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London, UK

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15 December 2015
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21 April 2024 - 12:50 pm
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Thought people might enjoy this. Ruby is now five months post amp, and has been with me for three. 

Ruby, Staffy, born June 2022, became a Tripawd, 23 November 2023, adopted 12 January 2024.

Also Angel Tripawd Meg (aka The Megastar), who died in April 2023, aged 14, after seven glorious years on three, and Angel Staffies Pie and Bille. In the pawprints of giants...

The Amazing Adventures of Ruby Tuesday 

My Life as a Megastar


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22 February 2013
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21 April 2024 - 4:06 pm
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Love this soooo much!!!!   The music, the happy wagging tail. the look at the end when uou "captured" the stick and the applause....just as precious as can be!!👏

This is such an important video for any newbies concerned  about whether their dog can do well on three.  We are often asked if  they can be happy and will they ever be joyful again?  This video of Ruby answers all their questions  with a resounding WOOF!  WOOF!  (Translation, YES!)

Ruby showed that bigger four legger dog who be da' boss when it comes to  owning that stick.😎

Make no mistake about it,  Clare (Rubes Mum) has put in a lot of time building her muscles and core strength.   Ruby has become such a confident dog and has no problem playing with other dogs....big four legger dogs...little four legger dogs..

Oh more video to post of Ribby thriving of you  don't mind.  The video of her running and jumping over the "gully" where you played it in slow motion.   Another way to reassure  anyone how mich a three legger loves life!


Love to you and Ruby 

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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21 April 2024 - 6:18 pm
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ADORABLE! She is such a character! And a great team player too. How nice that she plays well with others!

(I love the old timey music and look of the video, it suits her energetic character so well 🙂

London, UK

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15 December 2015
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21 April 2024 - 11:57 pm
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Thanks so much. And yes Rene, I am thrilled at how good she is with other dogs, she’s great with everyone and everything, small children too and puppies, which makes life so much more relaxing!

Sally, what I’ll do is upload this and the leaping one and any other videos to Ruby’s blog. That way they will all be in one place and I won’t be taking over Anything Goes. And thanks for saying how hard we work on her strength and balance. We really do. Every single day. I worry about posting videos here in case people think I let her do too much or encourage others to do too much. I guess every situation is different and I do follow the advice of her vets, her chiropractor, and the physio who we saw for the first time on Tuesday, more of which anon. 

Ruby, Staffy, born June 2022, became a Tripawd, 23 November 2023, adopted 12 January 2024.

Also Angel Tripawd Meg (aka The Megastar), who died in April 2023, aged 14, after seven glorious years on three, and Angel Staffies Pie and Bille. In the pawprints of giants...

The Amazing Adventures of Ruby Tuesday 

My Life as a Megastar

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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22 April 2024 - 10:55 am
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LOL yes when you have that dog who loves everyone, life is so different!

Please don't ever worry about posting videos of Ruby here in the Forums. You are the most conscientious Tripawd mom and clearly pay so much attention to her physical needs. It shows how much work you are putting into helping her be the strongest girl.

For anyone new here, be sure to check out our interview with Clare, about her previous Tripawd Meg, to see just how pawesome of a parent she is to her dogs!



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22 February 2013
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22 April 2024 - 3:15 pm
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Ditto Jerry 100%!  Also glad she referenced Meg's blog. 

  You are the most conscientious Tripawd mom and clearly pay so much attention to her physical needs. It shows how much work you are putting into helping her be the strongest girl.


  Not everyone is willing, or able to put in all the work you have done with Ruby.  To me, the videos are a testimonial  to how all that effort (for those willing) pays off.  I think anyone seeing these understands that and  this level of tripawd fitness requires a "fitness"  pack leader like yourself💖

As far as where post.......I'm just  so Happy you post!!!!  To me doesnt ,after where, just as long as you do!!!!

Lots of love 

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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24 April 2024 - 10:51 am
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Ditto, me too, I'm happy you like to share here. It's a privilege to get to see a Tripawd go through life and have so much fun doing it. Watching how much time and effort you put into her care makes us all better pet parents!

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26 December 2020
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12 May 2024 - 7:37 am
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Wow.  Great to see how well she's doing in such a short period of time!!

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