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Meet Tripawd Hero Brishka

Let’s continue on with our 3-legged love story celebration! We mostly received canine Tripawd Tuesday stories this year, and many German Shepherd stories! Today the spotlight is on Tripawd Hero Brishka!

Tripawd German Shepherd Brishka was rescued after neglect and abandonment.
Brishka was rescued after neglect and abandonment.

Introducing Tripawd Hero Brishka

This three-legged German Shepherd beauty is a rescue dogfrom Village, Oklahoma. Her mom Ann shared this with us.

How old is your Tripawd?

  • 6

When and Why did your Tripawd lose a leg?

  • Dumped…injured resulting in shattered hind leg. Infection spread into bone, body rejected hardware; had to amputate.

How did your Tripawd adapt to life on three?

  • AMAZING! So much trauma was a tack to her injury and leg. Once we amputate, it was like a light switch and the multiple walks training sessions and healing began!

What are your Tripawd’s favorite things to do?

  • Brishka has no interest in toys, balls, etc. Her walks which are 4 a day 7 days a week resulting in 40+ miles a week are one of her favorite things. We do obedience training, she loves food, going in her car and visiting her grandparents.
Brishka says “Don’t feel sorry for me!”

If you went through amputation surgery recovery with your animal, what did you think would happen after surgery? Did your worst fears happen? How did you cope?

  • I picked Brishka Immediately after her initial surgery, and was with her every step of the way up until amputation. I think one of the most important things that helped us through…I never felt sorry for her. Don’t get me wrong I was sorry for what she had to endure. But from that moment on, we just took life as it was. I now had a magnificent, beautiful, brave tripawd GSD.

Did you adopt a Tripawd? If so, why? Tell us your pet’s Gotcha Day story.

  • Pulled out of a ditch on a freezing January morning a traumatized German shepherd lie motionless with a shattered leg. Fortunately good Samaritan’s and a rescue took her to emergency clinic. A huge search through social media, pawboost and other networks, etc. to find her owners… But no one came forward. From that moment on, I took her in as foster to adopt. 3 surgeries later to try to save the leg. It couldn’t be done; amputation in March 2022.
Brishka is fully recovered now.

What is the biggest lesson you learned from your Tripawd?

  • Her resilience! She inspires me daily. Each day brings a new start full of joy, contentment, happiness, living in the present moment as we all should try to do!

What is your best advice to someone who is about to go through amputation with their pet, or someone who is thinking of adopting a Tripawd?

  • Be a strong, calm, supportive, pack, leader. Don’t feel sorry for their situation. I see many parents of Tripawds over feeding because they feel a sense of guilt… look in the eyes of that beautiful soul and know that they’re exactly how they should be.

See More Tripawd Tuesday Stories, and contact us to share your own too!

Send Your Tripawd Tuesday Love Story!

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Please share your Tripawd Tuesday love story, too! By doing it, you’ll also help pet parents seeking hope and inspiration during tough times. Follow the links to send it to us.

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