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Happy Triday from Piper

Tripawds member scrappinmommy77 wants everypawdy to know about Piper on Tripawd Awareness Day!

Piper developed a sore on his left rear pad that just never seemed to heal. At first, I assumed he had cut his pad on something in the yard and I blamed his licking for not allowing it to heal.  We took him to the vet’s office on two different occasions and tried ointments, wraps and finally resorted to a cone in order to protect it.  When it became even more open and raw, I sought a 2nd opinion. After cleaning the wound, a biopsy and an overnight stay, he was diagnosed with Melanoma of the foot pad on June 1, 2011…at the age of 2.  I was so devastated and didn’t know what to do.  Our options were to either try to successfully remove the pad or amputate the leg…

We’re coming up on Piper’s 1 year ampuversary and he couldn’t be doing any better! He acts like he’s always had 3 legs.  He loves to run in the yard, play with his Frisbee and chase birds.  For a 3 legged dog, he sure can run fast!

In the days right after his amputation, I wondered if I had made the right decision, but i know now that I ABSOLUTELY did!  It has given us more time with our sweet boy and that time is very precious… [read more]

Read Piper’s blog to learn more about his amputation, recovery, and life on three legs. Or join the discussion about this amazing pup and see more photos on Piper’s Tripawd Awarness Story in the forums.

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2 thoughts on “Happy Triday from Piper”

  1. Hi, it’s wonderful to read all these things as my little schnauzer milo was diagnosed with melenoma on the front right paw pad and had his leg amputated 10 days ago. Unfortunately it spread to the lymph node but chest xrays and bloods have come up clear so far so I’m just hoping he will still do great. I’m finding it difficult in this recovery process his wound is healing great and I am able go get him to drink water but food has been a real struggle and still is he’s been off his meds for about 5 6 days so I do not think it is that. He’s very very depressed looking and sluggish just lying on the chair all day but I started to bring him on small walks and he’s like a different dog when he’s out I just don’t know what to do I’m worried he’s not well or am I just being paranoid and impatient. It’s a really difficult situation. If you have any opinions that would be amazing.


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