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What made Monkeydogs famous?????
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Monkeybutt-Bunny Vampire
20 February 2011 - 9:16 pm
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Nice story Sgt Peabrain - does the picture cost extra!??? 

Mount Pleasant, Ia
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27 October 2010
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20 February 2011 - 9:20 pm
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bwhahahahahaa! Isabelle is right monkeybuttler! everyone saw it !! you arent fooling anyone- not even the new dog!

Coopsdad/ Kenneth Blackburn

the monkeydogs only THINK they have invaded the tripawd state

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14 April 2010
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21 February 2011 - 8:42 pm
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OK Lets try this again, Sgt. Pepper made a sooper pooper mistake, but thanks to Fortis,we are all good,NOW beware Monkeybutts 

General Sooper Cooper, Sgt Pepper here. I'm sorry sir , but I have had enough of this monkeydog-monkeypussy stuff, time to pull out our secret weapon, I hope you don't mind…. Monkeydogs and monkeypussys …. you have just met your match….. allow me to introduce you to……..THELMA……. the ultimate monkeybutt-monkeypussy reMOOOOOOOver


                                                Image Enlarger

         This leather coated beauty is fully equipped with anti-skid traction control four hoof drive, no amount of monkey grease will stop this baby, the position of the radar allows her to see a full 300 degrees, meaning she can see a monkeybutt coming from just about any angle. She is also equipped with TWO highly sensitive sound transponders able to hear a monkeybutt from miles away. She comes complete with a monkeyduster, able to clean any kind of monkeypowder in her path. She's got enough kick to launch a monkeybutt clear into next year. Monkeybutts, MOOOOOOOve over,  you are toasttwistedtwistedlittle-deviltwistedtwisted…………bwhahahahahahaha

My buddy Gus had a left front amputation on April 7, 2010 and lived a great life until July 26,2010

Mount Pleasant, Ia
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27 October 2010
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21 February 2011 - 8:47 pm
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Excellent work G.U.S! And special thanks to Fortisdad for helping with the photgraphic technical glitch that G.U.S experienced earlier! G.U.S I have no doubts at all that with this secret weapon we shall clean up on the monkeydogs and monkeycats everywhere! And our special thanks to Thelma for joining the cause! Carry on special agent G.U.S!!

Coopsdad/ Kenneth Blackburn

the monkeydogs only THINK they have invaded the tripawd state

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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21 February 2011 - 9:25 pm
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This is by far the weirdest thing I've seen in a looooooong time!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

21 February 2011 - 9:30 pm
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Ummmm Dan,

I hope your farm is faaaar away from any roads so no one can see what you do in your spare time...

Leicester, NY
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23 August 2010
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22 February 2011 - 5:11 pm
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Samson007 has been pondering that pic since you posted it and I think you are one up on the monkeydogs, he's speechless........and umm, Dan, it must of been a long winter cooped up in the ol farmhouse.....




Samson007 wants to know if chocolate milk comes from brown Swiss cows?

Daisy earned her wings on Oct 22, 2011 at 14 years old

She is now the official greeter at the rainbow bridge

Everyone is guaranteed a welcome sniff and Dalmatian smile

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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22 February 2011 - 5:47 pm
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djbockman said:

the ultimate monkeybutt-monkeypussy reMOOOOOOOver

rasberry Well, that should generate some interesting search engine results for us!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Mount Pleasant, Ia
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27 October 2010
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22 February 2011 - 5:54 pm
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Admin man... you ripped the words right out of my mouth 🙂

Coopsdad/ Kenneth Blackburn

the monkeydogs only THINK they have invaded the tripawd state

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14 April 2010
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22 February 2011 - 7:51 pm
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I had a feeling our secret weapon would create confusion amongst the monkeyworld, moooohahahahaha back at ya baby. Plus, when your resources are limited, you make do with what you have. Long winter, you have no idea how bad  I'm ready for warm, maybe you do if that picture is any indication!!!! Sorry, to say, but about the only thing chocolate on the swiss miss is the color, although when we were kids and took cows up to the fair, jerseys, we'd put some chocolate in the bucket when nobody was around, then once we milked the cow we'd kinda swirl it around and dump it, you should have seen the faces on some of those people. Come to thnk of it, I don't think I've seen or heard a monkeydog since we brought Thelma out, could it be they have gone into hiding????? Comeout, comeout, where evr you are, we won't hurt you, moooohahahahha

My buddy Gus had a left front amputation on April 7, 2010 and lived a great life until July 26,2010

22 February 2011 - 10:44 pm
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Hey Freaky Ears..Are you lonely there in the desert?? I could mail you a friend…he was born in the desert anyway, he'll be right at home!   Oops……am I supposed to put holes in the box???  MeowwwwHaaaaaameowwwww!!!!!!



Image Enlarger




Thelma, he can't keep his mouth shut, they'll be an easy mark…. Isabelle

Monkeybutt-Bunny Vampire
22 February 2011 - 11:13 pm
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OH MI-O-MY!  I'm away for a day and now my monkeyhead is spinning!


Mattie sweetsweet - where are you???  Help!  I need you!  They have pulled out the big guns!  I'm a city monkeydog, I've never seen a moo cow with a hard hat on!   And I don't want a monkeycat-bunny sent to me either!  Mattie take your snuggie off and help me! And Samson007, where are you???!! HELP!!!!  I might be in trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monkeydogs Rule (sorta)

22 February 2011 - 11:17 pm
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I heard Daisy sat on Samson007....sooo sad!!!

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9 March 2010
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23 February 2011 - 8:36 am
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Dante has been effective in converting Coda the beagle. She has recently taken to the task of making tripawds out of all of our toys. Gingerly plucking one limb off of each, to ensure even the toys are part of the A.M.B.F. I would show pictures to show how the war is evolving in our house, however Monkey-butt Mina has taken to delimbing all of the toys entirely. She says being a no-pawd is better than being a tri-pawd! Dante says he would like to see HER as a no-pawd! Dante recently recieved Comet's harness and is now ready to fight with all of his might! 

Watch-out Monkey-Butts! We're coming for youuuuuu!

Leicester, NY
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11 February 2011
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23 February 2011 - 4:30 pm
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Hey my fellow monkeydogs (and cats)!  Iammmmmmm Baaaaaccccckkk!

Hey Thelma! Don't pay ANY attention to those bright flashy lights in the sky out in the field…..bahahahaha!

We Monkeydogs know how to "take care" of those who join the AMBF….harharhar!

Better stay in the barn or better yet, ask Dan if you can cuddle up in the house with him!

Oh and Stooper Cooper, we know the only thing that ripped from your body wasnt from your mouth end....harharhar!

Spirit Samson was Spirit Tripawd Daisys four legged "brother" and ruled as the self proclaimed head of the Monkeybutt Federations East Coast Division. Lady Chunky Monkey stayed from Oct 2011 and left for the bridge in Apr 2012. Miss Perdy is left and has some big pawprints to fill.
Do you have what it takes to be a Monkeybutt? Find out more at the Monkeybutt Federation

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