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Caring for a Three Legged Dog or Cat

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How much pain medicine should my amputee need?
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9 November 2020 - 9:34 pm
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My cat Dusti is a 8 year old cat that has been diagnosed with fibrosarcoma. She has already had 2 surgeries to try to remove the cancer but it keeps coming back. It is located on her front leg. They are now advising the leg be amputated. Between both surgeries, the cancer came back within 2 months of each other. I recently called my vet and talked about the surgery. I asked about pain medication and she said she could not do no more than 3 days. I forgot what medicine she mentioned other than she said cats were very sensitive to pain medication and it could affect her liver and kidneys. When I asked if the surgery was painful or if my cat would be in pain, she said she would be uncomfortable but that cats do remarkably well. I do remember her saying the meds were like aspirin to a human. She didn't mention if she would have any other meds. She just said she would definitely stay 1 night and she would evaluate her and decide if she was doing well enough to go home on the 2nd day. I haven't scheduled surgery yet but I plan to this week. Can anyone let me know what to expect and if the amount of pain meds sound reasonable. It just didn't seem like a lot to me but maybe I'm looking at it from a human viewpoint. I'm totally scared about this whole process.

On The Road

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10 November 2020 - 9:25 am
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Hi Dusti and family, welcome. Please consider registering as a member so your future posts won't need to wait for approval.

You asked a great question and it's one that most of us have asked before surgery too. Dusti is lucky to have someone looking out for him the way you are!

First, I am not a vet. But I've talked to many pain management vets and seen many recoveries here through the years. And I can tell you that 3 days of pain meds are NOT enough, especially if it's just one type of pain med that Dusti will be getting. Was your vet saying that they would re-evaluate pain medication after the 3 days? She may be overly cautious because she's worried the human may steal the pain meds themselves (it happens, sadly), and doesn't dispense more than 3 days at a time. If so, I understand that but I would want to make sure that she is wiling to renew the prescription immediately at the 3-day mark. Your cat will most likely need more. Most pets are on pain management for at least 7 days but some as long as 14 depending on the situation.

In short, get another opinion from a vet who believes that animals feel pain the same way that humans feel it (they do, it's proven). Yes, animals do really well on three legs, and better than humans, but the recovery experience and pain sensations are not different. We recommend AAHA-accredited clinics if you're looking for another opinion. They are always guaranteed to practice the latest pain management . The link has more info about why we recommend them.

This is a GREAT question to ask Dr. Robin Downing, a world-famous veterinary pain management expert, here in our Discussion Forums. She will be our special guest tomorrow, we hope you'll join us. 

Learn Tripawd Pain Management Tips with Dr. Downing on 11/11/20

And meanwhile here's some articles that may give you some ideas too:



Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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10 November 2020 - 2:09 pm
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My cat Mona had her leg amputated 6 years ago. 3 days of pain meds would not have been enough. Frankly, it's cruel for a vet to assume that a major surgery such as an amputation would be "uncomfortable". I agree with Jerry that you may want a second opinion from another surgeon.

Jerry gave you some great suggestions on articles where you can learn more about pain management


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10 November 2020 - 8:34 pm
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Good for you for asking questions a out pain meds. 

   Has Dusti already had her workup done,  blood work, etc?  Unless there is a reason to have concern a put kidney, liver values, ample pain management is crucial..  As you can tell from the two posts above, nope, a three day supply is not enough!

So check out the links and make sure your Vet is in line with current pain management

Is your Vet a 24/7 fully staffed clinic?

Stay connected and let us know how we can help. 


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

10 November 2020 - 9:27 pm
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I still haven't made the appointment yet. By the time I got off work today, they were already closed. I recently purchased the Farabloc pain relief blanket. Do you think this will help alleviate any pain she might be feeling? Sorry if this question seems dumb. I'm just thinking of every possible thing to help with this situation. Totally scared !

On The Road

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11 November 2020 - 10:01 am
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There are no dumb questions here, promise. While the Farabloc blanket can help, it takes multiple methods to bring down pain levels. When used in combination with appropriate medications, it's a winner. 

It's normal to be scared. The more information you have from experts, the better you will feel. Knowledge = confidence! If you're agreeable to a second opinion and you'd like help finding a vet surgeon, let us know and we'll do some searching for you.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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11 November 2020 - 12:48 pm
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We all  understand  the fear and the uncertainty.  Consider  to do uoir research and ask questions.   Once you decide  on a path forward yoj will actually  feel some relief.  We are here ro support you on any path you take.


Sally  and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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