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My senior cat, Jolie has osteosarcoma: looking for advice
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27 December 2023 - 5:40 pm
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Good job indeed-!!   Had to chuckle that Jolie understood your "directive" to hop out of that litterbox.....and hop out he did!

Good boy Jolie👏

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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27 December 2023 - 5:59 pm
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Awe, good boy Jolie, maybe he got exhausted going. It takes a bit to balance on three to poop until he gets stronger.
Whoo hoo for 💩 and pee, and listening to your hooman👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
EXCELLENT WORK!smiley_clap

The Rainbow Bridge

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27 December 2023 - 6:05 pm
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Jolie's making a comeback! I am relieved he got up and out of the box pretty quickly, that must have been worrisome. 

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28 December 2023 - 3:12 am
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Jolie stopped eating almost anything for about 4 weeks back in October. So I put some of his dry food into a small bowl and added boiling water and let it soak and soften. Then I took a fork and mashed it into the consistency of baby food. Then I fed it by syringe.

That's what I started to do again today. 


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28 December 2023 - 7:50 am
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Please call the vet today and ask for an antinausea. Cerenia (maropitant) and Zofran (ondansetron). Both are excellent. The Zofran is expensive, FYI, but it can make ALL the difference when they dont want to eat. Cerenia is great too. I have used both separately and both together. I do believe that will make a big difference for Jolie. Great job syringing; that's a new way I have never heard of with dry food. Excellent thinking! As we have said before, the boys are LUCKY to have you.

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28 December 2023 - 8:42 am
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I will ask about the anti-nausia meds tomorrow morning when we go in to check on his anemia and blood pressure. 

He ate 5 pieces of hard snacks and 3 snack tubes (chicken breast), and I fed him 8 syringes of his softened dry food.  He is laying down purring softly now. When I put my face next to his and call his name he gives me copious licks. He seems comfortable and not in pain.

The vet called a while ago with bone biopsy report confirming osteosarcoma. They had thought the lymph notes were involved but they are negative for cancer, just swollen. They still suspect spread to lungs and liver but separate tests would need to be done to confirm. I am taking the non-envolvement of the lymph system as a positive sign.

I am hoping tomorrow's vet visit will show more improvement with his blood pressure and red blood count.


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28 December 2023 - 10:02 am
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AWE 😍😻It's brilliant to hear on eating whoo hoo  and do continue to  syringe foods when needed. I DO, and I recommend it. It is life-saving! It is less stressful on you both when you are waiting for Jolie to eat and he is not. Worrying about nutrients and Jolie losing nutrients. it's a win win and we do what we can to help our furmily members. The hope of course is he will start to eat well on his own again and syringing does help them want to eat.  Great on asking about the anti-nausea. Most kidney kitties are them, and it does help. I think it will make a huge difference for Jolie.

Ok on confirmation on osteo. I'm sorry we knew the leg needed to go.Yes do take the NO LYMPH node involvement as a positive sign! They suspected lymph nodes too and they are not so? Just saying  so Hold onto to hope until you're told otherwise.  You have plenty to deal with right now. Will you want to pursue further testing or take each day as it comes? 

Im praying the same for tomorrows recheck!!! 

Keep doing exactly as you are, Edward.

Love to the both the kitties please


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28 December 2023 - 11:14 am
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My feeling is I don't want to do liver or lung biopsies if they are invasive and/or painful. Vet did mention chemo further down the line if we can get all of this stabalized.

The Rainbow Bridge

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28 December 2023 - 11:43 am
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I'm sorry it was the osteosarcoma diagnosis. If it's any comfort, it usually isn't as aggressive in cats as it is in dogs. Typically to look for metastasis what is used is a CT scan, non-invasive and only anesthesia is required. It's good that your vet did mention chemo. Here's an article about chemo for osteosarcoma in cats.


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28 December 2023 - 1:49 pm
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I agree that stability is the goal, regardless of any decisions that need to be made. I know Jolie would need to be sedated for those tests, and at this point, if it were me, - I would be terrified to sedate, period.

There are no right or wrongs on this journey- we make these horrid decisions to help our furmily, and we all find a line to draw in the sand at some point. What that line is is different for us all.

If you decide not to do those and symptoms present themselves, you can help palliatively. One day at a time is all any of us can do.

Jerry Jolie did have CT scan, nothing definitive but it was suspected

Edward_1 wrote
He had a ct scan and the cancer is suspected to have spread to liver and lungs.

We will have our paws crossed for continued improvement in labs today.


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28 December 2023 - 2:19 pm
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Ditto Holly.

To put Jolie thru invasive biopsies, sedation, etc if it  wouldn't  change the outcome (depending on how much more you are willing to do) is a personal decision.    As Holly said though, we all draw the  'line in the sand"  and it is different for  each of  us.  Plus, we can always  move the line  a .little bit any  time we want.😉

Yoi are so tuned into Jolie and know her best......including  what she would want.  For now, keep things chunk down just like you are doing. The goal now is for stabilization, continue to keep her pain free  and continue to have appetite improvement.  If feeding her the way you were doing and giving her the treats the way you are is working, that is wonderful!👏👏

It is lovely to see the care you are giving Julie and the bond you have with him.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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28 December 2023 - 3:12 pm
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He was quite alert and sat up straight and licked and gave my face love nips when I checked on him this 630am. He ate 5 hard snacks and 1 chicken snack tube and then started purring and cleaning his brother sitting next to him just like he used to do before he got sick. He seems in  a very good mood.


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28 December 2023 - 3:37 pm
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    He's being Jolie agajn!!!!👍👏👏

just like he used to do before he got sick.He seems in  a very good mood.

 Thrilled to read this!!!   I know you have to be over the moon happy!  Continue to stay fully present and absorbed the joy of seeing Jolie reclaim his routines.

If  you can, sneak in a little video or photo while he's not looking.  😉 We'd love to see them.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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28 December 2023 - 3:45 pm
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Whoo hoo Ditto Sally we are over the moon to see this update we know you ARE. 

Let us know how things go today.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 numbers are still climbing.

Keep it up Jolie buddy !


The Rainbow Bridge

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28 December 2023 - 7:52 pm
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Ohhh sorry I didn't read that clearly about the CT scans. I get it now. And yes, we all need to do what's best for our animals, there are no right or wrong choices in this journey. You know Jolie best, you get what he wants out of life.

And speaking of that handsome kitty ..

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Really happy to read he's feeling good!

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