. There isn’t any sort of slow gear, no. I think the speed issue is a question for Eddie,s Wheels. As I say, Meg just lifts up her leg and goes for it.

in terms of indoors space, you may be right. I have not used Meg’s wheels indoors at all, though as I say, it would be possible in terms of doorways etc. I would need to clear furniture out of the way, and of course I only have the one dog now 😢 so it’s not a question of trying to navigate around an indignant Pie.

As I say, I think it couldn’t hurt to give Eddies a call and just see what they suggest. But you know Frankie and yourself and the situation better than anyone and once you have all the information, then I would absolutely trust your instincts. 

No experience of galliprant or adequan, as neither is available here, but both seem to work wonders in certain situations.

Big hug for you, Sally, and lots of love,

Meg, Clare and Angel Pie ❤️❤️❤️

Ruby, Staffy, born June 2022, became a Tripawd, 20 November 2023, adopted 12 January 2024.

Also Angel Tripawd Meg (aka The Megastar), who died in April 2023, aged 14, after seven glorious years on three, and Angel Staffies Pie and Bille. In the pawprints of giants...

The Amazing Adventures of Ruby Tuesday 

My Life as a Megastar

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1 October 2017
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25 August 2018 - 2:27 pm
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You probably already do this but I will throw it out there anyways. Did you give the Rimadyl on an empty stomach or with food? If it was on an empty stomach, I would give him a small meal and wait 15 min or so then try it. If it is simply irritating his tummy, that could be the fix. I think a small amount, then wait for it to settle is amazingly helpful if it is simply gastro troubles. 

I cannot help in any of the other aspects except for the Adequan. I have indeed seen it work almost miraculous things with pups. I have never seen it administered any way other than the one I mentioned before, and I do not know if there is a difference upon the way it is injected. Might be a nice question to jot down on your mile long list for the doctor. 

I am so sorry you have such a time getting an appointment, that is disheartening. I think about all of you often, and I am always here … ALWAYS, regardless if my life's theme is drumming to the 'Days of our Lives' theme way-confused  Truth be told, distraction would probably be healthy on this end heart

Tons and tons of hugs, and lots of love heartheart


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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