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Happy Triday from Jill

Jill’s mom is another active tri-kitty blogger who can often be found in the Tripawds Chat welcoming new members and offering support. Here’s an excerpt from her Tripawd Awareness Day submission in the Share Your Story discussion forum…

In June 2012, I noticed a large ulcerous mass on the outside of Jill’s paw on her right hind leg. After an xray of her paw, the decision was made to amputate her toe as the bone in her toe was completely destroyed by the mass. The pathology came back as osteosarcoma, but with clean margins. My vet and all the oncologists consulted were a little perplexed with what to do, as OSA in a cat is rare and they could only find two cats who had OSA start in a toe and no follow-up information on those cats…

…Jill’s right hind leg was amputated on 12/12/12 (has to be good luck, right!?) and she began chemo on 1/9. She is doing amazing so far and is quite the trooper. She hops around as if she never had a fourth leg and reminds me each and every day to “be more cat!” … [Full story with more photos.]

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Jill was the first cat to host the KillBarney Tour. Read Jill’s Journey for details about her visit with Barney, chemotherapy for cats, three legged life in the Big Apple and much more!

10 thoughts on “Happy Triday from Jill”

  1. When the Vet told me he was going to give my Muffin a rabies shot at age 16 my gut told me not to do it. I didn’t listen. For real, she had NEVER been sick a day in her life. She had a reaction to the injection within a day or two. Then a few months later, the diagnosis.

    When it was time for Lawri and Pangi to get what was their( last) rabies injection, Muffin popped into my mind and I objected. The vet said I was assuming that Muffin had died from fibrosarcoma related to the rabies shot which was very unlikely, and that the cats would be fine. Besides, he said, it’s the LAW.
    I gave in.

    I know better than to ignore my intuition. That’s part of my guilt in this. The same vet knows I will never allow Lawri to have another injection of any kind. None for Pangi either anymore. They are indoor cats and never exposed to other cats or dogs (except our one dog). I actually told him that if it is against the LAW then I guess someone can arrest me.

    This disease is mentioned all over the Internet. I just wish I had looked when Muffin got sick.
    Something does need to change even if one cat in one million is effected. Denial from most of the medical profession. Lawri’s oncologist, however, agrees with me.

  2. Hi again: I was told the odds are 1 in 10,000 cats. My cat Muffin, who was healthy her entire life developed this at 16 1/2 and passed away in a few months. We did not have the amputation of her right hind leg due to age and vet advice. Now it’s been Lawri. What are the odds of two cats in the same household, born 15 years apart and from different countries (Lawri was born in Barbados ) having this disease? When the vet told me Lawri’s diagnosis, my legs collapsed and I had to be driven home by the tech. I was just picturing poor Muffin. Yet, the vet still says he is not sure it is from an injection. Same leg, same area. The radiologist oncologist said it is.

    I found myself distancing from anguish and fright. I promised Lawri when I rescued her she would be safe with me. I thought I was giving her and her sister a new safer life. They were abandoned by their mom in a feral colony on the hotel grounds at about 4-5 weeks old. There is no rabies in Barbados, therefore no cats need rabies shots. So if I had not taken her home she would not have had the injection that started the disease. Guilt.

    I snapped out of it when I realized this is about a cat who needs me, not about me. I treasure every day with this little purr machine. Pangi, her sister, is good to Lawri and Lawri worships her. I still can’t relax about what the future will bring, but I try. She had a long adjustment where she was clumsy and tipped over. Now she runs up and downstairs and climbs using her front claws for traction. I make sure she gets exercise and doesn’t get chubby so there is less pressure on the remaining back leg.

    Wow this is longer than I would usually post, but it comes from relief that we are not alone. Thanks for reading. Please keep in touch. Lawri is almost a year ahead of your Little Man and doing fine so we can give you hope too. How old is he? Lawri will be 8 in September.


  3. Hi:

    I have a tripod kitty who was diagnosed with injection site fibrosarcoma in July 2011. Her right hind leg was amputed and the hip joint also removed. She received 19 radiation treatments. Her visit with the oncologist radiologist in January did not show any cancer at this time.

    I know this site is for dogs, but is my cat allowed on here? If so, would anyone be interested in her story? How would I post it?

      • Thanks. I can use the support. She is doing well but I can’t get affirmation about the future from the vets.

    • Hi Lawri’s Mom!

      Yes PLEASE come join us! I am Jill’s mom and this community has been so accepting of my lil one. Jill would love to have some more feline friends over here! So glad to hear shes doing well!

      Erica & Jill

      • Hi Erica and Jill:

        Thanks for the welcome. I will be glad to share our experience and very happy to be in contact with this community.
        Lawri is 20 months post-op and doing well so far.

        I wrote a story for Catster about Lawri, Pangi (her sister) and my Muffin who died from fibrosarcoma. If you go to
        and in the upper right search for Barbados kittens, there are two stories, but mine is the one which begins with a photo of Pangi in my hands. They were so little !

        Rosary and Lawri

    • Hi Michelle and Little Man:

      I don’t know how to blog, but I guess I will find out. Our cats have the same disease it seems.
      I haven’t been able to get a straight answer about how this cancer began in Lawri, and the vets do not offer me positives about her future.
      It’s been 20 months and she is fine so far. How is Little Man doing?


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