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All Meat and No Kibble Makes Me One Skinny Dawg

I’ve been having so much fun running around, keeping an eye on varmints and deer, that Mom says I’ve lost some weight. She seemed a little worried, so yesterday she went out of her way to find a pet store that sold my special brand of food, Innova Evo kibble. Lucky dog that we have satellite internet on our trip. … Read more.

What’s Really in Your Pet’s Food and Why You Need to Know

Dear Readers,
My Mom wrote this for her Toastmasters speech. I hope you enjoy it. –Jerry

It’s estimated that thousands of cats and dogs died from the recent outbreak of contaminated pet food. How could so many animal lovers let this happen to their beloved pets? The sad truth is, they just didn’t know any better. Until my own dog got sick from a diet of cheap food, I didn’t know either.

Like most people, at one time I put a lot of faith in the big brand pet foods. I believed the claims about how nutritious their food would be for my dog. In the first years of Jerry Dog’s life, I chose his food by buying whatever seemed better than the generic bulk stuff at Winco. Jerry ate it up, and grew into what I thought was a healthy adult dog. But when he got to be about 5, his teeth started yellowing, and his skin turned flaky. Then he started having seizures. After some expensive trips to his vet, I started doing my own research. All I had to do was Google “commercial pet food ingredients.” What I found, horrified me, and it should scare you too.

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My New “Routine”

Used to be that my daily walks were the same ol’ same ol’. We’d walk up past the beauty college, where I’d try to sniff the latest muck on the street. Then I’d hop a little more, say hi to my neighborhood pals, turn around the corner and come back. Same thing every day. But not anymore. Now there’s so … Read more.

Camping’s Hard Work!

Woof! I’m so tired! My best pal in the whole world, Winston, came to see me at Lake Francis Resort this weekend. I was sooo surprised that he came all the way from Oakland just for me! Man, we had a great time. That kid really wears me out though. I’ll be snoozin for days!

What fun we’re having!

Boy… or girls, rather … I’ve got some catching up to do with these blog posts! But I couldn’t wait to share this one with you… I met these beautiful young ladies at Lake Francis near Dobbins, CA. They were enjoying Father’s day weekend with their folks in a site next to ours. They were having lots of fun and … Read more.

I’m A Star!

Before we left town on our Full-Time RV Adventure, my people took me to see their friend Sam at 4 Paws & Wet Noses in old town Eureka as they made the rounds saying goodbye to folks and running last minute errands. Purely by coincidence, we discovered that the Miles Of Smiles pet photographer was set up there taking pictures … Read more.

Two Tripawds

Oh Bob and Marianne, you are so funny! And thoughtful too. Thanks for my new buddy. I’m going to call him Hoppy. Only two creative types like you could think of me when you saw this cute four legged Beanie Baby, then lop it’s front left leg off so it’s just like me. I love him! As you can see, … Read more.

Bye Bye Zeus… Hello world!

I’m gonna miss my friend Zeus… My people and I are finally leaving town, and off on our way with this crazy new adventure! I knew we’d be leaving soon when all the strangers came and took all the boxes and furniture out of our big old house. I got so excited I ran through all the rooms barking and … Read more.

I can’t wait to meet Scout!

My friend Caz just got a new puppy. Isn’t he just adorable? I can’t wait to smell him and officially welcome him to my pack. One of our first stops on this crazy new adventure we’re about to embark on will be to hook up with Caz and his folks so we can meet Scout. We have all enjoyed many … Read more.

Check out my new Website!

Woof… I’m tired. All this programming makes me sleepy. 😉 Finally… A real blog! My people have been busy updating this site to make it easier to post so you’ll be hearing a lot more from me now. This is the last week in our house and they are excited to wrap up training and finalize the sale of their … Read more.

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